StateData#state{outbuf = StateData#state.outbuf ++ S}
+get_password_from_presence({xmlelement, "presence", _Attrs, Els}) ->
+ case lists:filter(fun(El) ->
+ case El of
+ {xmlelement, "x", Attrs, _Els} ->
+ case xml:get_attr_s("xmlns", Attrs) of
+ ?NS_MUC ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end
+ end, Els) of
+ [ElXMUC | _] ->
+ case xml:get_subtag(ElXMUC, "password") of
+ {xmlelement, "password", _, _} = PasswordTag ->
+ {true, xml:get_tag_cdata(PasswordTag)};
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
%% Func: handle_info/3
%% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} |
%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
handle_info({route_chan, Channel, Resource,
- {xmlelement, "presence", Attrs, _Els}},
+ {xmlelement, "presence", Attrs, _Els} = Presence},
StateName, StateData) ->
NewStateData =
case xml:get_attr_s("type", Attrs) of
true ->
_ ->
- S2 = ?SEND(io_lib:format("JOIN #~s\r\n", [Channel])),
+ case get_password_from_presence(Presence) of
+ {true, Password} ->
+ S2 = ?SEND(io_lib:format("JOIN #~s ~s\r\n", [Channel, Password]));
+ _ ->
+ S2 = ?SEND(io_lib:format("JOIN #~s\r\n", [Channel]))
+ end,
S2#state{channels =
dict:store(Channel, ?SETS:new(),