--- /dev/null
+# $Id$ $Revision$
+## Process this file with cmake to produce Makefile
+########### next target ###############
+ dtclose.c
+ dtdisc.c
+ dtextract.c
+ dtflatten.c
+ dthash.c
+ dtlist.c
+ dtmethod.c
+ dtopen.c
+ dtrenew.c
+ dtrestore.c
+ dtsize.c
+ dtstat.c
+ dtstrhash.c
+ dttree.c
+ dtview.c
+ dtwalk.c
+########### install files ###############
+ libcdt.pc
+ cdt.pdf
+ cdt.1
+#original Makefile.am contents follow:
+## $Id$ $Revision$
+### Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
+#pdfdir = $(pkgdatadir)/doc/pdf
+#pkgextraincludedir = $(pkgincludedir)
+#pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
+#man = cdt.3
+#pdf = cdt.pdf
+#AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)
+#pkginclude_HEADERS = cdt.h dthdr.h
+#noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libcdt_C.la
+#pkglib_LTLIBRARIES = libcdt.la
+#man_MANS = $(man)
+#pdf_DATA = $(pdf)
+#pkgextrainclude_DATA = $(top_builddir)/ast_common.h
+#pkgconfig_DATA = libcdt.pc
+#libcdt_C_la_SOURCES = dtclose.c dtdisc.c dtextract.c dtflatten.c \
+# dthash.c dtlist.c dtmethod.c dtopen.c dtrenew.c dtrestore.c dtsize.c \
+# dtstat.c dtstrhash.c dttree.c dtview.c dtwalk.c
+#libcdt_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @VERSION_INFO@ -no-undefined
+#libcdt_la_SOURCES = $(libcdt_C_la_SOURCES)
+# groff -Tps -man $< | ps2pdf - - >$@
+#EXTRA_DIST = $(man) $(pdf) Makefile.old features