make test >& build/$F
- NUM_FAILURES=`grep -ic " test failed:" build/$F`
+ NUM_FAILURES=`grep -ic " failed:" build/$F`
update_status "Testing basics ($NUM_FAILURES failures)" "$F" $start
## FIXME: should mail since -uall below should find same problems
mail_on_failure "basics" build/$F
## skip curses when running from cron since there's no terminal
## skip sound since it's not setup on the PSF box (/dev/dsp)
./python -E -tt ./Lib/test/regrtest.py -uall -x test_curses test_linuxaudiodev test_ossaudiodev >& build/$F
- NUM_FAILURES=`grep -ic fail build/$F`
+ NUM_FAILURES=`grep -ic " failed:" build/$F`
update_status "Testing all except curses and sound ($NUM_FAILURES failures)" "$F" $start
mail_on_failure "all" build/$F