[fLocationImageView setImage: nil];
- #warning enable after 2.7
- /*
#warning when 10.7-only, switch to auto layout
[fMagnetLinkLabel sizeToFit];
[fCancelButton setFrame: cancelButtonFrame];
[fStartCheck sizeToFit];
- */
- (void) windowDidLoad
[super dealloc];
-#warning uncomment after 2.7
-/*- (void) awakeFromNib
+- (void) awakeFromNib
#warning remove when 10.7-only with auto layout
[fInfoSectionLabel sizeToFit];
frame.size.width -= widthIncrease;
[field setFrame: frame];
- (void) setInfoForTorrents: (NSArray *) torrents
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(updateOptionsNotification:) name: @"UpdateOptionsNotification" object: nil];
#warning remove when 10.7-only with auto layout
- /*const CGFloat padding = 6.0; //this shows as 8 in IB
+ const CGFloat padding = 6.0; //this shows as 8 in IB
[fPrioritySectionLabel sizeToFit];
[fPriorityLabel sizeToFit];
NSRect priorityPopUpFrame = [fPriorityPopUp frame];
[fPeersConnectLabel sizeToFit];
NSRect peersConnectLabelFrame = [fPeersConnectLabel frame];
peersConnectLabelFrame.origin.x = NSMaxX(peersConnectFrame) + padding;
- [fPeersConnectLabel setFrame: peersConnectLabelFrame];*/
+ [fPeersConnectLabel setFrame: peersConnectLabelFrame];
- (void) dealloc