/* Subquery should have been planned already */
Assert(rel->subroot && IsA(rel->subroot, PlannerInfo));
+ /*
+ * Switch our attention to the subquery as mangled by the planner.
+ * It was okay to look at the pre-planning version for the tests
+ * above, but now we need a Var that will refer to the subroot's
+ * live RelOptInfos. For instance, if any subquery pullup happened
+ * during planning, Vars in the targetlist might have gotten replaced,
+ * and we need to see the replacement expressions.
+ */
+ subquery = rel->subroot->parse;
+ Assert(IsA(subquery, Query));
/* Get the subquery output expression referenced by the upper Var */
ste = get_tle_by_resno(subquery->targetList, var->varattno);
if (ste == NULL || ste->resjunk)