<description>Maximium number of proxies that a request can be forwarded
<syntax>ProxyMaxForwards <var>number</var></syntax>
-<default>ProxyMaxForwards 10</default>
+<default>ProxyMaxForwards -1</default>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
-<compatibility>Available in Apache 2.0 and later</compatibility>
+<compatibility>Available in Apache 2.0 and later;
+ default behaviour changed in 2.2.7/2.3</compatibility>
<p>The <directive>ProxyMaxForwards</directive> directive specifies the
maximum number of proxies through which a request may pass, if there's no
- <code>Max-Forwards</code> header supplied with the request. This is
- set to prevent infinite proxy loops, or a DoS attack.</p>
+ <code>Max-Forwards</code> header supplied with the request. This may
+ be set to prevent infinite proxy loops, or a DoS attack.</p>
ProxyMaxForwards 15
+ <p>Note that setting <directive>ProxyMaxForwards</directive> is a
+ violation of the HTTP/1.1 protocol (RFC2616), which forbids a Proxy
+ setting <code>Max-Forwards</code> if the Client didn't set it.
+ Earlier Apache versions would always set it. A negative
+ <directive>ProxyMaxForwards</directive> value, including the
+ default -1, gives you protocol-compliant behaviour, but may
+ leave you open to loops.</p>