Neither of the two callers was using this functionality.
/* solve (Lw+lambda*I) x = Lwdd y + lambda x0 */
- SparseMatrix_multiply_dense(Lwdd, x, &y, FALSE, dim);
+ SparseMatrix_multiply_dense(Lwdd, x, &y, dim);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
for (j = 0; j < dim; j++){
static void prolongate(int dim, SparseMatrix A, SparseMatrix P, SparseMatrix R, real *x, real *y, int coarsen_scheme_used, real delta){
int nc, *ia, *ja, i, j, k;
- SparseMatrix_multiply_dense(P, x, &y, FALSE, dim);
+ SparseMatrix_multiply_dense(P, x, &y, dim);
/* xu yao rao dong */
if (coarsen_scheme_used > EDGE_BASED_STA && coarsen_scheme_used < EDGE_BASED_STO){
-void SparseMatrix_multiply_dense(SparseMatrix A, real *v, real **res, int res_transposed, int dim){
- /* assume res_transposed == FALSE
- A * V, with A dimension m x n, with V of dimension n x dim. v[i*dim+j] gives V[i,j]. Result of dimension m x dim
- furthermore, if res_transpose d== TRUE, then the result is transposed. Hence if res_transposed == TRUE
- V^T A^T, with A dimension m x n, with V of dimension n x dim. v[i*dim+j] gives V[i,j]. Result of dimension dim x dim
+void SparseMatrix_multiply_dense(SparseMatrix A, real *v, real **res, int dim){
+ /* A * V, with A dimension m x n, with V of dimension n x dim. v[i*dim+j] gives V[i,j]. Result of dimension m x dim
- SparseMatrix_multiply_dense1(A, v, res, dim, 0, res_transposed);
+ SparseMatrix_multiply_dense1(A, v, res, dim, 0, 0);
void SparseMatrix_multiply_vector(SparseMatrix A, real *v, real **res, int transposed){
SparseMatrix SparseMatrix_remove_upper(SparseMatrix A);/* remove diag and upper diag */
SparseMatrix SparseMatrix_divide_row_by_degree(SparseMatrix A);
SparseMatrix SparseMatrix_get_real_adjacency_matrix_symmetrized(SparseMatrix A); /* symmetric, all entries to 1, diaginal removed */
-void SparseMatrix_multiply_dense(SparseMatrix A, real *v, real **res, int res_transpose, int dim);
+void SparseMatrix_multiply_dense(SparseMatrix A, real *v, real **res, int dim);
SparseMatrix SparseMatrix_apply_fun(SparseMatrix A, double (*fun)(double x));/* for real only! */
SparseMatrix SparseMatrix_copy(SparseMatrix A);
int SparseMatrix_has_diagonal(SparseMatrix A);