Make sure you sudoers_base matches exactly with the location you specified
when you imported the sudoers. Below is an example /etc/ldap.conf
- # Either specify a URI or host and port.
- # If neither is specified sudo will default to localhost port 389.
+ # Either specify one or more URIs or one or more host:port pairs.
+ # If neither is specified sudo will default to localhost, port 389.
+ #
#host ldapserver
+ #host ldapserver1 ldapserver2:390
+ #
+ # Default port if host is specified without one, defaults to 389.
#port 389
- # URI will override host & port settings but only works with LDAP
- # SDK's that support ldap_initialize() such as OpenLDAP.
+ # URI will override the host and port settings.
uri ldap://ldapserver
#uri ldaps://secureldapserver
+ #uri ldaps://secureldapserver ldap://ldapserver
# must be set or sudo will ignore LDAP
sudoers_base ou=SUDOers,dc=example,dc=com
The following sources are recognized.
files read sudoers from a file (usually /etc/sudoers)
ldap read sudoers from LDAP
- compat behave as if no nsswitch.conf was present
I addition, the entry "[NOTFOUND=return]" will short-circuit the
search if the user was not found in the preceding source.