namespace re2c
-static nfa_state_t *transition(nfa_state_t *, uint32_t);
static void reach_on_symbol(determ_context_t &);
+static nfa_state_t *transition(nfa_state_t *, uint32_t);
+static uint32_t init_tag_versions(determ_context_t &);
static void warn_nondeterministic_tags(const determ_context_t &);
const uint32_t dfa_t::NIL = ~0u;
-nfa_state_t *transition(nfa_state_t *state, uint32_t symbol)
+dfa_t::dfa_t(const nfa_t &nfa, const opt_t *opts, const std::string &cond, Warn &warn)
+ : states()
+ , nchars(nfa.charset.size() - 1) // (n + 1) bounds for n ranges
+ , charset(nfa.charset)
+ , rules(nfa.rules)
+ , tags(nfa.tags)
+ , mtagvers(*new std::set<tagver_t>)
+ , finvers(NULL)
+ , tcpool(*new tcpool_t)
+ , maxtagver(0)
+ , tcmd0(NULL)
+ , tcid0(TCID0)
- if (state->type != nfa_state_t::RAN) {
- return NULL;
- }
- for (const Range *r = state->ran.ran; r; r = r->next()) {
- if ((r->lower() <= symbol) && (symbol < r->upper())) {
- return state->ran.out;
+ determ_context_t ctx(opts, warn, cond, nfa, *this);
+ const uint32_t INITIAL_TAGS = init_tag_versions(ctx);
+ // initial state
+ const clos_t c0 = {nfa.root, 0, INITIAL_TAGS, HROOT, HROOT};
+ ctx.dc_reached.push_back(c0);
+ tagged_epsilon_closure(ctx);
+ find_state(ctx);
+ // iterate while new kernels are added: for each alphabet symbol,
+ // build tagged epsilon-closure of all reachable NFA states,
+ // then find identical or mappable DFA state or add a new one
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ctx.dc_kernels.size(); ++i) {
+ ctx.dc_origin = i;
+ ctx.dc_newvers.clear();
+ for (uint32_t c = 0; c < nchars; ++c) {
+ ctx.dc_symbol = c;
+ reach_on_symbol(ctx);
+ tagged_epsilon_closure(ctx);
+ find_state(ctx);
- return NULL;
+ warn_nondeterministic_tags(ctx);
-static uint32_t init_tag_versions(determ_context_t &ctx)
+nfa_state_t *transition(nfa_state_t *state, uint32_t symbol)
+ if (state->type != nfa_state_t::RAN) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for (const Range *r = state->ran.ran; r; r = r->next()) {
+ if ((r->lower() <= symbol) && (symbol < r->upper())) {
+ return state->ran.out;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+uint32_t init_tag_versions(determ_context_t &ctx)
dfa_t &dfa = ctx.dc_dfa;
const size_t ntags = dfa.tags.size();
-dfa_t::dfa_t(const nfa_t &nfa, const opt_t *opts, const std::string &cond, Warn &warn)
- : states()
- , nchars(nfa.charset.size() - 1) // (n + 1) bounds for n ranges
- , charset(nfa.charset)
- , rules(nfa.rules)
- , tags(nfa.tags)
- , mtagvers(*new std::set<tagver_t>)
- , finvers(NULL)
- , tcpool(*new tcpool_t)
- , maxtagver(0)
- , tcmd0(NULL)
- , tcid0(TCID0)
- determ_context_t ctx(opts, warn, cond, nfa, *this);
- const uint32_t INITIAL_TAGS = init_tag_versions(ctx);
- // initial state
- const clos_t c0 = {nfa.root, 0, INITIAL_TAGS, HROOT, HROOT};
- ctx.dc_reached.push_back(c0);
- tagged_epsilon_closure(ctx);
- find_state(ctx);
- // iterate while new kernels are added: for each alphabet symbol,
- // build tagged epsilon-closure of all reachable NFA states,
- // then find identical or mappable DFA state or add a new one
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ctx.dc_kernels.size(); ++i) {
- ctx.dc_origin = i;
- ctx.dc_newvers.clear();
- for (uint32_t c = 0; c < nchars; ++c) {
- ctx.dc_symbol = c;
- reach_on_symbol(ctx);
- tagged_epsilon_closure(ctx);
- find_state(ctx);
- }
- }
- warn_nondeterministic_tags(ctx);
// For each tag, find maximal number of parallel versions of this tag
// used in each kernel (degree of non-determinism) and warn about tags with
// maximum degree two or more.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
-#include <valarray>
#include "src/dfa/determinization.h"
#include "src/dfa/dfa.h"
-#include "src/dfa/dump.h"
#include "src/dfa/tcmd.h"
#include "src/nfa/nfa.h"
#include "src/re/rule.h"
static tcmd_t *final_actions(determ_context_t &ctx, const clos_t &fin);
+void find_state(determ_context_t &ctx)
+ dfa_t &dfa = ctx.dc_dfa;
+ // find or add the new state in the existing set of states
+ const bool is_new = do_find_state(ctx);
+ if (is_new) {
+ // create new DFA state
+ dfa_state_t *t = new dfa_state_t(dfa.nchars);
+ dfa.states.push_back(t);
+ // check if the new state is final
+ // see note [at most one final item per closure]
+ cclositer_t
+ b = ctx.dc_closure.begin(),
+ e = ctx.dc_closure.end(),
+ f = std::find_if(b, e, clos_t::fin);
+ if (f != e) {
+ t->tcmd[dfa.nchars] = final_actions(ctx, *f);
+ t->rule = f->state->rule;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ctx.dc_origin == dfa_t::NIL) {
+ // initial state
+ dfa.tcmd0 = ctx.dc_actions;
+ }
+ else {
+ dfa_state_t *s = dfa.states[ctx.dc_origin];
+ s->arcs[ctx.dc_symbol] = ctx.dc_target;
+ s->tcmd[ctx.dc_symbol] = ctx.dc_actions;
+ }
+ ctx.dc_dump.state(ctx, is_new);
+bool do_find_state(determ_context_t &ctx)
+ kernels_t &kernels = ctx.dc_kernels;
+ const closure_t &closure = ctx.dc_closure;
+ // empty closure corresponds to default state
+ if (closure.size() == 0) {
+ ctx.dc_target = dfa_t::NIL;
+ ctx.dc_actions = NULL;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // resize buffer if closure is too large
+ reserve_buffers(ctx);
+ kernel_t *k = ctx.dc_buffers.kernel;
+ // copy closure to buffer kernel
+ copy_to_buffer_kernel(closure, ctx.dc_prectbl, k);
+ // hash "static" part of the kernel
+ const uint32_t hash = hash_kernel(k);
+ // try to find identical kernel
+ kernel_eq_t cmp_eq = {ctx};
+ ctx.dc_target = kernels.find_with(hash, k, cmp_eq);
+ if (ctx.dc_target != kernels_t::NIL) return false;
+ // else try to find mappable kernel
+ // see note [bijective mappings]
+ kernel_map_t cmp_map = {ctx};
+ ctx.dc_target = kernels.find_with(hash, k, cmp_map);
+ if (ctx.dc_target != kernels_t::NIL) return false;
+ // otherwise add new kernel
+ kernel_t *kcopy = make_kernel_copy(k, ctx.dc_allocator);
+ ctx.dc_target = kernels.push(hash, kcopy);
+ return true;
+tcmd_t *final_actions(determ_context_t &ctx, const clos_t &fin)
+ dfa_t &dfa = ctx.dc_dfa;
+ const Rule &rule = dfa.rules[fin.state->rule];
+ const tagver_t *vers = ctx.dc_tagvertbl[fin.tvers];
+ const hidx_t look = fin.tlook;
+ const tag_history_t &thist = ctx.dc_taghistory;
+ tcpool_t &tcpool = dfa.tcpool;
+ tcmd_t *copy = NULL, *save = NULL, **p;
+ for (size_t t = rule.ltag; t < rule.htag; ++t) {
+ const Tag &tag = dfa.tags[t];
+ if (fixed(tag)) continue;
+ const tagver_t v = abs(vers[t]), l = thist.last(look, t);
+ tagver_t &f = dfa.finvers[t];
+ if (l == TAGVER_ZERO) {
+ copy = tcpool.make_copy(copy, f, v);
+ } else if (history(tag)) {
+ save = tcpool.make_add(save, f, v, thist, look, t);
+ } else {
+ save = tcpool.make_set(save, f, l);
+ }
+ }
+ // join 'copy' and 'save' commands
+ for (p = © *p; p = &(*p)->next);
+ *p = save;
+ return copy;
kernel_buffers_t::kernel_buffers_t(allocator_t &alc)
: maxsize(0) // usually ranges from one to some twenty
, kernel(make_new_kernel(maxsize, alc))
+uint32_t hash_kernel(const kernel_t *kernel)
+ const size_t n = kernel->size;
+ // seed
+ uint32_t h = static_cast<uint32_t>(n);
+ // TNFA states
+ h = hash32(h, kernel->state, n * sizeof(void*));
+ // precedence table
+ if (kernel->prectbl) {
+ h = hash32(h, kernel->prectbl, n * n * sizeof(prectable_t));
+ }
+ return h;
+void copy_to_buffer_kernel(const closure_t &closure,
+ const prectable_t *prectbl, kernel_t *buffer)
+ const size_t n = closure.size();
+ buffer->size = n;
+ buffer->prectbl = prectbl;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ const clos_t &c = closure[i];
+ buffer->state[i] = c.state;
+ buffer->tvers[i] = c.tvers;
+ buffer->tlook[i] = c.tlook;
+ }
void reserve_buffers(determ_context_t &ctx)
kernel_buffers_t &kbufs = ctx.dc_buffers;
-uint32_t hash_kernel(const kernel_t *kernel)
- const size_t n = kernel->size;
- // seed
- uint32_t h = static_cast<uint32_t>(n);
- // TNFA states
- h = hash32(h, kernel->state, n * sizeof(void*));
- // precedence table
- if (kernel->prectbl) {
- h = hash32(h, kernel->prectbl, n * n * sizeof(prectable_t));
- }
- return h;
-void copy_to_buffer_kernel(const closure_t &closure,
- const prectable_t *prectbl, kernel_t *buffer)
- const size_t n = closure.size();
- buffer->size = n;
- buffer->prectbl = prectbl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- const clos_t &c = closure[i];
- buffer->state[i] = c.state;
- buffer->tvers[i] = c.tvers;
- buffer->tlook[i] = c.tlook;
- }
bool equal_lookahead_tags(const kernel_t *x, const kernel_t *y, const determ_context_t &ctx)
assert(x->size == y->size);
return !nontrivial_cycles;
-bool do_find_state(determ_context_t &ctx)
- kernels_t &kernels = ctx.dc_kernels;
- const closure_t &closure = ctx.dc_closure;
- // empty closure corresponds to default state
- if (closure.size() == 0) {
- ctx.dc_target = dfa_t::NIL;
- ctx.dc_actions = NULL;
- return false;
- }
- // resize buffer if closure is too large
- reserve_buffers(ctx);
- kernel_t *k = ctx.dc_buffers.kernel;
- // copy closure to buffer kernel
- copy_to_buffer_kernel(closure, ctx.dc_prectbl, k);
- // hash "static" part of the kernel
- const uint32_t hash = hash_kernel(k);
- // try to find identical kernel
- kernel_eq_t cmp_eq = {ctx};
- ctx.dc_target = kernels.find_with(hash, k, cmp_eq);
- if (ctx.dc_target != kernels_t::NIL) return false;
- // else try to find mappable kernel
- // see note [bijective mappings]
- kernel_map_t cmp_map = {ctx};
- ctx.dc_target = kernels.find_with(hash, k, cmp_map);
- if (ctx.dc_target != kernels_t::NIL) return false;
- // otherwise add new kernel
- kernel_t *kcopy = make_kernel_copy(k, ctx.dc_allocator);
- ctx.dc_target = kernels.push(hash, kcopy);
- return true;
-tcmd_t *final_actions(determ_context_t &ctx, const clos_t &fin)
- dfa_t &dfa = ctx.dc_dfa;
- const Rule &rule = dfa.rules[fin.state->rule];
- const tagver_t *vers = ctx.dc_tagvertbl[fin.tvers];
- const hidx_t look = fin.tlook;
- const tag_history_t &thist = ctx.dc_taghistory;
- tcpool_t &tcpool = dfa.tcpool;
- tcmd_t *copy = NULL, *save = NULL, **p;
- for (size_t t = rule.ltag; t < rule.htag; ++t) {
- const Tag &tag = dfa.tags[t];
- if (fixed(tag)) continue;
- const tagver_t v = abs(vers[t]), l = thist.last(look, t);
- tagver_t &f = dfa.finvers[t];
- if (l == TAGVER_ZERO) {
- copy = tcpool.make_copy(copy, f, v);
- } else if (history(tag)) {
- save = tcpool.make_add(save, f, v, thist, look, t);
- } else {
- save = tcpool.make_set(save, f, l);
- }
- }
- // join 'copy' and 'save' commands
- for (p = © *p; p = &(*p)->next);
- *p = save;
- return copy;
-void find_state(determ_context_t &ctx)
- dfa_t &dfa = ctx.dc_dfa;
- // find or add the new state in the existing set of states
- const bool is_new = do_find_state(ctx);
- if (is_new) {
- // create new DFA state
- dfa_state_t *t = new dfa_state_t(dfa.nchars);
- dfa.states.push_back(t);
- // check if the new state is final
- // see note [at most one final item per closure]
- cclositer_t
- b = ctx.dc_closure.begin(),
- e = ctx.dc_closure.end(),
- f = std::find_if(b, e, clos_t::fin);
- if (f != e) {
- t->tcmd[dfa.nchars] = final_actions(ctx, *f);
- t->rule = f->state->rule;
- }
- }
- if (ctx.dc_origin == dfa_t::NIL) {
- // initial state
- dfa.tcmd0 = ctx.dc_actions;
- }
- else {
- dfa_state_t *s = dfa.states[ctx.dc_origin];
- s->arcs[ctx.dc_symbol] = ctx.dc_target;
- s->tcmd[ctx.dc_symbol] = ctx.dc_actions;
- }
- ctx.dc_dump.state(ctx, is_new);
} // namespace re2c