dump \
dumppoints \
empty \
+ estimatedextent \
forcecurve \
geography \
in_geohash \
--- /dev/null
+-- #877, #818
+create table t(g geometry);
+select '#877.1', ST_EstimatedExtent('t','g');
+analyze t;
+select '#877.2', ST_EstimatedExtent('public', 't','g');
+SET client_min_messages TO DEBUG;
+select '#877.2.deprecated', ST_Estimated_Extent('public', 't','g');
+SET client_min_messages TO NOTICE;
+insert into t(g) values ('LINESTRING(-10 -50, 20 30)');
+-- #877.3
+with e as ( select ST_EstimatedExtent('t','g') as e )
+select '#877.3', round(st_xmin(e.e)::numeric, 5), round(st_xmax(e.e)::numeric, 5),
+round(st_ymin(e.e)::numeric, 5), round(st_ymax(e.e)::numeric, 5) from e;
+-- #877.4
+analyze t;
+with e as ( select ST_EstimatedExtent('t','g') as e )
+select '#877.4', round(st_xmin(e.e)::numeric, 5), round(st_xmax(e.e)::numeric, 5),
+round(st_ymin(e.e)::numeric, 5), round(st_ymax(e.e)::numeric, 5) from e;
+-- #877.5
+truncate t;
+with e as ( select ST_EstimatedExtent('t','g') as e )
+select '#877.5', round(st_xmin(e.e)::numeric, 5), round(st_xmax(e.e)::numeric, 5),
+round(st_ymin(e.e)::numeric, 5), round(st_ymax(e.e)::numeric, 5) from e;
+drop table t;
--- /dev/null
+ERROR: stats for "t.g" do not exist
+ERROR: stats for "t.g" do not exist
+WARNING: ST_Estimated_Extent signature was deprecated in 2.1.0. Please use ST_EstimatedExtent
+ERROR: stats for "t.g" do not exist
+ERROR: stats for "t.g" do not exist
WITH p AS ( SELECT 'MULTIPOINT((832694.188 816254.625))'::geometry as g )
SELECT '#1273.1', st_equals(p.g, postgis_dropbbox(p.g)) from p;
--- #877, #818
-create table t(g geometry);
-select '#877.1', ST_EstimatedExtent('t','g');
-analyze t;
-select '#877.2', ST_EstimatedExtent('public', 't','g');
-SET client_min_messages TO DEBUG;
-select '#877.2.deprecated', ST_Estimated_Extent('public', 't','g');
-SET client_min_messages TO NOTICE;
-insert into t(g) values ('LINESTRING(-10 -50, 20 30)');
--- #877.3
-with e as ( select ST_EstimatedExtent('t','g') as e )
-select '#877.3', round(st_xmin(e.e)::numeric, 5), round(st_xmax(e.e)::numeric, 5),
-round(st_ymin(e.e)::numeric, 5), round(st_ymax(e.e)::numeric, 5) from e;
--- #877.4
-analyze t;
-with e as ( select ST_EstimatedExtent('t','g') as e )
-select '#877.4', round(st_xmin(e.e)::numeric, 5), round(st_xmax(e.e)::numeric, 5),
-round(st_ymin(e.e)::numeric, 5), round(st_ymax(e.e)::numeric, 5) from e;
--- #877.5
-truncate t;
-with e as ( select ST_EstimatedExtent('t','g') as e )
-select '#877.5', round(st_xmin(e.e)::numeric, 5), round(st_xmax(e.e)::numeric, 5),
-round(st_ymin(e.e)::numeric, 5), round(st_ymax(e.e)::numeric, 5) from e;
-drop table t;
-- #1292
SELECT '#1292', ST_AsText(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_GeomFromText(
'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(180 90),POLYGON((140 50,150 50,180 50,140 50),(140 60,150 60,180 60,140 60)))'
-ERROR: stats for "t.g" do not exist
-ERROR: stats for "t.g" do not exist
-WARNING: ST_Estimated_Extent signature was deprecated in 2.1.0. Please use ST_EstimatedExtent
-ERROR: stats for "t.g" do not exist
-ERROR: stats for "t.g" do not exist
#1292|GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(180 90),POLYGON((140 50,150 50,180 50,140 50),(140 60,150 60,180 60,140 60)))
NOTICE: Coordinate values were coerced into range [-180 -90, 180 90] for GEOGRAPHY
NOTICE: Coordinate values were coerced into range [-180 -90, 180 90] for GEOGRAPHY