--- /dev/null
+# ===========================================================================
+# http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_python_embed.html
+# ===========================================================================
+# This file provides autoconf support for those applications that want to
+# embed python. It supports all pythons >= 2.2 which is the first official
+# release containing distutils. Version 2.2 of python was released
+# December 21, 2001. Since it actually executes the python, cross platform
+# configuration will probably not work. Also, most of the platforms
+# supported are consistent until you look into Mac OS X. The python
+# included with it is installed as a framework which is a very different
+# environment to set up the normal tools such as gcc and libtool to deal
+# with. Therefore, once we establish which python that we are going to
+# use, we use its distutils to actually compile and link our modules or
+# applications.
+# At this time, it does NOT support linking with Python statically. It
+# does support dynamic linking.
+# This set of macros help define $PYTHON, $PYTHON_USE, $PYTHON_CSPEC and
+# $PYTHON_LSPEC. $PYTHON defines the full executable path for the Python
+# being linked to and is used within these macros to determine if that has
+# been specified or found. These macros do execute this python version so
+# it must be present on the system at configure time.
+# $PYTHON_USE is an automake variable that defines whether Python support
+# should be included or not in your application. $PYTHON_CSPEC is a
+# variable that supplies additional CFLAGS for the compilation of the
+# application/shared library. $PYTHON_LSPEC is a variable that supplies
+# additional LDFLAGS for linking the application/shared library.
+# The following is an example of how to set up for python usage within
+# your application in your configure.in:
+# AX_PYTHON_ENABLE( ) # Optional
+# AX_PYTHON_WITH( ) # Optional
+# # if $PYTHON is not defined, then the following do nothing.
+# The AX_PYTHON_DEFAULT sets the $PYTHON_USE to false. Thereby, excluding
+# it if it was optional.
+# The AX_PYTHON_ENABLE looks for the optional configure parameters of
+# --enable-python/--disable-python and establishes the $PYTHON and
+# $PYTHON_USE variables accordingly.
+# The AX_PYTHON_WITH looks for the optional configure parameters of
+# --with-python/--without-python and establishes the $PYTHON and
+# $PYTHON_USE variables accordingly.
+# The AX_PYTHON_PATH looks for python assuming that none has been
+# previously found or defined and issues an error if it does not find it.
+# If it does find it, it establishes the $PYTHON and $PYTHON_USE variables
+# accordingly. AX_PYTHON_INSIST could be used here instead if you want to
+# insist that Python support be included using the --enable-python or
+# --with-python checks previously done.
+# The AX_PYTHON_VERSION_ENSURE issues an error if the Python previously
+# found is not of version 2.2 or greater.
+# Once that these macros have be run, we can use PYTHON_USE within the
+# makefile.am file to conditionally add the Python support such as:
+# Makefile.am example showing optional inclusion of directories:
+# plugins = plugins
+# src = src
+# else
+# plugins =
+# src =
+# endif
+# SUBDIRS = . $(plugins) $(src)
+# Makefile.am example showing optional shared library build:
+# lib_LTLIBRARIES = libElemList.la
+# libElemList_la_SOURCES = libElemList.c
+# libElemList_la_CFLAGS = @PYTHON_CSPEC@
+# libElemList_la_LDFLAGS = @PYTHON_LSPEC@
+# endif
+# Makefile.am example showing optional program build:
+# bin_PROGRAMS = runFunc
+# runFunc_SOURCES = runFunc.c
+# endif
+# The above compiles the modules only if PYTHON_USE was specified as true.
+# Also, the else portion of the if was optional.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Robert White <kranki@mac.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Dustin J. Mitchell <dustin@cs.uchicago.edu>
+# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
+# permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice
+# and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any
+# warranty.
+#serial 8
+# -----------------
+# Sets the default to not include Python support.
+ ax_python_use=false
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(PYTHON_USE, test x"$ax_python_use" = x"true")
+# AX_PYTHON_ENABLE( [path] )
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Handles the various --enable-python commands.
+# Input:
+# $1 is the optional search path for the python executable if needed
+# Ouput:
+# PYTHON_USE (AM_CONDITIONAL) is true if python executable found
+# and --enable-python was requested; otherwise false.
+# $PYTHON contains the full executable path to python if PYTHON_ENABLE_USE
+# is true.
+# Example:
+# or
+# AX_PYTHON_ENABLE( "/usr/bin" )
+ AC_ARG_VAR([PYTHON],[Python Executable Path])
+ # unless PYTHON was supplied to us (as a precious variable),
+ # see if --enable-python[=PythonExecutablePath], --enable-python,
+ # --disable-python or --enable-python=no was given.
+ if test -z "$PYTHON"
+ then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for --enable-python)
+ python,
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-python@<:@=PYTHON@:>@],
+ [absolute path name of Python executable]
+ ),
+ [
+ if test "$enableval" = "yes"
+ then
+ # "yes" was specified, but we don't have a path
+ # for the executable.
+ # So, let's searth the PATH Environment Variable.
+ python,
+ [],
+ $1
+ )
+ if test -z "$PYTHON"
+ then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(no path to python found)
+ fi
+ ax_python_use=true
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(PYTHON_USE, test x"$ax_python_use" = x"true")
+ elif test "$enableval" = "no"
+ then
+ ax_python_use=false
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(PYTHON_USE, test x"$ax_python_use" = x"true")
+ else
+ # $enableval must be the executable path then.
+ AC_SUBST([PYTHON], ["${enableval}"])
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($withval)
+ ax_python_use=true
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(PYTHON_USE, test x"$ax_python_use" = x"true")
+ fi
+ ],
+ [
+ # --with-python was not specified.
+ ax_python_use=false
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(PYTHON_USE, test x"$ax_python_use" = x"true")
+ ]
+ )
+ fi
+# -----------------
+# Set up the c compiler options to compile Python
+# embedded programs/libraries in $PYTHON_CSPEC if
+# $PYTHON has been defined.
+ AC_ARG_VAR( [PYTHON], [Python Executable Path] )
+ if test -n "$PYTHON"
+ then
+ ax_python_prefix=`${PYTHON} -c "import sys; print sys.prefix"`
+ if test -z "$ax_python_prefix"
+ then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Python Prefix is not known])
+ fi
+ ax_python_execprefix=`${PYTHON} -c "import sys; print sys.exec_prefix"`
+ ax_python_version=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; print sys.version[[:3]]"`
+ ax_python_includespec="-I${ax_python_prefix}/include/python${ax_python_version}"
+ if test x"$python_prefix" != x"$python_execprefix"; then
+ ax_python_execspec="-I${ax_python_execprefix}/include/python${ax_python_version}"
+ ax_python_includespec="${ax_python_includespec} $ax_python_execspec"
+ fi
+ ax_python_ccshared=`${PYTHON} -c "import distutils.sysconfig; print distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var('CFLAGSFORSHARED')"`
+ ax_python_cspec="${ax_python_ccshared} ${ax_python_includespec}"
+ AC_SUBST([PYTHON_CSPEC], [${ax_python_cspec}])
+ AC_MSG_NOTICE([PYTHON_CSPEC=${ax_python_cspec}])
+ fi
+# -----------------
+# Look for Python and set the output variable 'PYTHON'
+# to 'python' if found, empty otherwise.
+ AC_ARG_VAR( [PYTHON], [Python Executable Path] )
+ if test -z "$PYTHON"
+ then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Python Executable not found])
+ fi
+# -----------------
+# Set up the linker options to link Python embedded
+# programs/libraries in $PYTHON_LSPEC if $PYTHON
+# has been defined.
+ AC_ARG_VAR( [PYTHON], [Python Executable Path] )
+ if test -n "$PYTHON"
+ then
+import sys
+import distutils.sysconfig
+strUseFrameWork = "--enable-framework"
+dictConfig = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_vars( )
+strConfigArgs = dictConfig.get("CONFIG_ARGS")
+strLinkSpec = dictConfig.get('LDFLAGS')
+if -1 == strConfigArgs.find(strUseFrameWork):
+ strLibPL = dictConfig.get("LIBPL")
+ if strLibPL and (strLibPL != ""):
+ strLinkSpec += " -L%s" % (strLibPL)
+ strSys = dictConfig.get("SYSLIBS")
+ if strSys and (strSys != ""):
+ strLinkSpec += " %s" % (strSys)
+ strSHL = dictConfig.get("SHLIBS")
+ if strSHL and (strSHL != ""):
+ strLinkSpec += " %s" % (strSHL)
+ # Construct the Python Library Name.
+ strTmplte = " -lpython%d.%d"
+ if (sys.platform == "win32") or (sys.platform == "os2emx"):
+ strTmplte = " -lpython%d%d"
+ strWrk = strTmplte % ( (sys.hexversion >> 24),
+ ((sys.hexversion >> 16) & 0xff))
+ strLinkSpec += strWrk
+ # This is not ideal since it changes the search path
+ # for Frameworks which could have side-effects on
+ # other included Frameworks. However, it is necessary
+ # where someone has installed more than one frameworked
+ # Python. Frameworks are really only used in MacOSX.
+ strLibFW = dictConfig.get("PYTHONFRAMEWORKPREFIX")
+ if strLibFW and (strLibFW != ""):
+ strLinkSpec += " -F%s" % (strLibFW)
+strLinkSpec += " %s" % (dictConfig.get('LINKFORSHARED'))
+print strLinkSpec
+ ])
+ AC_SUBST([PYTHON_LSPEC], [${ax_python_output}])
+ AC_MSG_NOTICE([PYTHON_LSPEC=${ax_python_output}])
+ fi
+# -----------------
+# Look for Python and set the output variable 'PYTHON'
+# to 'python' if found, empty otherwise.
+ AC_ARG_VAR( [PYTHON], [Python Executable Path] )
+ AC_PATH_PROG( PYTHON, python, [], $1 )
+ if test -z "$PYTHON"
+ then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Python Executable not found])
+ else
+ ax_python_use=true
+ fi
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(PYTHON_USE, test "$ax_python_use" = "true")
+# -------------------
+# Use the values of $prefix and $exec_prefix for the corresponding
+ if test -z "$PYTHON"
+ then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Python Executable Path is not known])
+ fi
+ ax_python_prefix=`${PYTHON} -c "import sys; print sys.prefix"`
+ ax_python_execprefix=`${PYTHON} -c "import sys; print sys.exec_prefix"`
+ AC_SUBST([PYTHON_PREFIX], ["${ax_python_prefix}"])
+ AC_SUBST([PYTHON_EXECPREFIX], ["${ax_python_execprefix}"])
+# -----------------
+# Run a Python Test Program saving its output
+# in ax_python_output and its condition code
+# in ax_python_cc.
+ AC_ARG_VAR( [PYTHON], [Python Executable Path] )
+ if test -z "$PYTHON"
+ then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Python Executable not found])
+ else
+ cat >conftest.py <<_ACEOF
+ ax_python_output=`$PYTHON conftest.py`
+ ax_python_cc=$?
+ rm conftest.py
+ if test -f "conftest.pyc"
+ then
+ rm conftest.pyc
+ fi
+ fi
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Run ACTION-IF-TRUE if the Python interpreter has version >= VERSION.
+# Run ACTION-IF-FALSE otherwise.
+# This test uses sys.hexversion instead of the string equivalant (first
+# word of sys.version), in order to cope with versions such as 2.2c1.
+# hexversion has been introduced in Python 1.5.2; it's probably not
+# worth to support older versions (1.5.1 was released on October 31, 1998).
+ [
+ AC_ARG_VAR( [PYTHON], [Python Executable Path] )
+ if test -n "$PYTHON"
+ then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $PYTHON version >= $1])
+import sys, string
+# split strings by '.' and convert to numeric. Append some zeros
+# because we need at least 4 digits for the hex conversion.
+minver = map(int, string.split('$1', '.')) + [[0, 0, 0]]
+minverhex = 0
+for i in xrange(0, 4): minverhex = (minverhex << 8) + minver[[i]]
+if sys.hexversion >= minverhex:
+ sys.exit( 0 )
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+ ])
+ if test $ax_python_cc -eq 0
+ then
+ $2
+ m4_ifvaln(
+ [$3],
+ [else $3]
+ )
+ fi
+ fi
+# -----------------
+# Insure that the Python Interpreter Version
+# is greater than or equal to the VERSION
+# parameter.
+ [$1],
+ [AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)],
+ [AC_MSG_ERROR(too old)]
+ )
+# AX_PYTHON_WITH( [path] )
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Handles the various --with-python commands.
+# Input:
+# $1 is the optional search path for the python executable if needed
+# Ouput:
+# PYTHON_USE (AM_CONDITIONAL) is true if python executable found
+# and --with-python was requested; otherwise false.
+# $PYTHON contains the full executable path to python if PYTHON_USE
+# is true.
+# Example:
+# or
+# AX_PYTHON_WITH("/usr/bin")
+ AC_ARG_VAR([PYTHON],[Python Executable Path])
+ # unless PYTHON was supplied to us (as a precious variable),
+ # see if --with-python[=PythonExecutablePath], --with-python,
+ # --without-python or --with-python=no was given.
+ if test -z "$PYTHON"
+ then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for --with-python)
+ python,
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-python@<:@=PYTHON@:>@],
+ [absolute path name of Python executable]
+ ),
+ [
+ if test "$withval" = "yes"
+ then
+ # "yes" was specified, but we don't have a path
+ # for the executable.
+ # So, let's searth the PATH Environment Variable.
+ python,
+ [],
+ $1
+ )
+ if test -z "$PYTHON"
+ then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(no path to python found)
+ fi
+ ax_python_use=true
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(PYTHON_USE, test x"$ax_python_use" = x"true")
+ elif test "$withval" = "no"
+ then
+ ax_python_use=false
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(PYTHON_USE, test x"$ax_python_use" = x"true")
+ else
+ # $withval must be the executable path then.
+ AC_SUBST([PYTHON], ["${withval}"])
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($withval)
+ ax_python_use=true
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(PYTHON_USE, test x"$ax_python_use" = x"true")
+ fi
+ ],
+ [
+ # --with-python was not specified.
+ ax_python_use=false
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(PYTHON_USE, test x"$ax_python_use" = x"true")
+ ]
+ )
+ fi