#"The following file/message formats are supported by c-client as of
# the time of this writing:
#. mx This is an experimental format, and may be removed in a future
# release. An mx format mailbox has a .mxindex file which holds
# the message status and unique identifiers. Messages are
# stored in Internet standard CF LF form, so the file size of
# the message file equals the size of the message.
# mx is somewhat inefficient; the entire directory must be read
# and each file stat()'d. We found it intolerable for a
# moderate sized mailbox (2000 messages) and have more or less
# abandoned it."
#ifndef PHP_WIN32
mail_link(&unixdriver); /* link in the unix driver */
mail_link(&mhdriver); /* link in the mh driver */
- mail_link(&mxdriver); /* link in the mx driver */
+ /* mail_link(&mxdriver); */ /* According to c-client docs (internal.txt) this shouldn't be used. */
mail_link(&mmdfdriver); /* link in the mmdf driver */
mail_link(&newsdriver); /* link in the news driver */
mail_link(&philedriver); /* link in the phile driver */