return color_rgb_init(r, g, b);
-double *lab_gamut_from_file(char *gamut_file, const char *lightness, int *n){
- /* give a list of n points in the file defining the LAB color gamut. return NULL if the mgamut file is not found.
- lightness is a string of the form 0,70, or NULL.
- */
- FILE *fp;
- enum {buf_len = 10000};
- char buf[buf_len];
- double *xx, *x;
- int l1 = 0, l2 = 70;
- if (lightness && sscanf(lightness, "%d,%d", &l1, &l2) == 2){
- if (l1 < 0) l1 = 0;
- if (l2 > 100) l2 = 100;
- if (l1 > l2) l1 = l2;
- } else {
- l1 = 0; l2 = 70;
- }
- *n = 0;
- if (Verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"LAB color lightness range = %d,%d\n", l1, l2);
- fp = fopen(gamut_file, "r");
- if (!fp) return NULL;
- while (fgets(buf, buf_len, fp)){
- (*n)++;
- }
- rewind(fp);
- x = malloc(sizeof(double)*3*(*n));
- xx = x;
- *n = 0;
- while (fgets(buf, buf_len, fp)){
- sscanf(buf,"%lf %lf %lf", xx, xx+1, xx+2);
- if (*xx >= l1 && *xx <= l2){
- xx += 3;
- (*n)++;
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- return x;
double *lab_gamut(const char *lightness, int *n){
/* give a list of n points in the file defining the LAB color gamut.
lightness is a string of the form 0,70, or NULL.
color_xyz color_xyz_init(double x, double y, double z);
color_lab color_lab_init(double l, double a, double b);
QuadTree lab_gamut_quadtree(const char *lightness, int max_qtree_level); /* construct a quadtree of the LAB gamut points */
-double *lab_gamut_from_file(char *gamut_file, const char *lightness, int *n); /* give a list of n points in the file defining the LAB color gamut */
double *lab_gamut(const char *lightness, int *n); /* give a list of n points in the file defining the LAB color gamut */
void color_blend_rgb2lab(char *color_list, const int maxpoints, double **colors); /* give a color list of the form "#ff0000,#00ff00,...", get a list of around maxpoints
colors in an array colors0 of size [maxpoints*3] of the form {{l,a,b},...}.