#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/AST/TypeOrdering.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include <list>
#include <map>
/// object.
void swap(CXXBasePaths &Other);
+/// \brief Uniquely identifies a virtual method within a class
+/// hierarchy by the method itself and a class subobject number.
+struct UniqueVirtualMethod {
+ UniqueVirtualMethod() : Method(0), Subobject(0), InVirtualSubobject(0) { }
+ UniqueVirtualMethod(CXXMethodDecl *Method, unsigned Subobject,
+ const CXXRecordDecl *InVirtualSubobject)
+ : Method(Method), Subobject(Subobject),
+ InVirtualSubobject(InVirtualSubobject) { }
+ /// \brief The overriding virtual method.
+ CXXMethodDecl *Method;
+ /// \brief The subobject in which the overriding virtual method
+ /// resides.
+ unsigned Subobject;
+ /// \brief The virtual base class subobject of which this overridden
+ /// virtual method is a part. Note that this records the closest
+ /// derived virtual base class subobject.
+ const CXXRecordDecl *InVirtualSubobject;
+ friend bool operator==(const UniqueVirtualMethod &X,
+ const UniqueVirtualMethod &Y) {
+ return X.Method == Y.Method && X.Subobject == Y.Subobject &&
+ X.InVirtualSubobject == Y.InVirtualSubobject;
+ }
+ friend bool operator!=(const UniqueVirtualMethod &X,
+ const UniqueVirtualMethod &Y) {
+ return !(X == Y);
+ }
+/// \brief The set of methods that override a given virtual method in
+/// each subobject where it occurs.
+/// The first part of the pair is the subobject in which the
+/// overridden virtual function occurs, while the second part of the
+/// pair is the virtual method that overrides it (including the
+/// subobject in which that virtual function occurs).
+class OverridingMethods {
+ llvm::DenseMap<unsigned, llvm::SmallVector<UniqueVirtualMethod, 4> >
+ Overrides;
+ // Iterate over the set of subobjects that have overriding methods.
+ typedef llvm::DenseMap<unsigned, llvm::SmallVector<UniqueVirtualMethod, 4> >
+ ::iterator iterator;
+ typedef llvm::DenseMap<unsigned, llvm::SmallVector<UniqueVirtualMethod, 4> >
+ ::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ iterator begin() { return Overrides.begin(); }
+ const_iterator begin() const { return Overrides.begin(); }
+ iterator end() { return Overrides.end(); }
+ const_iterator end() const { return Overrides.end(); }
+ unsigned size() const { return Overrides.size(); }
+ // Iterate over the set of overriding virtual methods in a given
+ // subobject.
+ typedef llvm::SmallVector<UniqueVirtualMethod, 4>::iterator
+ overriding_iterator;
+ typedef llvm::SmallVector<UniqueVirtualMethod, 4>::const_iterator
+ overriding_const_iterator;
+ // Add a new overriding method for a particular subobject.
+ void add(unsigned OverriddenSubobject, UniqueVirtualMethod Overriding);
+ // Add all of the overriding methods from "other" into overrides for
+ // this method. Used when merging the overrides from multiple base
+ // class subobjects.
+ void add(const OverridingMethods &Other);
+ // Replace all overriding virtual methods in all subobjects with the
+ // given virtual method.
+ void replaceAll(UniqueVirtualMethod Overriding);
+/// \brief A mapping from each virtual member function to its set of
+/// final overriders.
+/// Within a class hierarchy for a given derived class, each virtual
+/// member function in that hierarchy has one or more "final
+/// overriders" (C++ [class.virtual]p2). A final overrider for a
+/// virtual function "f" is the virtual function that will actually be
+/// invoked when dispatching a call to "f" through the
+/// vtable. Well-formed classes have a single final overrider for each
+/// virtual function; in abstract classes, the final overrider for at
+/// least one virtual function is a pure virtual function. Due to
+/// multiple, virtual inheritance, it is possible for a class to have
+/// more than one final overrider. Athough this is an error (per C++
+/// [class.virtual]p2), it is not considered an error here: the final
+/// overrider map can represent multiple final overriders for a
+/// method, and it is up to the client to determine whether they are
+/// problem. For example, the following class \c D has two final
+/// overriders for the virtual function \c A::f(), one in \c C and one
+/// in \c D:
+/// \code
+/// struct A { virtual void f(); };
+/// struct B : virtual A { virtual void f(); };
+/// struct C : virtual A { virtual void f(); };
+/// struct D : B, C { };
+/// \endcode
+/// This data structure contaings a mapping from every virtual
+/// function *that does not override an existing virtual function* and
+/// in every subobject where that virtual function occurs to the set
+/// of virtual functions that override it. Thus, the same virtual
+/// function \c A::f can actually occur in multiple subobjects of type
+/// \c A due to multiple inheritance, and may be overriden by
+/// different virtual functions in each, as in the following example:
+/// \code
+/// struct A { virtual void f(); };
+/// struct B : A { virtual void f(); };
+/// struct C : A { virtual void f(); };
+/// struct D : B, C { };
+/// \endcode
+/// Unlike in the previous example, where the virtual functions \c
+/// B::f and \c C::f both overrode \c A::f in the same subobject of
+/// type \c A, in this example the two virtual functions both override
+/// \c A::f but in *different* subobjects of type A. This is
+/// represented by numbering the subobjects in which the overridden
+/// and the overriding virtual member functions are located. Subobject
+/// 0 represents the virtua base class subobject of that type, while
+/// subobject numbers greater than 0 refer to non-virtual base class
+/// subobjects of that type.
+class CXXFinalOverriderMap
+ : public llvm::DenseMap<const CXXMethodDecl *, OverridingMethods> { };
} // end namespace clang
class CXXMethodDecl;
class CXXRecordDecl;
class CXXMemberLookupCriteria;
+class CXXFinalOverriderMap;
class FriendDecl;
/// \brief Represents any kind of function declaration, whether it is a
static bool FindNestedNameSpecifierMember(const CXXBaseSpecifier *Specifier,
CXXBasePath &Path,
void *UserData);
+ /// \brief Retrieve the final overriders for each virtual member
+ /// function in the class hierarchy where this class is the
+ /// most-derived class in the class hierarchy.
+ void getFinalOverriders(CXXFinalOverriderMap &FinaOverriders) const;
/// viewInheritance - Renders and displays an inheritance diagram
/// for this C++ class and all of its base classes (transitively) using
/// GraphViz.
"%select{return|parameter|variable|field}0 type %1 is an abstract class">;
def err_allocation_of_abstract_type : Error<
"allocation of an object of abstract type %0">;
+def err_multiple_final_overriders : Error<
+ "virtual function %q0 has more than one final overrider in %1">;
+def note_final_overrider : Note<"final overrider of %q0 in %1">;
def err_type_defined_in_type_specifier : Error<
"%0 can not be defined in a type specifier">;
def err_type_defined_in_result_type : Error<
return false;
+void OverridingMethods::add(unsigned OverriddenSubobject,
+ UniqueVirtualMethod Overriding) {
+ llvm::SmallVector<UniqueVirtualMethod, 4> &SubobjectOverrides
+ = Overrides[OverriddenSubobject];
+ if (std::find(SubobjectOverrides.begin(), SubobjectOverrides.end(),
+ Overriding) == SubobjectOverrides.end())
+ SubobjectOverrides.push_back(Overriding);
+void OverridingMethods::add(const OverridingMethods &Other) {
+ for (const_iterator I = Other.begin(), IE = Other.end(); I != IE; ++I) {
+ for (overriding_const_iterator M = I->second.begin(),
+ MEnd = I->second.end();
+ M != MEnd;
+ ++M)
+ add(I->first, *M);
+ }
+void OverridingMethods::replaceAll(UniqueVirtualMethod Overriding) {
+ for (iterator I = begin(), IEnd = end(); I != IEnd; ++I) {
+ I->second.clear();
+ I->second.push_back(Overriding);
+ }
+namespace {
+ class FinalOverriderCollector {
+ /// \brief The number of subobjects of a given class type that
+ /// occur within the class hierarchy.
+ llvm::DenseMap<const CXXRecordDecl *, unsigned> SubobjectCount;
+ /// \brief Overriders for each virtual base subobject.
+ llvm::DenseMap<const CXXRecordDecl *, CXXFinalOverriderMap *> VirtualOverriders;
+ CXXFinalOverriderMap FinalOverriders;
+ public:
+ ~FinalOverriderCollector();
+ void Collect(const CXXRecordDecl *RD, bool VirtualBase,
+ const CXXRecordDecl *InVirtualSubobject,
+ CXXFinalOverriderMap &Overriders);
+ };
+void FinalOverriderCollector::Collect(const CXXRecordDecl *RD,
+ bool VirtualBase,
+ const CXXRecordDecl *InVirtualSubobject,
+ CXXFinalOverriderMap &Overriders) {
+ unsigned SubobjectNumber = 0;
+ if (!VirtualBase)
+ SubobjectNumber
+ = ++SubobjectCount[cast<CXXRecordDecl>(RD->getCanonicalDecl())];
+ for (CXXRecordDecl::base_class_const_iterator Base = RD->bases_begin(),
+ BaseEnd = RD->bases_end(); Base != BaseEnd; ++Base) {
+ if (const RecordType *RT = Base->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()) {
+ const CXXRecordDecl *BaseDecl = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(RT->getDecl());
+ if (!BaseDecl->isPolymorphic())
+ continue;
+ if (Overriders.empty() && !Base->isVirtual()) {
+ // There are no other overriders of virtual member functions,
+ // so let the base class fill in our overriders for us.
+ Collect(BaseDecl, false, InVirtualSubobject, Overriders);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Collect all of the overridders from the base class subobject
+ // and merge them into the set of overridders for this class.
+ // For virtual base classes, populate or use the cached virtual
+ // overrides so that we do not walk the virtual base class (and
+ // its base classes) more than once.
+ CXXFinalOverriderMap ComputedBaseOverriders;
+ CXXFinalOverriderMap *BaseOverriders = &ComputedBaseOverriders;
+ if (Base->isVirtual()) {
+ CXXFinalOverriderMap *&MyVirtualOverriders = VirtualOverriders[BaseDecl];
+ if (!MyVirtualOverriders) {
+ MyVirtualOverriders = new CXXFinalOverriderMap;
+ Collect(BaseDecl, true, BaseDecl, *MyVirtualOverriders);
+ }
+ BaseOverriders = MyVirtualOverriders;
+ } else
+ Collect(BaseDecl, false, InVirtualSubobject, ComputedBaseOverriders);
+ // Merge the overriders from this base class into our own set of
+ // overriders.
+ for (CXXFinalOverriderMap::iterator OM = BaseOverriders->begin(),
+ OMEnd = BaseOverriders->end();
+ OM != OMEnd;
+ ++OM) {
+ const CXXMethodDecl *CanonOM
+ = cast<CXXMethodDecl>(OM->first->getCanonicalDecl());
+ Overriders[CanonOM].add(OM->second);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (CXXRecordDecl::method_iterator M = RD->method_begin(),
+ MEnd = RD->method_end();
+ M != MEnd;
+ ++M) {
+ // We only care about virtual methods.
+ if (!M->isVirtual())
+ continue;
+ CXXMethodDecl *CanonM = cast<CXXMethodDecl>(M->getCanonicalDecl());
+ if (CanonM->begin_overridden_methods()
+ == CanonM->end_overridden_methods()) {
+ // This is a new virtual function that does not override any
+ // other virtual function. Add it to the map of virtual
+ // functions for which we are tracking overridders.
+ // C++ [class.virtual]p2:
+ // For convenience we say that any virtual function overrides itself.
+ Overriders[CanonM].add(SubobjectNumber,
+ UniqueVirtualMethod(CanonM, SubobjectNumber,
+ InVirtualSubobject));
+ continue;
+ }
+ // This virtual method overrides other virtual methods, so it does
+ // not add any new slots into the set of overriders. Instead, we
+ // replace entries in the set of overriders with the new
+ // overrider. To do so, we dig down to the original virtual
+ // functions using data recursion and update all of the methods it
+ // overrides.
+ typedef std::pair<CXXMethodDecl::method_iterator,
+ CXXMethodDecl::method_iterator> OverriddenMethods;
+ llvm::SmallVector<OverriddenMethods, 4> Stack;
+ Stack.push_back(std::make_pair(CanonM->begin_overridden_methods(),
+ CanonM->end_overridden_methods()));
+ while (!Stack.empty()) {
+ OverriddenMethods OverMethods = Stack.back();
+ Stack.pop_back();
+ for (; OverMethods.first != OverMethods.second; ++OverMethods.first) {
+ const CXXMethodDecl *CanonOM
+ = cast<CXXMethodDecl>((*OverMethods.first)->getCanonicalDecl());
+ if (CanonOM->begin_overridden_methods()
+ == CanonOM->end_overridden_methods()) {
+ // C++ [class.virtual]p2:
+ // A virtual member function C::vf of a class object S is
+ // a final overrider unless the most derived class (1.8)
+ // of which S is a base class subobject (if any) declares
+ // or inherits another member function that overrides vf.
+ //
+ // Treating this object like the most derived class, we
+ // replace any overrides from base classes with this
+ // overriding virtual function.
+ Overriders[CanonOM].replaceAll(
+ UniqueVirtualMethod(CanonM, SubobjectNumber,
+ InVirtualSubobject));
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Continue recursion to the methods that this virtual method
+ // overrides.
+ Stack.push_back(std::make_pair(CanonOM->begin_overridden_methods(),
+ CanonOM->end_overridden_methods()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+FinalOverriderCollector::~FinalOverriderCollector() {
+ for (llvm::DenseMap<const CXXRecordDecl *, CXXFinalOverriderMap *>::iterator
+ VO = VirtualOverriders.begin(), VOEnd = VirtualOverriders.end();
+ VO != VOEnd;
+ ++VO)
+ delete VO->second;
+CXXRecordDecl::getFinalOverriders(CXXFinalOverriderMap &FinalOverriders) const {
+ FinalOverriderCollector Collector;
+ Collector.Collect(this, false, 0, FinalOverriders);
+ // Weed out any final overriders that come from virtual base class
+ // subobjects that were hidden by other subobjects along any path.
+ // This is the final-overrider variant of C++ [class.member.lookup]p10.
+ for (CXXFinalOverriderMap::iterator OM = FinalOverriders.begin(),
+ OMEnd = FinalOverriders.end();
+ OM != OMEnd;
+ ++OM) {
+ for (OverridingMethods::iterator SO = OM->second.begin(),
+ SOEnd = OM->second.end();
+ SO != SOEnd;
+ ++SO) {
+ llvm::SmallVector<UniqueVirtualMethod, 4> &Overriding = SO->second;
+ if (Overriding.size() < 2)
+ continue;
+ for (llvm::SmallVector<UniqueVirtualMethod, 4>::iterator
+ Pos = Overriding.begin(), PosEnd = Overriding.end();
+ Pos != PosEnd;
+ /* increment in loop */) {
+ if (!Pos->InVirtualSubobject) {
+ ++Pos;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // We have an overriding method in a virtual base class
+ // subobject (or non-virtual base class subobject thereof);
+ // determine whether there exists an other overriding method
+ // in a base class subobject that hides the virtual base class
+ // subobject.
+ bool Hidden = false;
+ for (llvm::SmallVector<UniqueVirtualMethod, 4>::iterator
+ OP = Overriding.begin(), OPEnd = Overriding.end();
+ OP != OPEnd && !Hidden;
+ ++OP) {
+ if (Pos == OP)
+ continue;
+ if (OP->Method->getParent()->isVirtuallyDerivedFrom(
+ const_cast<CXXRecordDecl *>(Pos->InVirtualSubobject)))
+ Hidden = true;
+ }
+ if (Hidden) {
+ // The current overriding function is hidden by another
+ // overriding function; remove this one.
+ Pos = Overriding.erase(Pos);
+ PosEnd = Overriding.end();
+ } else {
+ ++Pos;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(Constructor, 0, 0, false, false);
-namespace {
- /// PureVirtualMethodCollector - traverses a class and its superclasses
- /// and determines if it has any pure virtual methods.
- class PureVirtualMethodCollector {
- ASTContext &Context;
- public:
- typedef llvm::SmallVector<const CXXMethodDecl*, 8> MethodList;
- private:
- MethodList Methods;
- void Collect(const CXXRecordDecl* RD, MethodList& Methods);
- public:
- PureVirtualMethodCollector(ASTContext &Ctx, const CXXRecordDecl* RD)
- : Context(Ctx) {
- MethodList List;
- Collect(RD, List);
- // Copy the temporary list to methods, and make sure to ignore any
- // null entries.
- for (size_t i = 0, e = List.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- if (List[i])
- Methods.push_back(List[i]);
- }
- }
- bool empty() const { return Methods.empty(); }
- MethodList::const_iterator methods_begin() { return Methods.begin(); }
- MethodList::const_iterator methods_end() { return Methods.end(); }
- };
- void PureVirtualMethodCollector::Collect(const CXXRecordDecl* RD,
- MethodList& Methods) {
- // First, collect the pure virtual methods for the base classes.
- for (CXXRecordDecl::base_class_const_iterator Base = RD->bases_begin(),
- BaseEnd = RD->bases_end(); Base != BaseEnd; ++Base) {
- if (const RecordType *RT = Base->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()) {
- const CXXRecordDecl *BaseDecl = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(RT->getDecl());
- if (BaseDecl && BaseDecl->isAbstract())
- Collect(BaseDecl, Methods);
- }
- }
- // Next, zero out any pure virtual methods that this class overrides.
- typedef llvm::SmallPtrSet<const CXXMethodDecl*, 4> MethodSetTy;
- MethodSetTy OverriddenMethods;
- size_t MethodsSize = Methods.size();
- for (RecordDecl::decl_iterator i = RD->decls_begin(), e = RD->decls_end();
- i != e; ++i) {
- // Traverse the record, looking for methods.
- if (CXXMethodDecl *MD = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(*i)) {
- // If the method is pure virtual, add it to the methods vector.
- if (MD->isPure())
- Methods.push_back(MD);
- // Record all the overridden methods in our set.
- for (CXXMethodDecl::method_iterator I = MD->begin_overridden_methods(),
- E = MD->end_overridden_methods(); I != E; ++I) {
- // Keep track of the overridden methods.
- OverriddenMethods.insert(*I);
- }
- }
- }
- // Now go through the methods and zero out all the ones we know are
- // overridden.
- for (size_t i = 0, e = MethodsSize; i != e; ++i) {
- if (OverriddenMethods.count(Methods[i]))
- Methods[i] = 0;
- }
- }
bool Sema::RequireNonAbstractType(SourceLocation Loc, QualType T,
unsigned DiagID, AbstractDiagSelID SelID,
const CXXRecordDecl *CurrentRD) {
if (PureVirtualClassDiagSet && PureVirtualClassDiagSet->count(RD))
return true;
- PureVirtualMethodCollector Collector(Context, RD);
+ CXXFinalOverriderMap FinalOverriders;
+ RD->getFinalOverriders(FinalOverriders);
+ for (CXXFinalOverriderMap::iterator M = FinalOverriders.begin(),
+ MEnd = FinalOverriders.end();
+ M != MEnd;
+ ++M) {
+ for (OverridingMethods::iterator SO = M->second.begin(),
+ SOEnd = M->second.end();
+ SO != SOEnd; ++SO) {
+ // C++ [class.abstract]p4:
+ // A class is abstract if it contains or inherits at least one
+ // pure virtual function for which the final overrider is pure
+ // virtual.
+ //
+ if (SO->second.size() != 1)
+ continue;
- for (PureVirtualMethodCollector::MethodList::const_iterator I =
- Collector.methods_begin(), E = Collector.methods_end(); I != E; ++I) {
- const CXXMethodDecl *MD = *I;
+ if (!SO->second.front().Method->isPure())
+ continue;
- Diag(MD->getLocation(), diag::note_pure_virtual_function) <<
- MD->getDeclName();
+ Diag(SO->second.front().Method->getLocation(),
+ diag::note_pure_virtual_function)
+ << SO->second.front().Method->getDeclName();
+ }
if (!PureVirtualClassDiagSet)
for (UnresolvedSetIterator I = Convs->begin(), E = Convs->end(); I != E; ++I)
Convs->setAccess(I, (*I)->getAccess());
- if (!Record->isAbstract()) {
- // Collect all the pure virtual methods and see if this is an abstract
- // class after all.
- PureVirtualMethodCollector Collector(Context, Record);
- if (!Collector.empty())
- Record->setAbstract(true);
+ // Determine whether we need to check for final overriders. We do
+ // this either when there are virtual base classes (in which case we
+ // may end up finding multiple final overriders for a given virtual
+ // function) or any of the base classes is abstract (in which case
+ // we might detect that this class is abstract).
+ bool CheckFinalOverriders = false;
+ if (Record->isPolymorphic() && !Record->isInvalidDecl() &&
+ !Record->isDependentType()) {
+ if (Record->getNumVBases())
+ CheckFinalOverriders = true;
+ else if (!Record->isAbstract()) {
+ for (CXXRecordDecl::base_class_const_iterator B = Record->bases_begin(),
+ BEnd = Record->bases_end();
+ B != BEnd; ++B) {
+ CXXRecordDecl *BaseDecl
+ = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(B->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()->getDecl());
+ if (BaseDecl->isAbstract()) {
+ CheckFinalOverriders = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (CheckFinalOverriders) {
+ CXXFinalOverriderMap FinalOverriders;
+ Record->getFinalOverriders(FinalOverriders);
+ for (CXXFinalOverriderMap::iterator M = FinalOverriders.begin(),
+ MEnd = FinalOverriders.end();
+ M != MEnd; ++M) {
+ for (OverridingMethods::iterator SO = M->second.begin(),
+ SOEnd = M->second.end();
+ SO != SOEnd; ++SO) {
+ assert(SO->second.size() > 0 &&
+ "All virtual functions have overridding virtual functions");
+ if (SO->second.size() == 1) {
+ // C++ [class.abstract]p4:
+ // A class is abstract if it contains or inherits at least one
+ // pure virtual function for which the final overrider is pure
+ // virtual.
+ if (SO->second.front().Method->isPure())
+ Record->setAbstract(true);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // C++ [class.virtual]p2:
+ // In a derived class, if a virtual member function of a base
+ // class subobject has more than one final overrider the
+ // program is ill-formed.
+ Diag(Record->getLocation(), diag::err_multiple_final_overriders)
+ << (NamedDecl *)M->first << Record;
+ Diag(M->first->getLocation(), diag::note_overridden_virtual_function);
+ for (OverridingMethods::overriding_iterator OM = SO->second.begin(),
+ OMEnd = SO->second.end();
+ OM != OMEnd; ++OM)
+ Diag(OM->Method->getLocation(), diag::note_final_overrider)
+ << (NamedDecl *)M->first << OM->Method->getParent();
+ Record->setInvalidDecl();
+ }
+ }
- if (Record->isAbstract())
+ if (Record->isAbstract() && !Record->isInvalidDecl())
(void)AbstractClassUsageDiagnoser(*this, Record);
--- /dev/null
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+namespace PR6631 {
+ struct A {
+ virtual void f() = 0;
+ };
+ struct B : virtual A { };
+ struct C : virtual A {
+ virtual void f();
+ };
+ struct D : public B, public C {
+ virtual void f();
+ };
+ void f() {
+ (void)new D; // okay
+ }
+// Check cases where we have a virtual function that is pure in one
+// subobject but not pure in another subobject.
+namespace PartlyPure {
+ struct A {
+ virtual void f() = 0; // expected-note{{pure virtual function}}
+ };
+ struct B : A {
+ virtual void f();
+ };
+ struct C : virtual A { };
+ struct D : B, C { };
+ void f() {
+ (void) new D; // expected-error{{abstract type}}
+ }
+namespace NonPureAlongOnePath {
+ struct A {
+ virtual void f() = 0;
+ };
+ struct B : virtual A {
+ virtual void f();
+ };
+ struct C : virtual A { };
+ struct D : B, C { };
+ void f() {
+ (void) new D; // okay
+ }
+namespace NonPureAlongOnePath2 {
+ struct Aprime {
+ virtual void f() = 0;
+ };
+ struct A : Aprime {
+ };
+ struct B : virtual A {
+ virtual void f();
+ };
+ struct C : virtual A { };
+ struct D : B, C { };
+ void f() {
+ (void) new D; // okay
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+struct A {
+ virtual void f() = 0; // expected-note{{pure virtual function}}
+struct B : A {
+ virtual void f();
+struct C : B {
+ virtual void f() = 0; // expected-note 2{{pure virtual function}}
+struct D : C {
+void test() {
+ (void)new A; // expected-error{{object of abstract type}}
+ (void)new B;
+ (void)new C; // expected-error{{object of abstract type}}
+ (void)new D; // expected-error{{object of abstract type}}
--- /dev/null
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+struct A {
+ virtual void f() = 0; // expected-note 2{{overridden virtual function}}
+struct Aprime : virtual A {
+ virtual void f();
+struct B : Aprime {
+ virtual void f(); // expected-note 3{{final overrider of 'A::f'}}
+struct C : virtual A {
+ virtual void f(); // expected-note{{final overrider of 'A::f'}}
+struct D : B, C { }; // expected-error{{virtual function 'A::f' has more than one final overrider in 'D'}}
+struct B2 : B { };
+struct E : B, B2 { }; //expected-error{{virtual function 'A::f' has more than one final overrider in 'E'}}
+struct F : B, B2 {
+ virtual void f(); // okay
+struct G : F { }; // okay
+struct H : G, A { }; // okay
+namespace MultipleSubobjects {
+ struct A { virtual void f(); };
+ struct B : A { virtual void f(); };
+ struct C : A { virtual void f(); };
+ struct D : B, C { }; // okay