- [1998/01/11 $Revision$
+ [1998/01/11
LaTeX package (Python manual markup)]
+% Optional packages:
+% If processing of these documents fails at your TeX installation,
+% these may be commented out (independently) to make things work.
+% These are both supplied with the current version of the teTeX
+% distribution.
+% The "fancyhdr" package makes nicer page footers reasonable to
+% implement, and is used to put the chapter and section information in
+% the footers.
+% The "times" package makes the default font the PostScript Times
+% font, which makes for smaller PostScript and a font that more people
+% like.
+\RequirePackage{fancyhdr}\typeout{Using fancier footers than usual....}
+\RequirePackage{times}\typeout{Using times fonts instead of Computer Modern.}
% Increase printable page size (copied from fullpage.sty)
\topmargin 0pt
\advance \topmargin by -\headheight
\advance \topmargin by -\headsep
-\textheight 8.9in
+\textheight 8.7in
\oddsidemargin 0pt
\evensidemargin \oddsidemargin
\parindent = 0mm
\parskip = 2mm
+% uncomment the following line if you have the fancyhdr package available:
\pagestyle{empty} % start this way; change for
\pagenumbering{roman} % ToC & chapters
+% Redefine the 'normal' header/footer style when using "fancyhdr" package:
+ \fancypagestyle{normal}{%
+ \fancyhf{}%
+ \fancyfoot[LE,RO]{{\HeaderFamily\thepage}}%
+ \fancyfoot[LO]{{\HeaderFamily\nouppercase{\rightmark}}}%
+ \fancyfoot[RE]{{\HeaderFamily\nouppercase{\leftmark}}}%
+ \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}%
+ \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.4pt}%
+ }
+ % Update the plain style so we get the page number & footer line,
+ % but not a chapter or section title. This is to keep the first
+ % page of a chapter and the blank page between chapters `clean.'
+ \fancypagestyle{plain}{%
+ \fancyhf{}%
+ \fancyfoot[LE,RO]{{\HeaderFamily\thepage}}%
+ \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}%
+ \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.4pt}%
+ }
+ % Redefine \cleardoublepage so that the blank page between chapters
+ % gets the plain style and not the fancy style.
+ \renewcommand{\cleardoublepage}{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else
+ \hbox{}
+ \thispagestyle{plain}
+ \newpage
+ \if@twocolumn\hbox{}\newpage\fi\fi\fi}
% old code font selections:
+ \@ifundefined{fancyhf}{}{\pagestyle{normal}}%
% Allow the release number to be specified independently of the
\typeout{Using fancy chapter headings.}
-% Uncomment the following line to use a PostScript font instead of bitmaps:
-%\RequirePackage{times}\typeout{Using times fonts instead of Computer Modern.}