call append("$", "printencoding\tencoding used to print the PostScript file for :hardcopy")
call <SID>OptionG("penc", &penc)
- if has("multi_byte")
- call append("$", "printmbcharset\tthe CJK character set to be used for CJK output from :hardcopy")
- call <SID>OptionG("pmbcs", &pmbcs)
- call append("$", "printmbfont\tlist of font names to be used for CJK output from :hardcopy")
- call <SID>OptionG("pmbfn", &pmbfn)
- endif
+ call append("$", "printmbcharset\tthe CJK character set to be used for CJK output from :hardcopy")
+ call <SID>OptionG("pmbcs", &pmbcs)
+ call append("$", "printmbfont\tlist of font names to be used for CJK output from :hardcopy")
+ call <SID>OptionG("pmbfn", &pmbfn)
call <SID>Header("messages and info")
call append("$", "fixendofline\tfixes missing end-of-line at end of text file")
call append("$", "\t(local to buffer)")
call <SID>BinOptionL("fixeol")
-if has("multi_byte")
- call append("$", "bomb\tprepend a Byte Order Mark to the file")
- call append("$", "\t(local to buffer)")
- call <SID>BinOptionL("bomb")
+call append("$", "bomb\tprepend a Byte Order Mark to the file")
+call append("$", "\t(local to buffer)")
+call <SID>BinOptionL("bomb")
call append("$", "fileformat\tend-of-line format: \"dos\", \"unix\" or \"mac\"")
call append("$", "\t(local to buffer)")
call <SID>OptionL("ff")
-if has("multi_byte")
- call <SID>Header("multi-byte characters")
- call append("$", "encoding\tcharacter encoding used in Vim: \"latin1\", \"utf-8\"")
- call append("$", "\t\"euc-jp\", \"big5\", etc.")
- call <SID>OptionG("enc", &enc)
- call append("$", "fileencoding\tcharacter encoding for the current file")
- call append("$", "\t(local to buffer)")
- call <SID>OptionL("fenc")
- call append("$", "fileencodings\tautomatically detected character encodings")
- call <SID>OptionG("fencs", &fencs)
- call append("$", "termencoding\tcharacter encoding used by the terminal")
- call <SID>OptionG("tenc", &tenc)
- call append("$", "charconvert\texpression used for character encoding conversion")
- call <SID>OptionG("ccv", &ccv)
- call append("$", "delcombine\tdelete combining (composing) characters on their own")
- call <SID>BinOptionG("deco", &deco)
- call append("$", "maxcombine\tmaximum number of combining (composing) characters displayed")
- call <SID>OptionG("mco", &mco)
- if has("xim") && has("gui_gtk")
- call append("$", "imactivatekey\tkey that activates the X input method")
- call <SID>OptionG("imak", &imak)
- endif
- call append("$", "ambiwidth\twidth of ambiguous width characters")
- call <SID>OptionG("ambw", &ambw)
- call append("$", "emoji\temoji characters are full width")
- call <SID>BinOptionG("emo", &emo)
+call <SID>Header("multi-byte characters")
+call append("$", "encoding\tcharacter encoding used in Vim: \"latin1\", \"utf-8\"")
+call append("$", "\t\"euc-jp\", \"big5\", etc.")
+call <SID>OptionG("enc", &enc)
+call append("$", "fileencoding\tcharacter encoding for the current file")
+call append("$", "\t(local to buffer)")
+call <SID>OptionL("fenc")
+call append("$", "fileencodings\tautomatically detected character encodings")
+call <SID>OptionG("fencs", &fencs)
+call append("$", "termencoding\tcharacter encoding used by the terminal")
+call <SID>OptionG("tenc", &tenc)
+call append("$", "charconvert\texpression used for character encoding conversion")
+call <SID>OptionG("ccv", &ccv)
+call append("$", "delcombine\tdelete combining (composing) characters on their own")
+call <SID>BinOptionG("deco", &deco)
+call append("$", "maxcombine\tmaximum number of combining (composing) characters displayed")
+call <SID>OptionG("mco", &mco)
+if has("xim") && has("gui_gtk")
+ call append("$", "imactivatekey\tkey that activates the X input method")
+ call <SID>OptionG("imak", &imak)
+call append("$", "ambiwidth\twidth of ambiguous width characters")
+call <SID>OptionG("ambw", &ambw)
+call append("$", "emoji\temoji characters are full width")
+call <SID>BinOptionG("emo", &emo)
call <SID>Header("various")