#my $dbgfile = ($^O eq "MSWin32") ? "$ENV{TEMP}.$$" : "/tmp/trace.$$";
#open TRACE, ">>", ($debug==0)? $sink : $dbgfile;
-# pick up the prefix for substitutions in this repo
-#my $PREFIX = `git config --local --get nethack.substprefix`;
sub git_config {
my($section, $var) = @_;
die "Missing config var: [$section] $var\n";
+# pick up the prefix for substitutions in this repo
my $PREFIX = &git_config('nethack','substprefix');
my $submode = 0; # ok to make non-cleaning changes to file
#sub Author {
-# NB: the standard-ish Revision line isn't enough - you need Branch/Revision -
+# NB: the standard-ish Revision line isn't enough - you need Branch:Revision -
# but we split it into 2 so we can use the standard processing code on Revision
# and just slip Branch in.
sub Branch {
my($val, $mode, $submode) = @_;
if($mode eq "c"){
- $val = `git branch --no-color --contains`;
+ $val = `git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD`;
$val =~ s/[\n\r]*$//;
$val =~ s/^\*\s*//;
+ $val = "(unknown)" unless($val =~ m/^[[:print:]]+$/);
# if($mode eq "s"){