huge. On older Linux systems, the C library's strtod() apparently
gives up before seeing the end of the string when it sees so many
digits that it thinks the result must be Infinity. (It is wrong, BTW
-- there could be an "e-10000" hiding behind 10,000 digits.) The
shorter shuge still tests what it's testing, without relying on
strtod() doing a super job.
for x in -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0:
verify(float(long(x)) == x)
- shuge = '12345' * 1000
+ shuge = '12345' * 120
huge = 1L << 30000
mhuge = -huge
namespace = {'huge': huge, 'mhuge': mhuge, 'shuge': shuge, 'math': math}