"implicitly determined as %0">;
def err_omp_loop_var_dsa : Error<
"loop iteration variable in the associated loop of 'omp %1' directive may not be %0, predetermined as %2">;
+def err_omp_global_loop_var_dsa : Error<
+ "loop iteration variable in the associated loop of 'omp %1' directive may not be a variable with global storage without being explicitly marked as %0">;
def err_omp_not_for : Error<
"%select{statement after '#pragma omp %1' must be a for loop|"
"expected %2 for loops after '#pragma omp %1'%select{|, but found only %4}3}0">;
// Make the loop iteration variable private (for worksharing constructs),
// linear (for simd directives with the only one associated loop) or
// lastprivate (for simd directives with several collapsed loops).
- DSA.addDSA(Var, LoopVarRefExpr, PredeterminedCKind);
+ // FIXME: the next check and error message must be removed once the
+ // capturing of global variables in loops is fixed.
+ if (DVar.CKind == OMPC_unknown)
+ DVar = DSA.hasDSA(Var, isOpenMPPrivate, MatchesAlways(),
+ /*FromParent=*/false);
+ if (!Var->hasLocalStorage() && DVar.CKind == OMPC_unknown) {
+ SemaRef.Diag(Init->getLocStart(), diag::err_omp_global_loop_var_dsa)
+ << getOpenMPClauseName(PredeterminedCKind)
+ << getOpenMPDirectiveName(DKind);
+ HasErrors = true;
+ } else
+ DSA.addDSA(Var, LoopVarRefExpr, PredeterminedCKind);
assert(isOpenMPLoopDirective(DKind) && "DSA for non-loop vars");
static int sii;
#pragma omp threadprivate(sii) // expected-note {{defined as threadprivate or thread local}}
+static int globalii;
int test_iteration_spaces() {
const int N = 100;
c[sii] = a[sii];
+#pragma omp parallel
+ {
+// expected-error@+2 {{loop iteration variable in the associated loop of 'omp for' directive may not be a variable with global storage without being explicitly marked as private}}
+#pragma omp for
+ for (globalii = 0; globalii < 10; globalii += 1)
+ c[globalii] = a[globalii];
+ }
+#pragma omp parallel
+ {
+// expected-error@+3 {{loop iteration variable in the associated loop of 'omp for' directive may not be a variable with global storage without being explicitly marked as private}}
+#pragma omp for collapse(2)
+ for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ii += 1)
+ for (globalii = 0; globalii < 10; globalii += 1)
+ c[globalii] += a[globalii] + ii;
+ }
#pragma omp parallel
// expected-error@+2 {{statement after '#pragma omp for' must be a for loop}}
#pragma omp for
static int sii;
#pragma omp threadprivate(sii) // expected-note {{defined as threadprivate or thread local}}
+static int globalii;
int test_iteration_spaces() {
const int N = 100;
c[sii] = a[sii];
+#pragma omp parallel
+ {
+// expected-error@+2 {{loop iteration variable in the associated loop of 'omp for simd' directive may not be a variable with global storage without being explicitly marked as linear}}
+#pragma omp for simd
+ for (globalii = 0; globalii < 10; globalii += 1)
+ c[globalii] = a[globalii];
+ }
+#pragma omp parallel
+ {
+// expected-error@+3 {{loop iteration variable in the associated loop of 'omp for simd' directive may not be a variable with global storage without being explicitly marked as lastprivate}}
+#pragma omp for simd collapse(2)
+ for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ii += 1)
+ for (globalii = 0; globalii < 10; globalii += 1)
+ c[globalii] += a[globalii] + ii;
+ }
#pragma omp parallel
// expected-error@+2 {{statement after '#pragma omp for simd' must be a for loop}}
#pragma omp for simd
static int sii;
#pragma omp threadprivate(sii) // expected-note {{defined as threadprivate or thread local}}
+static int globalii;
int test_iteration_spaces() {
const int N = 100;
c[sii] = a[sii];
+ {
+// expected-error@+2 {{loop iteration variable in the associated loop of 'omp parallel for' directive may not be a variable with global storage without being explicitly marked as private}}
+#pragma omp parallel for
+ for (globalii = 0; globalii < 10; globalii += 1)
+ c[globalii] = a[globalii];
+ }
+ {
+// expected-error@+3 {{loop iteration variable in the associated loop of 'omp parallel for' directive may not be a variable with global storage without being explicitly marked as private}}
+#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
+ for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ii += 1)
+ for (globalii = 0; globalii < 10; globalii += 1)
+ c[globalii] += a[globalii] + ii;
+ }
// expected-error@+2 {{statement after '#pragma omp parallel for' must be a for loop}}
#pragma omp parallel for
for (auto &item : a) {
static int sii;
#pragma omp threadprivate(sii) // expected-note {{defined as threadprivate or thread local}}
+static int globalii;
int test_iteration_spaces() {
const int N = 100;
c[sii] = a[sii];
+ {
+// expected-error@+2 {{loop iteration variable in the associated loop of 'omp parallel for simd' directive may not be a variable with global storage without being explicitly marked as linear}}
+#pragma omp parallel for simd
+ for (globalii = 0; globalii < 10; globalii += 1)
+ c[globalii] = a[globalii];
+ }
+ {
+// expected-error@+3 {{loop iteration variable in the associated loop of 'omp parallel for simd' directive may not be a variable with global storage without being explicitly marked as lastprivate}}
+#pragma omp parallel for simd collapse(2)
+ for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ii += 1)
+ for (globalii = 0; globalii < 10; globalii += 1)
+ c[globalii] += a[globalii] + ii;
+ }
// expected-error@+2 {{statement after '#pragma omp parallel for simd' must be a for loop}}
#pragma omp parallel for simd
for (auto &item : a) {
static int sii;
#pragma omp threadprivate(sii) // expected-note {{defined as threadprivate or thread local}}
+static int globalii;
int test_iteration_spaces() {
const int N = 100;
c[sii] = a[sii];
+ #pragma omp parallel
+ {
+ // expected-error@+2 {{loop iteration variable in the associated loop of 'omp simd' directive may not be a variable with global storage without being explicitly marked as linear}}
+ #pragma omp simd
+ for (globalii = 0; globalii < 10; globalii+=1)
+ c[globalii] = a[globalii];
+ }
+ #pragma omp parallel
+ {
+// expected-error@+3 {{loop iteration variable in the associated loop of 'omp simd' directive may not be a variable with global storage without being explicitly marked as lastprivate}}
+#pragma omp simd collapse(2)
+ for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ii += 1)
+ for (globalii = 0; globalii < 10; globalii += 1)
+ c[globalii] += a[globalii] + ii;
+ }
// expected-error@+2 {{statement after '#pragma omp simd' must be a for loop}}
#pragma omp simd
for (auto &item : a) {