* pattern modifier by calling {@link MutablePatternModifier#createImmutable}, in effect treating this
* instance as a builder for the immutable variant.
-public class MutablePatternModifier
- implements Modifier, SymbolProvider, CharSequence, MicroPropsGenerator {
+public class MutablePatternModifier implements Modifier, SymbolProvider, MicroPropsGenerator {
// Modifier details
final boolean isStrong;
// QuantityChain details
MicroPropsGenerator parent;
- // Transient CharSequence fields
- boolean inCharSequenceMode;
- int flags;
- int length;
- boolean prependSign;
- boolean plusReplacesMinusSign;
+ // Transient fields for rendering
+ StringBuilder currentAffix;
* @param isStrong
Currency currency,
UnitWidth unitWidth,
PluralRules rules) {
- //assert (rules != null) == needsPlurals();
+ // assert (rules != null) == needsPlurals();
this.symbols = symbols;
this.currency = currency;
this.unitWidth = unitWidth;
public int getPrefixLength() {
// Enter and exit CharSequence Mode to get the length.
- enterCharSequenceMode(true);
- int result = AffixUtils.unescapedCodePointCount(this, this); // prefix length
- exitCharSequenceMode();
+ prepareAffix(true);
+ int result = AffixUtils.unescapedCodePointCount(currentAffix, this); // prefix length
return result;
public int getCodePointCount() {
// Enter and exit CharSequence Mode to get the length.
- enterCharSequenceMode(true);
- int result = AffixUtils.unescapedCodePointCount(this, this); // prefix length
- exitCharSequenceMode();
- enterCharSequenceMode(false);
- result += AffixUtils.unescapedCodePointCount(this, this); // suffix length
- exitCharSequenceMode();
+ prepareAffix(true);
+ int result = AffixUtils.unescapedCodePointCount(currentAffix, this); // prefix length
+ prepareAffix(false);
+ result += AffixUtils.unescapedCodePointCount(currentAffix, this); // suffix length
return result;
private int insertPrefix(NumberStringBuilder sb, int position) {
- enterCharSequenceMode(true);
- int length = AffixUtils.unescape(this, sb, position, this);
- exitCharSequenceMode();
+ prepareAffix(true);
+ int length = AffixUtils.unescape(currentAffix, sb, position, this);
return length;
private int insertSuffix(NumberStringBuilder sb, int position) {
- enterCharSequenceMode(false);
- int length = AffixUtils.unescape(this, sb, position, this);
- exitCharSequenceMode();
+ prepareAffix(false);
+ int length = AffixUtils.unescape(currentAffix, sb, position, this);
return length;
+ /**
+ * Pre-processes the prefix or suffix into the currentAffix field, creating and mutating that field
+ * if necessary. Calls down to {@link PatternStringUtils#affixPatternProviderToStringBuilder}.
+ *
+ * @param isPrefix
+ * true to prepare the prefix; false to prepare the suffix.
+ */
+ private void prepareAffix(boolean isPrefix) {
+ if (currentAffix == null) {
+ currentAffix = new StringBuilder();
+ }
+ PatternStringUtils.patternInfoToStringBuilder(patternInfo,
+ isPrefix,
+ signum,
+ signDisplay,
+ plural,
+ perMilleReplacesPercent,
+ currentAffix);
+ }
* Returns the string that substitutes a given symbol type in a pattern.
throw new AssertionError();
- /** This method contains the heart of the logic for rendering LDML affix strings. */
- private void enterCharSequenceMode(boolean isPrefix) {
- assert !inCharSequenceMode;
- inCharSequenceMode = true;
- // Should the output render '+' where '-' would normally appear in the pattern?
- plusReplacesMinusSign = signum != -1
- && (signDisplay == SignDisplay.ALWAYS
- || signDisplay == SignDisplay.ACCOUNTING_ALWAYS
- || (signum == 1
- && (signDisplay == SignDisplay.EXCEPT_ZERO
- || signDisplay == SignDisplay.ACCOUNTING_EXCEPT_ZERO)))
- && patternInfo.positiveHasPlusSign() == false;
- // Should we use the affix from the negative subpattern? (If not, we will use the positive
- // subpattern.)
- boolean useNegativeAffixPattern = patternInfo.hasNegativeSubpattern()
- && (signum == -1 || (patternInfo.negativeHasMinusSign() && plusReplacesMinusSign));
- // Resolve the flags for the affix pattern.
- flags = 0;
- if (useNegativeAffixPattern) {
- flags |= AffixPatternProvider.Flags.NEGATIVE_SUBPATTERN;
- }
- if (isPrefix) {
- flags |= AffixPatternProvider.Flags.PREFIX;
- }
- if (plural != null) {
- assert plural.ordinal() == (AffixPatternProvider.Flags.PLURAL_MASK & plural.ordinal());
- flags |= plural.ordinal();
- }
- // Should we prepend a sign to the pattern?
- if (!isPrefix || useNegativeAffixPattern) {
- prependSign = false;
- } else if (signum == -1) {
- prependSign = signDisplay != SignDisplay.NEVER;
- } else {
- prependSign = plusReplacesMinusSign;
- }
- // Finally, compute the length of the affix pattern.
- length = patternInfo.length(flags) + (prependSign ? 1 : 0);
- }
- private void exitCharSequenceMode() {
- assert inCharSequenceMode;
- inCharSequenceMode = false;
- }
- @Override
- public int length() {
- assert inCharSequenceMode;
- return length;
- }
- @Override
- public char charAt(int index) {
- assert inCharSequenceMode;
- char candidate;
- if (prependSign && index == 0) {
- candidate = '-';
- } else if (prependSign) {
- candidate = patternInfo.charAt(flags, index - 1);
- } else {
- candidate = patternInfo.charAt(flags, index);
- }
- if (plusReplacesMinusSign && candidate == '-') {
- return '+';
- }
- if (perMilleReplacesPercent && candidate == '%') {
- return '‰';
- }
- return candidate;
- }
- @Override
- public CharSequence subSequence(int start, int end) {
- // Never called by AffixUtils
- throw new AssertionError();
- }
import java.math.BigDecimal;
+import com.ibm.icu.impl.StandardPlural;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.number.Padder.PadPosition;
+import com.ibm.icu.number.NumberFormatter.SignDisplay;
import com.ibm.icu.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
return result.toString();
+ /**
+ * This method contains the heart of the logic for rendering LDML affix strings. It handles
+ * sign-always-shown resolution, whether to use the positive or negative subpattern, permille
+ * substitution, and plural forms for CurrencyPluralInfo.
+ */
+ public static void patternInfoToStringBuilder(
+ AffixPatternProvider patternInfo,
+ boolean isPrefix,
+ int signum,
+ SignDisplay signDisplay,
+ StandardPlural plural,
+ boolean perMilleReplacesPercent,
+ StringBuilder output) {
+ // Should the output render '+' where '-' would normally appear in the pattern?
+ boolean plusReplacesMinusSign = signum != -1
+ && (signDisplay == SignDisplay.ALWAYS
+ || signDisplay == SignDisplay.ACCOUNTING_ALWAYS
+ || (signum == 1
+ && (signDisplay == SignDisplay.EXCEPT_ZERO
+ || signDisplay == SignDisplay.ACCOUNTING_EXCEPT_ZERO)))
+ && patternInfo.positiveHasPlusSign() == false;
+ // Should we use the affix from the negative subpattern? (If not, we will use the positive
+ // subpattern.)
+ boolean useNegativeAffixPattern = patternInfo.hasNegativeSubpattern()
+ && (signum == -1 || (patternInfo.negativeHasMinusSign() && plusReplacesMinusSign));
+ // Resolve the flags for the affix pattern.
+ int flags = 0;
+ if (useNegativeAffixPattern) {
+ flags |= AffixPatternProvider.Flags.NEGATIVE_SUBPATTERN;
+ }
+ if (isPrefix) {
+ flags |= AffixPatternProvider.Flags.PREFIX;
+ }
+ if (plural != null) {
+ assert plural.ordinal() == (AffixPatternProvider.Flags.PLURAL_MASK & plural.ordinal());
+ flags |= plural.ordinal();
+ }
+ // Should we prepend a sign to the pattern?
+ boolean prependSign;
+ if (!isPrefix || useNegativeAffixPattern) {
+ prependSign = false;
+ } else if (signum == -1) {
+ prependSign = signDisplay != SignDisplay.NEVER;
+ } else {
+ prependSign = plusReplacesMinusSign;
+ }
+ // Compute the length of the affix pattern.
+ int length = patternInfo.length(flags) + (prependSign ? 1 : 0);
+ // Finally, set the result into the StringBuilder.
+ output.setLength(0);
+ for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+ char candidate;
+ if (prependSign && index == 0) {
+ candidate = '-';
+ } else if (prependSign) {
+ candidate = patternInfo.charAt(flags, index - 1);
+ } else {
+ candidate = patternInfo.charAt(flags, index);
+ }
+ if (plusReplacesMinusSign && candidate == '-') {
+ candidate = '+';
+ }
+ if (perMilleReplacesPercent && candidate == '%') {
+ candidate = '‰';
+ }
+ output.append(candidate);
+ }
+ }
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Objects;
+import com.ibm.icu.impl.StandardPlural;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.number.AffixPatternProvider;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.number.AffixUtils;
+import com.ibm.icu.impl.number.PatternStringUtils;
+import com.ibm.icu.number.NumberFormatter.SignDisplay;
import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet;
- public static void newGenerate(
+ private static boolean isInteresting(
AffixPatternProvider patternInfo,
- NumberParserImpl output,
- MatcherFactory factory,
IgnorablesMatcher ignorables,
int parseFlags) {
String posPrefixString = patternInfo.getString(AffixPatternProvider.FLAG_POS_PREFIX);
String posSuffixString = patternInfo.getString(AffixPatternProvider.FLAG_POS_SUFFIX);
String negPrefixString = null;
&& !AffixUtils.containsType(negSuffixString, AffixUtils.TYPE_MINUS_SIGN)) {
// The affixes contain only symbols and ignorables.
// No need to generate affix matchers.
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static void newGenerate(
+ AffixPatternProvider patternInfo,
+ NumberParserImpl output,
+ MatcherFactory factory,
+ IgnorablesMatcher ignorables,
+ int parseFlags) {
+ if (!isInteresting(patternInfo, ignorables, parseFlags)) {
// The affixes have interesting characters, or we are in strict mode.
// Use initial capacity of 6, the highest possible number of AffixMatchers.
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
ArrayList<AffixMatcher> matchers = new ArrayList<AffixMatcher>(6);
boolean includeUnpaired = 0 != (parseFlags & ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_INCLUDE_UNPAIRED_AFFIXES);
+ SignDisplay signDisplay = (0 != (parseFlags & ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_PLUS_SIGN_ALLOWED))
+ ? SignDisplay.ALWAYS
+ : SignDisplay.NEVER;
- AffixPatternMatcher posPrefix = AffixPatternMatcher
- .fromAffixPattern(posPrefixString, factory, parseFlags);
- AffixPatternMatcher posSuffix = AffixPatternMatcher
- .fromAffixPattern(posSuffixString, factory, parseFlags);
- // Note: it is indeed possible for posPrefix and posSuffix to both be null.
- // We still need to add that matcher for strict mode to work.
- matchers.add(getInstance(posPrefix, posSuffix, 0));
- if (includeUnpaired && posPrefix != null && posSuffix != null) {
- matchers.add(getInstance(posPrefix, null, 0));
- matchers.add(getInstance(null, posSuffix, 0));
- }
+ AffixPatternMatcher posPrefix = null;
+ AffixPatternMatcher posSuffix = null;
- if (patternInfo.hasNegativeSubpattern()) {
- AffixPatternMatcher negPrefix = AffixPatternMatcher
- .fromAffixPattern(negPrefixString, factory, parseFlags);
- AffixPatternMatcher negSuffix = AffixPatternMatcher
- .fromAffixPattern(negSuffixString, factory, parseFlags);
+ // Pre-process the affix strings to resolve LDML rules like sign display.
+ for (int signum = 1; signum >= -1; signum--) {
+ // Generate Prefix
+ PatternStringUtils.patternInfoToStringBuilder(patternInfo,
+ true,
+ signum,
+ signDisplay,
+ StandardPlural.OTHER,
+ false,
+ sb);
+ AffixPatternMatcher prefix = AffixPatternMatcher
+ .fromAffixPattern(sb.toString(), factory, parseFlags);
- if (Objects.equals(negPrefix, posPrefix) && Objects.equals(negSuffix, posSuffix)) {
- // No-op: favor the positive AffixMatcher
- } else {
- matchers.add(getInstance(negPrefix, negSuffix, ParsedNumber.FLAG_NEGATIVE));
- if (includeUnpaired && negPrefix != null && negSuffix != null) {
- if (!negPrefix.equals(posPrefix)) {
- matchers.add(getInstance(negPrefix, null, ParsedNumber.FLAG_NEGATIVE));
- }
- if (!negSuffix.equals(posSuffix)) {
- matchers.add(getInstance(null, negSuffix, ParsedNumber.FLAG_NEGATIVE));
- }
+ // Generate Suffix
+ PatternStringUtils.patternInfoToStringBuilder(patternInfo,
+ false,
+ signum,
+ signDisplay,
+ StandardPlural.OTHER,
+ false,
+ sb);
+ AffixPatternMatcher suffix = AffixPatternMatcher
+ .fromAffixPattern(sb.toString(), factory, parseFlags);
+ if (signum == 1) {
+ posPrefix = prefix;
+ posSuffix = suffix;
+ } else if (Objects.equals(prefix, posPrefix) && Objects.equals(suffix, posSuffix)) {
+ // Skip adding these matchers (we already have equivalents)
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Flags for setting in the ParsedNumber
+ int flags = (signum == -1) ? ParsedNumber.FLAG_NEGATIVE : 0;
+ // Note: it is indeed possible for posPrefix and posSuffix to both be null.
+ // We still need to add that matcher for strict mode to work.
+ matchers.add(getInstance(prefix, suffix, flags));
+ if (includeUnpaired && prefix != null && suffix != null) {
+ // The following if statements are designed to prevent adding two identical matchers.
+ if (signum == 1 || !Objects.equals(prefix, posPrefix)) {
+ matchers.add(getInstance(prefix, null, flags));
+ }
+ if (signum == 1 || !Objects.equals(suffix, posSuffix)) {
+ matchers.add(getInstance(null, suffix, flags));
if (properties.getParseIntegerOnly()) {
parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_INTEGER_ONLY;
+ if (properties.getSignAlwaysShown()) {
+ parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_PLUS_SIGN_ALLOWED;
+ }
if (isStrict) {
parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_STRICT_SEPARATORS;
+ parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_USE_FULL_AFFIXES;
+ parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_EXACT_AFFIX;
} else {
- if (!isStrict
- || patternInfo.containsSymbolType(AffixUtils.TYPE_PLUS_SIGN)
- || properties.getSignAlwaysShown()) {
- parser.addMatcher(PlusSignMatcher.getInstance(symbols, false));
+ if (!isStrict) {
+ if (!isStrict
+ || patternInfo.containsSymbolType(AffixUtils.TYPE_PLUS_SIGN)
+ || properties.getSignAlwaysShown()) {
+ parser.addMatcher(PlusSignMatcher.getInstance(symbols, false));
+ }
+ parser.addMatcher(MinusSignMatcher.getInstance(symbols, false));
+ parser.addMatcher(NanMatcher.getInstance(symbols, parseFlags));
+ parser.addMatcher(PercentMatcher.getInstance(symbols));
+ parser.addMatcher(PermilleMatcher.getInstance(symbols));
- parser.addMatcher(MinusSignMatcher.getInstance(symbols, false));
- parser.addMatcher(NanMatcher.getInstance(symbols, parseFlags));
- parser.addMatcher(PercentMatcher.getInstance(symbols));
- parser.addMatcher(PermilleMatcher.getInstance(symbols));
String padString = properties.getPadString();
if (padString != null && !ignorables.getSet().contains(padString)) {
public static final int PARSE_FLAG_INCLUDE_UNPAIRED_AFFIXES = 0x0080;
public static final int PARSE_FLAG_USE_FULL_AFFIXES = 0x0100;
public static final int PARSE_FLAG_EXACT_AFFIX = 0x0200;
+ public static final int PARSE_FLAG_PLUS_SIGN_ALLOWED = 0x0400;
public static void putLeadCodePoints(UnicodeSet input, UnicodeSet output) {
for (EntryRange range : input.ranges()) {
public void postProcess(ParsedNumber result) {
- if ((result.prefix == null) != (result.suffix == null)) {
+ if (result.prefix == null || result.suffix == null) {
// We saw a prefix or a suffix but not both. Fail the parse.
result.flags |= ParsedNumber.FLAG_FAIL;
// JDK does allow separators in the wrong place and parses as -5347.25
(53,47.25) fail K
// strict requires prefix or suffix, except in C
-65,347.25 fail P
+65,347.25 fail
+3.52E4 35200
(34.8E-3) -0.0348
(3425E-1) -342.5
set lenient 0
parse output outputCurrency breaks
-$53.45 53.45 USD
+$53.45 53.45 USD P
53.45 USD 53.45 USD
USD 53.45 fail USD
53.45USD fail USD
-USD53.45 53.45 USD
+USD53.45 53.45 USD P
(7.92) USD -7.92 USD
(7.92) EUR -7.92 EUR
(7.926) USD -7.926 USD
53.45 US Dollars 53.45 USD
US Dollar 53.45 fail USD
53.45 US Dollar 53.45 USD
-US Dollars53.45 53.45 USD
+US Dollars53.45 53.45 USD P
53.45US Dollars fail USD
-US Dollar53.45 53.45 USD
+US Dollar53.45 53.45 USD P
US Dollat53.45 fail USD
53.45US Dollar fail USD
US Dollars (53.45) fail USD
pattern parse output breaks
// K doesn't support this feature.
-// P stops parsing when it sees the decimal separator, but doesn't fail.
0 123 123
-0 123. fail CJKP
-0 1.23 fail CJKP
+0 123. fail CJK
+0 1.23 fail CJK
0 -513 -513
-0 -513. fail CJKP
-0 -5.13 fail CJKP
+0 -513. fail CJK
+0 -5.13 fail CJK
0.0 123 fail K
0.0 123. 123 C
0.0 1.23 1.23 C
parse output breaks
9223372036854775807% 92233720368547758.07
+test sign always shown
+set locale en
+set pattern 0
+set signAlwaysShown 1
+format output breaks
+// J and K do not support this feature
+42 +42 JK
+0 +0 JK
+-42 -42
+test parse strict with plus sign
+set locale en
+set pattern 0
+set signAlwaysShown 1
+lenient parse output breaks
+1 42 42
+1 -42 -42
+1 +42 42 JK
+1 0 0
+1 +0 0 JK
+0 42 fail CJK
+0 -42 -42
+0 +42 42 JK
+0 0 fail CJK
+0 +0 0 JK
public String positiveSuffix = null;
public String negativePrefix = null;
public String negativeSuffix = null;
+ public Integer signAlwaysShown = null;
public String localizedPattern = null;
public String toPattern = null;
public String toLocalizedPattern = null;
+ "signAlwaysShown",
negativeSuffix = value;
+ public void setSignAlwaysShown(String value) {
+ signAlwaysShown = Integer.valueOf(value);
+ }
public void setLocalizedPattern(String value) {
localizedPattern = value;
tuple.setField(name, Utility.unescape(value));
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
- showError("No such field: " + name + ", or bad value: " + value);
+ showError("No such field: " + name + ", or bad value: " + value + ": " + e);
return false;
if (tuple.negativeSuffix != null) {
+ if (tuple.signAlwaysShown != null) {
+ // Not supported.
+ }
if (tuple.localizedPattern != null) {
if (tuple.negativeSuffix != null) {
+ if (tuple.signAlwaysShown != null) {
+ // Not supported.
+ }
if (tuple.localizedPattern != null) {
if (tuple.negativeSuffix != null) {
+ if (tuple.signAlwaysShown != null) {
+ properties.setSignAlwaysShown(tuple.signAlwaysShown != 0);
+ }
if (tuple.localizedPattern != null) {
DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(tuple.locale);
String converted = PatternStringUtils.convertLocalized(tuple.localizedPattern, symbols, false);