//reset the order values if necessary
if (lowestOrderValue < [fTorrents count])
- NSSortDescriptor * orderDescriptor = [[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey: @"orderValue" ascending: YES] autorelease];
- NSArray * tempTorrents = [fTorrents sortedArrayUsingDescriptors: [NSArray arrayWithObject: orderDescriptor]];
int i;
- for (i = lowestOrderValue; i < [tempTorrents count]; i++)
- [[tempTorrents objectAtIndex: i] setOrderValue: i];
+ for (i = lowestOrderValue; i < [fTorrents count]; i++)
+ [[fTorrents objectAtIndex: i] setOrderValue: i];
[fTableView deselectAll: nil];
int desiredDownloadActive = [self numToStartFromQueue: YES],
desiredSeedActive = [self numToStartFromQueue: NO];
- //sort torrents by order value
- NSArray * sortedTorrents; //can't just resort fTorrents because it might be rearranged while enumerating because of recursion
- if ([fTorrents count] > 1 && (desiredDownloadActive > 0 || desiredSeedActive > 0))
- {
- NSSortDescriptor * orderDescriptor = [[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey: @"orderValue" ascending: YES] autorelease];
- sortedTorrents = [fTorrents sortedArrayUsingDescriptors: [NSArray arrayWithObject: orderDescriptor]];
- }
- else
- sortedTorrents = fTorrents;
Torrent * torrent;
- NSEnumerator * enumerator = [sortedTorrents objectEnumerator];
+ NSEnumerator * enumerator = [fTorrents objectEnumerator];
while ((torrent = [enumerator nextObject]))
if (![torrent isActive] && ![torrent isChecking] && [torrent waitingToStart])
//remove objects to reinsert
[fTorrents removeObjectsInArray: movingTorrents];
- //get all torrents to reorder
- NSSortDescriptor * orderDescriptor = [[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey: @"orderValue" ascending: YES] autorelease];
- [fTorrents sortUsingDescriptors: [NSArray arrayWithObject: orderDescriptor]];
//insert objects at new location
int insertIndex = topTorrent ? [fTorrents indexOfObject: topTorrent] + 1 : 0;
for (i = 0; i < [movingTorrents count]; i++)