.inc fx2-include.asm
-;;; a couple of flags
+;;; a couple of flags in high memory
.equ CMD_FLAG,80h ; flag for the next in transfer
.equ PWMFLAG,81h ; PWM on or off?
.equ MAXSMPL,82H ; maximum number of samples, n channellist
.equ MUXSG0,83H ; content of the MUXSG0 register
- .equ SMPLCTR,84h
- .equ DPTRL,85H
- .equ DPTRH,86h
- .equ ASYNC_ON,87h
.equ INTERVAL,88h ; uframe/frame interval
.equ INTCTR,89h ; interval counter
+ .equ DABUFFER,0F0h ; buffer with DA values
+;;; in precious low memory but accessible within one clock cycle
+ .equ DPTRL,70H
+ .equ DPTRH,71h
+ .equ ASYNC_ON,72h
+ .equ SMPLCTR,73h
;;; actual code
.org 0000h ; after reset the processor starts here
push 06h ; R6
push 07h ; R7
- mov r0,#ASYNC_ON
- mov a,@r0
+ mov a,ASYNC_ON
jz noepsubmit
mov DPS,#0
- mov r0,#DPTRL
- mov dpl,@r0
- inc r0
- mov dph,@r0
+ mov dpl,DPTRL
+ mov dph,DPTRH
lcall readADCch ; read one channel
- mov r0,#DPTRL
- mov @r0,dpl
- inc r0
- mov @r0,dph
+ mov DPTRL,dpl
+ mov DPTRH,dph
- mov r0,#SMPLCTR
- mov a,@r0
+ mov a,SMPLCTR
dec a
- mov @r0,a
+ mov SMPLCTR,a
jnz noepsubmit
- mov r0,#ASYNC_ON
- mov @r0,#0
+ mov ASYNC_ON,#0
clr IOA.7 ; START = 0
mov a,#00000011b ; allows skip
lcall syncdelaywr
- mov IP,#0 ; all std 8051 int have low priority
- mov EIP,#0FFH ; all FX2 interrupts have high priority
mov dptr,#INTSETUP ; IRQ setup register
mov a,#08h ; enable autovector
lcall syncdelaywr
mov a,#0
lcall syncdelaywr
+ mov IP,#01H ; int0 has highest interrupt priority
+ mov EIP,#0 ; all USB interrupts have low priority
lcall initAD ; init the ports to the converters
lcall initeps ; init the isochronous data-transfer
mov r0,#MAXSMPL ; length of channellist
mov @r0,#0 ; we don't want to accumlate samples
- mov r0,#ASYNC_ON ; async enable
- mov @r0,#0 ; we don't want to accumlate samples
+ mov ASYNC_ON,#0 ; async enable
+ mov r0,#DABUFFER
+ mov @r0,#0
mov OEA,#11100000b ; PortA7,A6,A5 Outputs
mov IOA,#01100000b ; /CS = 1 and START = 0
push 06h ; R6
push 07h ; R7
- clr IE.7 ; make sure that no other int's disturbe us
mov r0,#INTCTR ; interval counter
mov a,@r0 ; get the value
dec a ; decrement
mov a,#0 ; just zero
movx @dptr,a ; pad it up
inc dptr ; algin along a 32 bit word
- mov r0,#DPTRL
- mov @r0,dpl
- inc r0
- mov @r0,dph
+ mov DPTRL,dpl
+ mov DPTRH,dph
mov r0,#MAXSMPL
mov a,@r0
- mov r0,#SMPLCTR
- mov @r0,a
+ mov SMPLCTR,a
- mov r0,#ASYNC_ON
- mov @r0,#1 ; enable data collection
+ mov ASYNC_ON,#1
;; do the D/A conversion
lcall syncdelaywr ; wait for the rec to sync
lcall syncdelaywr ; wait for the rec to sync
+ mov a,IOA ; conversion running?
+ jb ACC.7,sofend
+ lcall DAsend
;; clear INT2
mov a,EXIF ; FIRST clear the USB (INT2) interrupt request
clr acc.4
movx @DPTR,a
- setb IE.7 ; re-enable global interrupts
pop 07h
pop 06h
pop 05h
push 06h ; R6
push 07h ; R7
- clr IE.7 ; block other interrupts
mov dptr,#0E780h ; FIFO buffer of EP1OUT
movx a,@dptr ; get the first byte
mov r0,#CMD_FLAG ; pointer to the command byte
sjmp over_da
- mov r0,#ASYNC_ON
- mov @r0,#0 ; make sure that no async activity is on
+ mov ASYNC_ON,#0
mov dptr,#0e781h ; FIFO buffer of EP1OUT
lcall configADC ; configures the ADC esp sel the channel
inc dptr
mov r0,#MAXSMPL
mov @r0,a ; length of the channel list
- mov r0,#SMPLCTR
- mov @r0,a
+ mov SMPLCTR,a
lcall configADC ; configures all registers
- mov r0,#ASYNC_ON ; async enable
- mov @r0,#1 ; enable it
+ mov ASYNC_ON,#1 ; async enable
lcall reset_ep6 ; reset FIFO
mov a,#00001000b ; clear the ep1outirq
movx @DPTR,a
- setb IE.7 ; re-enable interrupts
pop 07h
pop 06h
pop 05h
-;;; all channels
+;;; save all DA channels from the endpoint buffer in a local buffer
movx a,@dptr ; number of bytes to send out
inc dptr ; pointer to the first byte
+ mov r1,#DABUFFER ; buffer for DA values
+ mov @r1,a ; save it
+ inc r1 ; inc pointer to local buffer
mov r0,a ; counter
movx a,@dptr ; get the byte
inc dptr ; point to the high byte
- mov r3,a ; store in r3 for writeDA
+ mov @r1,a ; save it in the buffer
+ inc r1
movx a,@dptr ; get the channel number
inc dptr ; get ready for the next channel
+ mov @r1,a ; save it
+ inc r1
+ djnz r0,nextDAlo ; next channel
+ ret
+;;; write to the DA converter
+ mov r1,#DABUFFER ; buffer of the DA values
+ mov a,@r1 ; get the channel count
+ jz DAret ; nothing to do
+ inc r1 ; pointer to the first byte
+ mov r0,a ; counter
+ mov a,@r1 ; get the byte
+ inc r1 ; point to the high byte
+ mov r3,a ; store in r3 for writeDA
+ mov a,@r1 ; get the channel number
+ inc r1 ; get ready for the next channel
+ push 1 ; is modified in the subroutine
lcall writeDA ; write value to the DAC
+ pop 1 ; get the pointer back
djnz r0,nextDA ; next channel
rr a ; shift to the upper to the lower
djnz r1,writeDA3
orl a,r2 ; merge with the channel info
- clr IOA.6 ; /SYNC of the DA to 0
+ clr IOA.6 ; /SYNC (/CS) of the DA to 0
lcall sendSPI ; send it out to the SPI
mov a,r3 ; get data again
anl a,#00001111b ; get the lower nibble
djnz r1,writeDA4
anl a,#11110000b ; make sure that's empty
lcall sendSPI
- setb IOA.6 ; /SYNC of the DA to 1
+ setb IOA.6 ; /SYNC (/CS) of the DA to 1
noDA: ret