set_settings_from_config() ->
- Level = ejabberd_config:get_option(
- loglevel,
- fun(P) when P>=0, P=<5 -> P end,
- 4),
- ejabberd_logger:set(Level),
Ticktime = ejabberd_config:get_option(
fun (P) when is_integer(P), P > 0 -> P end;
opt_type(cluster_nodes) ->
fun (Ns) -> true = lists:all(fun is_atom/1, Ns), Ns end;
-opt_type(loglevel) ->
- fun (P) when P >= 0, P =< 5 -> P end;
-opt_type(modules) ->
- fun (Mods) ->
- lists:map(fun ({M, A}) when is_atom(M), is_list(A) ->
- {M, A}
- end,
- Mods)
- end;
-opt_type(_) -> [cluster_nodes, loglevel, modules, net_ticktime].
+opt_type(_) -> [cluster_nodes, net_ticktime].
setup_if_elixir_conf_used() ->
case ejabberd_config:is_using_elixir_config() of
search_hosts(Term, State) ->
case Term of
{host, Host} ->
lists:foreach(fun mnesia:write/1, Opts)
case mnesia:transaction(F) of
- {atomic, _} -> ok;
+ {atomic, _} ->
+ set_log_level();
{aborted,{no_exists,Table}} ->
MnesiaDirectory = mnesia:system_info(directory),
- ?ERROR_MSG("Error reading Mnesia database spool files:~n"
- "The Mnesia database couldn't read the spool file for the table '~p'.~n"
- "ejabberd needs read and write access in the directory:~n ~s~n"
- "Maybe the problem is a change in the computer hostname,~n"
- "or a change in the Erlang node name, which is currently:~n ~p~n"
- "Check the ejabberd guide for details about changing the~n"
- "computer hostname or Erlang node name.~n",
- [Table, MnesiaDirectory, node()]),
+ ?CRITICAL_MSG("Error reading Mnesia database spool files:~n"
+ "The Mnesia database couldn't read the spool file for the table '~p'.~n"
+ "ejabberd needs read and write access in the directory:~n ~s~n"
+ "Maybe the problem is a change in the computer hostname,~n"
+ "or a change in the Erlang node name, which is currently:~n ~p~n"
+ "Check the ejabberd guide for details about changing the~n"
+ "computer hostname or Erlang node name.~n",
+ [Table, MnesiaDirectory, node()]),
exit("Error reading Mnesia database")
+set_log_level() ->
+ Level = ejabberd_config:get_option(
+ loglevel,
+ fun(P) when P>=0, P=<5 -> P end,
+ 4),
+ ejabberd_logger:set(Level).
add_global_option(Opt, Val) ->
add_option(Opt, Val).
fun(T) when is_atom(T) -> T end;
opt_type(default_ram_db) ->
fun(T) when is_atom(T) -> T end;
+opt_type(loglevel) ->
+ fun (P) when P >= 0, P =< 5 -> P end;
opt_type(_) ->
[hide_sensitive_log_data, hosts, language,
- default_db, default_ram_db].
+ default_db, default_ram_db, loglevel].
-spec may_hide_data(any()) -> any().
may_hide_data(Data) ->