node_disco_info(Host, Node, From) ->
node_disco_info(Host, Node, From, true, true).
-node_disco_info(Host, Node, From, _Identity, _Features) ->
- Action = fun (#pubsub_node{type = Type, id = Nidx}) ->
- Types = case tree_call(Host, get_subnodes, [Host, Node, From]) of
- [] ->
- [<<"leaf">>];
- _ ->
- case node_call(Host, Type, get_items, [Nidx, From, none]) of
- {result, {[], _}} -> [<<"collection">>];
- {result, _} -> [<<"leaf">>, <<"collection">>];
- _ -> []
- end
+node_disco_info(Host, Node, _From, _Identity, _Features) ->
+ Action = fun (#pubsub_node{type = Type, options = Options}) ->
+ NodeType = case get_option(Options, node_type) of
+ collection -> <<"collection">>;
+ _ -> <<"leaf">>
- I = [#xmlel{name = <<"identity">>,
- attrs = [{<<"category">>, <<"pubsub">>}, {<<"type">>, T}]}
- || T <- Types],
+ I = #xmlel{name = <<"identity">>,
+ attrs = [{<<"category">>, <<"pubsub">>},
+ {<<"type">>, NodeType}]},
F = [#xmlel{name = <<"feature">>,
attrs = [{<<"var">>, ?NS_PUBSUB}]}
| [#xmlel{name = <<"feature">>,
attrs = [{<<"var">>, feature(F)}]}
|| F <- plugin_features(Host, Type)]],
- {result, I ++ F}
+ {result, [I | F]}
case transaction(Host, Node, Action, sync_dirty) of
{result, {_, Result}} -> {result, Result};