QString status;
- PeerItem( ) { }
virtual ~PeerItem( ) { }
- public:
- void setStatus( const QString& s ) {
- status = s;
- }
- void setPeer( const Peer& p ) {
+ PeerItem( const Peer& p ) {
peer = p;
int q[4];
if( sscanf( p.address.toUtf8().constData(), "%d.%d.%d.%d", q+0, q+1, q+2, q+3 ) == 4 )
collatedAddress = p.address;
+ public:
+ void refresh( const Peer& p ) { peer = p; }
+ void setStatus( const QString& s ) { status = s; }
virtual bool operator< ( const QTreeWidgetItem & other ) const {
const PeerItem * i = dynamic_cast<const PeerItem*>(&other);
QTreeWidget * tw( treeWidget( ) );
foreach( const Torrent * t, torrents ) i += t->timesCompleted( );
myTimesCompletedLabel->setText( locale.toString( i ) );
- PeerList peers;
- foreach( const Torrent * t, torrents ) peers << t->peers( );
QMap<QString,QTreeWidgetItem*> peers2;
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> newItems;
- static const QIcon myEncryptionIcon( ":/icons/encrypted.png" );
- static const QIcon myEmptyIcon;
- foreach( const Peer& peer, peers )
+ foreach( const Torrent * t, torrents )
- PeerItem * item = (PeerItem*) myPeers.value( peer.address, 0 );
- if( item == 0 ) { // new peer has connected
- item = new PeerItem;
- item->setTextAlignment( COL_UP, Qt::AlignRight );
- item->setTextAlignment( COL_DOWN, Qt::AlignRight );
- item->setTextAlignment( COL_PERCENT, Qt::AlignRight );
- newItems << item;
- }
+ const QString idStr( QString::number( t->id( ) ) );
+ PeerList peers = t->peers( );
+ foreach( const Peer& peer, peers )
+ {
+ const QString key = idStr + ":" + peer.address;
+ PeerItem * item = (PeerItem*) myPeers.value( key, 0 );
+ if( item == 0 ) // new peer has connected
+ {
+ static const QIcon myEncryptionIcon( ":/icons/encrypted.png" );
+ static const QIcon myEmptyIcon;
+ item = new PeerItem( peer );
+ item->setTextAlignment( COL_UP, Qt::AlignRight );
+ item->setTextAlignment( COL_DOWN, Qt::AlignRight );
+ item->setTextAlignment( COL_PERCENT, Qt::AlignRight );
+ item->setIcon( COL_LOCK, peer.isEncrypted ? myEncryptionIcon : myEmptyIcon );
+ item->setToolTip( COL_LOCK, peer.isEncrypted ? tr( "Encrypted connection" ) : "" );
+ item->setText( COL_ADDRESS, peer.address );
+ item->setText( COL_CLIENT, peer.clientName );
+ newItems << item;
+ }
- QString code;
- if( peer.isDownloadingFrom ) { code += 'D'; }
- else if( peer.clientIsInterested ) { code += 'd'; }
- if( peer.isUploadingTo ) { code += 'U'; }
- else if( peer.peerIsInterested ) { code += 'u'; }
- if( !peer.clientIsChoked && !peer.clientIsInterested ) { code += 'K'; }
- if( !peer.peerIsChoked && !peer.peerIsInterested ) { code += '?'; }
- if( peer.isEncrypted ) { code += 'E'; }
- if( peer.isIncoming ) { code += 'I'; }
- item->setPeer( peer );
- item->setStatus( code );
- QString codeTip;
- foreach( QChar ch, code ) {
- QString txt;
- switch( ch.toAscii() ) {
- case 'O': txt = tr( "Optimistic unchoke" ); break;
- case 'D': txt = tr( "Downloading from this peer" ); break;
- case 'd': txt = tr( "We would download from this peer if they would let us" ); break;
- case 'U': txt = tr( "Uploading to peer" ); break;
- case 'u': txt = tr( "We would upload to this peer if they asked" ); break;
- case 'K': txt = tr( "Peer has unchoked us, but we're not interested" ); break;
- case '?': txt = tr( "We unchoked this peer, but they're not interested" ); break;
- case 'E': txt = tr( "Encrypted connection" ); break;
- case 'X': txt = tr( "Peer was discovered through Peer Exchange (PEX)" ); break;
- case 'I': txt = tr( "Peer is an incoming connection" ); break;
+ QString code;
+ if( peer.isDownloadingFrom ) { code += 'D'; }
+ else if( peer.clientIsInterested ) { code += 'd'; }
+ if( peer.isUploadingTo ) { code += 'U'; }
+ else if( peer.peerIsInterested ) { code += 'u'; }
+ if( !peer.clientIsChoked && !peer.clientIsInterested ) { code += 'K'; }
+ if( !peer.peerIsChoked && !peer.peerIsInterested ) { code += '?'; }
+ if( peer.isEncrypted ) { code += 'E'; }
+ if( peer.isIncoming ) { code += 'I'; }
+ item->setStatus( code );
+ item->refresh( peer );
+ QString codeTip;
+ foreach( QChar ch, code ) {
+ QString txt;
+ switch( ch.toAscii() ) {
+ case 'O': txt = tr( "Optimistic unchoke" ); break;
+ case 'D': txt = tr( "Downloading from this peer" ); break;
+ case 'd': txt = tr( "We would download from this peer if they would let us" ); break;
+ case 'U': txt = tr( "Uploading to peer" ); break;
+ case 'u': txt = tr( "We would upload to this peer if they asked" ); break;
+ case 'K': txt = tr( "Peer has unchoked us, but we're not interested" ); break;
+ case '?': txt = tr( "We unchoked this peer, but they're not interested" ); break;
+ case 'E': txt = tr( "Encrypted connection" ); break;
+ case 'X': txt = tr( "Peer was discovered through Peer Exchange (PEX)" ); break;
+ case 'I': txt = tr( "Peer is an incoming connection" ); break;
+ }
+ if( !txt.isEmpty( ) )
+ codeTip += QString("%1: %2\n").arg(ch).arg(txt);
- if( !txt.isEmpty( ) )
- codeTip += QString("%1: %2\n").arg(ch).arg(txt);
+ if( !codeTip.isEmpty() )
+ codeTip.resize( codeTip.size()-1 ); // eat the trailing linefeed
+ item->setText( COL_UP, peer.rateToPeer.isZero() ? "" : Utils::speedToString( peer.rateToPeer ) );
+ item->setText( COL_DOWN, peer.rateToClient.isZero() ? "" : Utils::speedToString( peer.rateToClient ) );
+ item->setText( COL_PERCENT, peer.progress > 0 ? QString( "%1%" ).arg( locale.toString((int)(peer.progress*100.0))) : "" );
+ item->setText( COL_STATUS, code );
+ item->setToolTip( COL_STATUS, codeTip );
+ peers2.insert( key, item );
- if( !codeTip.isEmpty() )
- codeTip.resize( codeTip.size()-1 ); // eat the trailing linefeed
- item->setIcon( COL_LOCK, peer.isEncrypted ? myEncryptionIcon : myEmptyIcon );
- item->setToolTip( COL_LOCK, peer.isEncrypted ? tr( "Encrypted connection" ) : "" );
- item->setText( COL_UP, peer.rateToPeer.isZero() ? "" : Utils::speedToString( peer.rateToPeer ) );
- item->setText( COL_DOWN, peer.rateToClient.isZero() ? "" : Utils::speedToString( peer.rateToClient ) );
- item->setText( COL_PERCENT, peer.progress > 0 ? QString( "%1%" ).arg( locale.toString((int)(peer.progress*100.0))) : "" );
- item->setText( COL_STATUS, code );
- item->setToolTip( COL_STATUS, codeTip );
- item->setText( COL_ADDRESS, peer.address );
- item->setText( COL_CLIENT, peer.clientName );
- peers2.insert( peer.address, item );
myPeerTree->addTopLevelItems( newItems );
foreach( QString key, myPeers.keys() ) {