<sect2 id="RT_PHP_Output">
<title>PHP Example Outputting using ST_AsPNG in concert with other raster functions</title>
<para>In this section, we'll demonstrate how to use the PHP PostgreSQL driver and the <xref linkend="RT_ST_AsGDALRaster" /> family of functions to
- output band 1 of a raster to a PHP request stream that can then be embedded in an img src html tag.</para>
+ output band 1,2,3 of a raster to a PHP request stream that can then be embedded in an img src html tag.</para>
<para>The sample query demonstrates how to combine a whole bunch of raster functions together to grab all tiles that intersect
a particular wgs 84 bounding box and then unions with <xref linkend="RT_ST_Union" /> the intersecting tiles together returning all bands, transforms to user specified projection using <xref linkend="RT_ST_Transform" />,