]> granicus.if.org Git - postgresql/commitdiff
First files for reference pages.
authorThomas G. Lockhart <lockhart@fourpalms.org>
Wed, 13 May 1998 05:34:00 +0000 (05:34 +0000)
committerThomas G. Lockhart <lockhart@fourpalms.org>
Wed, 13 May 1998 05:34:00 +0000 (05:34 +0000)
16 files changed:
doc/src/sgml/ref/allfiles.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]
doc/src/sgml/ref/alter_table.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]
doc/src/sgml/ref/alter_user.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]
doc/src/sgml/ref/begin.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]
doc/src/sgml/ref/close.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]
doc/src/sgml/ref/cluster.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]
doc/src/sgml/ref/commands.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]
doc/src/sgml/ref/commit.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]
doc/src/sgml/ref/copy.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]
doc/src/sgml/ref/create_aggregate.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]
doc/src/sgml/ref/create_database.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]
doc/src/sgml/ref/create_function.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]
doc/src/sgml/ref/create_index.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]
doc/src/sgml/ref/create_language.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]
doc/src/sgml/ref/drop_function.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]
doc/src/sgml/ref/select.sgml [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/allfiles.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/allfiles.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5e761b1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<!-- allfiles.sgml
+- Complete list of usable sgml source files in this directory.
+- -->
+<!entity intro-ref          system "intro-ref.sgml">
+<!entity commands           system "commands.sgml">
+<!-- these will go into the "operators" reference chapter -->
+<!entity all                system "all.sgml">
+<!entity any                system "any.sgml">
+<!entity between            system "between.sgml">
+<!entity in                 system "in.sgml">
+<!entity like               system "like.sgml">
+<!-- these will go into the "functions" reference chapter -->
+<!entity avg                system "avg.sgml">
+<!entity cast               system "cast.sgml">
+<!entity charLength         system "char_length.sgml">
+<!entity count              system "count.sgml">
+<!entity currentDate        system "current_date.sgml">
+<!entity currentTime        system "current_time.sgml">
+<!entity currentTimestamp   system "current_timestamp.sgml">
+<!entity currentUser        system "current_user.sgml">
+<!entity exists             system "exists.sgml">
+<!entity extract            system "extract.sgml">
+<!entity initcap            system "initcap.sgml">
+<!entity lower              system "lower.sgml">
+<!entity lpad               system "lpad.sgml">
+<!entity max                system "max.sgml">
+<!entity min                system "min.sgml">
+<!entity position           system "position.sgml">
+<!entity rpad               system "rpad.sgml">
+<!entity substring          system "substring.sgml">
+<!entity sum                system "sum.sgml">
+<!entity translate          system "translate.sgml">
+<!entity trim               system "trim.sgml">
+<!entity upper              system "upper.sgml">
+<!-- these are folded into create_table.sgml
+<!entity check              system "check.sgml">
+<!entity constraints        system "constraint.sgml">
+<!entity default            system "default.sgml">
+<!entity notNull            system "not_null.sgml">
+<!entity primaryKey         system "primary_key.sgml">
+<!entity unique             system "unique.sgml">
+<!-- these are folded into select.sgml
+<!entity groupBy            system "group_by.sgml">
+<!entity having             system "having.sgml">
+<!entity orderBy            system "order_by.sgml">
+<!entity union              system "union.sgml">
+<!-- these are in the "commands" reference chapter -->
+<!entity alterTable         system "alter_table.sgml">
+<!entity alterUser          system "alter_user.sgml">
+<!entity begin              system "begin.sgml">
+<!entity close              system "close.sgml">
+<!entity cluster            system "cluster.sgml">
+<!entity commit             system "commit.sgml">
+<!entity copy               system "copy.sgml">
+<!entity createAggregate    system "create_aggregate.sgml">
+<!entity createDatabase     system "create_database.sgml">
+<!entity createFunction     system "create_function.sgml">
+<!entity createIndex        system "create_index.sgml">
+<!entity createLanguage     system "create_language.sgml">
+<!entity createOperator     system "create_operator.sgml">
+<!entity createRule         system "create_rule.sgml">
+<!entity createSequence     system "create_sequence.sgml">
+<!entity createTable        system "create_table.sgml">
+<!entity createTrigger      system "create_trigger.sgml">
+<!entity createType         system "create_type.sgml">
+<!entity createUser         system "create_user.sgml">
+<!entity createView         system "create_view.sgml">
+<!entity declare            system "declare.sgml">
+<!entity delete             system "delete.sgml">
+<!entity dropAggregate      system "drop_aggregate.sgml">
+<!entity dropDatabase       system "drop_database.sgml">
+<!entity dropFunction       system "drop_function.sgml">
+<!entity dropIndex          system "drop_index.sgml">
+<!entity dropLanguage       system "drop_language.sgml">
+<!entity dropOperator       system "drop_operator.sgml">
+<!entity dropRule           system "drop_rule.sgml">
+<!entity dropSequence       system "drop_sequence.sgml">
+<!entity dropTable          system "drop_table.sgml">
+<!entity dropTrigger        system "drop_trigger.sgml">
+<!entity dropType           system "drop_type.sgml">
+<!entity dropUser           system "drop_user.sgml">
+<!entity dropView           system "drop_view.sgml">
+<!entity explain            system "explain.sgml">
+<!entity fetch              system "fetch.sgml">
+<!entity grant              system "grant.sgml">
+<!entity insert             system "insert.sgml">
+<!entity listen             system "listen.sgml">
+<!entity load               system "load.sgml">
+<!entity lock               system "lock.sgml">
+<!entity move               system "move.sgml">
+<!entity notify             system "notify.sgml">
+<!entity reset              system "reset.sgml">
+<!entity revoke             system "revoke.sgml">
+<!entity rollback           system "rollback.sgml">
+<!entity select             system "select.sgml">
+<!entity set                system "set.sgml">
+<!entity show               system "show.sgml">
+<!entity update             system "update.sgml">
+<!entity vacuum             system "vacuum.sgml">
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/alter_table.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/alter_table.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..143df87
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+Modifies table properties
+          The name of an existing table to alter.
+          Name of a new or existing column.
+          Type of the new column.
+          New name for an existing column.
+          New name for an existing column.
+          Message returned from column or table renaming.
+          Message returned from column addition.
+          Message returned if table or column is not available.
+   ALTER TABLE changes the definition of an existing table.
+   The new columns and their types are specified in the same style
+   and with the the same restrictions as in CREATE TABLE.
+   The RENAME clause causes the name of a table or column
+   to change without changing any of the data contained in
+   the affected table. Thus, the table or column will
+   remain of the same type and size after this command is
+   executed.
+   You must own the table in order to change its schema.
+The keyword COLUMN is noise and can be omitted.
+ALTER TABLE/RENAME is a PostgreSQL language extension.
+<Quote>[*]</Quote> following a name of a table indicates that statement
+     should be run over that table and all tables below it in the
+     inheritance hierarchy.
+     Refer to PostgreSQL User's Guide for further
+     information on inheritance.
+   Refer to the CREATE TABLE reference for further description
+     of valid arguments.
+   To add a column of type VARCHAR to a table:
+    ALTER TABLE distributors ADD COLUMN address VARCHAR(30);
+   To rename an existing column:
+    ALTER TABLE distributors RENAME COLUMN address TO city;
+   To rename an existing table:
+    ALTER TABLE distributors RENAME TO suppliers;
+   SQL92 specifies some additional capabilities for ALTER TABLE
+   statement which are not yet directly supported by <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>:
+          Puts the default value or constraint specified into the
+          definition of column in the table. See CREATE TABLE for the
+          syntax of the default and table-constraint clauses.
+          If a default clause already exists, it will be replaced by
+          the new definition. If any constraints on this column already
+          exist, they will be retained using a boolean AND with the new
+          constraint.
+Currently, to set new default constraints on an existing column
+          the table must be recreated and reloaded:
+CREATE TABLE temp AS SELECT * FROM distributors;
+DROP TABLE distributors;
+CREATE TABLE distributors (
+    did      DECIMAL(3) DEFAULT 1,
+    name     VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
+    city     VARCHAR(30)
+INSERT INTO distributors SELECT * FROM temp;
+          Removes the default value specified by default or the rule
+          specified by constraint from the definition of a table. 
+          If RESTRICT is specified only a constraint with no dependent
+          constraints can be destroyed.
+          If CASCADE is specified, Any constraints that are dependent on
+          this constraint are also dropped.
+Currently, to remove a default value or constraints on an
+          existing column the table must be recreated and reloaded:
+CREATE TABLE temp AS SELECT * FROM distributors;
+DROP TABLE distributors;
+CREATE TABLE distributors AS SELECT * FROM temp;
+          Removes a column from a table.
+          If RESTRICT is specified only a column with no dependent
+          objects can be destroyed.
+          If CASCADE is specified, all objects that are dependent on
+          this column are also dropped.
+Currently, to remove an existing column the table must be
+          recreated and reloaded:
+CREATE TABLE temp AS SELECT did, city FROM distributors;    
+DROP TABLE distributors;
+CREATE TABLE distributors (
+    did      DECIMAL(3)  DEFAULT 1,
+    name     VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
+INSERT INTO distributors SELECT * FROM temp;
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/alter_user.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/alter_user.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1087602
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+    <REFMISCINFO>SQL - Language Statements</REFMISCINFO>
+   </REFMETA>
+    <REFNAME>
+    </REFNAME>
+     Modifies user account information
+     <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+    <synopsis>
+     ALTER USER <replaceable class="PARAMETER">username</replaceable>
+     [WITH PASSWORD <replaceable class="PARAMETER">password</replaceable>]
+     [IN GROUP <replaceable class="PARAMETER">groupname</replaceable> [, ...] ]
+     [VALID UNTIL '<replaceable class="PARAMETER">abstime</replaceable>']
+    </synopsis>
+      <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+     <TITLE>
+      Inputs
+     </TITLE>
+     <PARA>
+      Refer to CREATE USER statement for a detailed description of each
+      clause.
+     </para>
+       <TERM>
+       </TERM>
+       <LISTITEM>
+        <PARA>
+         The Postgres account name of the user whose details are to be altered.
+        </PARA>
+       </LISTITEM>
+       <TERM>
+       </TERM>
+       <LISTITEM>
+        <PARA>
+         The new password to be used for this account.
+        </PARA>
+       </LISTITEM>
+       <TERM>
+       </TERM>
+       <LISTITEM>
+        <PARA>
+         The name of an access group into which this account is to be put.
+        </PARA>
+       </LISTITEM>
+       <TERM>
+       </TERM>
+       <LISTITEM>
+        <PARA>
+         The date (and, optionally, the time) at which this user's access is to be terminated.
+        </PARA>
+       </LISTITEM>
+    </REFSECT2>
+      <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+     <TITLE>
+      Outputs
+     </TITLE>
+     <PARA>
+     </PARA>
+       <TERM>
+       <ReturnValue>status</ReturnValue>
+       </TERM>
+       <LISTITEM>
+       <PARA>
+         <VARLISTENTRY>
+          <TERM>
+           <ReturnValue>ALTER USER</ReturnValue>
+          </TERM>
+          <LISTITEM>
+           <PARA>
+            Message returned if the alteration was successful.
+           </PARA>
+          </LISTITEM>
+         </VARLISTENTRY>
+         <VARLISTENTRY>
+          <TERM>
+           <ReturnValue>ERROR: alterUser: user "username" does not exist</ReturnValue>
+          </TERM>
+          <LISTITEM>
+           <PARA>
+            Error message returned if the user specified doesn't
+            exist.
+           </PARA>
+          </LISTITEM>
+         </VARLISTENTRY>
+        </VARIABLELIST>
+       </para>
+       </listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+     </variablelist>
+    </REFSECT2>
+     <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+    <TITLE>
+     Description
+    </TITLE>
+    <PARA>
+     ALTER USER is used to change the attributes of a user's
+     PostgreSQL account. Please note that it is not possible
+     to alter a user's "usesysid" via the alter user
+     statement. Also, it is only possible for the PostgreSQL
+     user or any user with read and modify permissions on
+     "pg_shadow" to alter user passwords.
+    </PARA>
+    <para>
+     If any of the clauses of the alter user statement are
+     omitted, the corresponding value in the "pg_shadow" table
+     is left unchanged.
+    </para>
+      <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+     <TITLE>
+      Notes
+     </TITLE>
+     <PARA>
+      ALTER USER statement is a PostgreSQL language extension.
+     </para>
+     <para>
+      Refer to CREATE/DROP USER statements to create/remove an user
+      account.
+     </para>
+     <para>
+      At the current release (6.3.2), the IN GROUP clause is parsed
+      but has no effect.  When it is fully implemented, it is
+      intended to modify the pg_group relation.
+     </para>
+    </REFSECT2>
+   </refsect1>
+    <TITLE>
+     Usage
+    </TITLE>
+    <PARA>
+     Change a user password
+    </PARA>
+    <ProgramListing>
+     ALTER USER davide WITH PASSWORD hu8jmn3;
+    </ProgramListing>
+    <para>
+     Change a user's valid until date
+    </para>
+    <ProgramListing>
+     ALTER USER manuel VALID UNTIL 'Jan 31 2030';
+    </ProgramListing>
+    <para>
+     Change a user's valid until date, specifying that his
+authorisation should expire at midday on 4th May 1998 using
+the time zone which is one hour ahead of UTC
+    </para>
+    <ProgramListing>
+     ALTER USER chris VALID UNTIL 'May 4 12:00:00 1998 +1';
+    </ProgramListing>
+    <para>
+     Give a user the ability to create other users and new databases.
+    </para>
+    <programlisting>
+    </programlisting>
+    <para>
+     Place a user in two groups
+    </para>
+    <programlisting>
+     ALTER USER miriam IN GROUP sales, payroll;
+    </programlisting>
+   </REFSECT1>
+    <TITLE>
+     Compatibility
+    </TITLE>
+    <PARA>
+    </PARA>
+      <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+     <TITLE>
+      SQL92
+     </TITLE>
+     <PARA>
+      There is no ALTER USER statement in SQL92.  The standard leaves
+      the definition of users to the implementation.
+     </PARA>
+   </refsect1>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/begin.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/begin.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9939a9d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+  <REFMISCINFO>SQL - Language Statements</REFMISCINFO>
+   Begins a transaction
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Inputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+      <ReturnValue>
+       None
+      </ReturnValue>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <para></para>
+     </LISTITEM>
+    </varlistentry>
+  </REFSECT2>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Outputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+      status
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>BEGIN</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          This signifies that a new transaction has been started.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>
+          NOTICE:  BeginTransactionBlock and not in default state
+         </ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          This indicates that a transaction was already in progress.
+          <comment>
+           What happens to command queries already run
+           in the transaction?  Does this have no effect, or does
+           it restart the transaction?
+          </comment>
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+      </para>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+  <TITLE>
+   Description
+  </TITLE>
+  <para>
+   BEGIN begins a user transaction which PostgreSQL will
+   guarantee is serialisable with respect to all concurrently
+   executing transactions. PostgreSQL uses two-phase locking
+   to perform this task. If the transaction is committed,
+   PostgreSQL will ensure either that all updates are done orelse
+   that none of
+   them are done. Transactions have the standard ACID
+   (atomic, consistent, isolatable, and durable) property.
+  </para>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Notes
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    The keyword TRANSACTION is just a cosmetic alternative to WORK.
+    Neither keyword need be specified.
+   </PARA>
+   <PARA>
+    BEGIN statement is a PostgreSQL language extension.
+   </PARA>
+   <PARA>
+    Refer to the LOCK statement for further information about locking
+    tables inside a transaction.
+   </PARA>
+   <PARA>
+    Use COMMIT or ROLLBACK to terminate a transaction.
+   </PARA>
+  </REFSECT2>
+  <TITLE>
+   Usage
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>To begin a user transaction:
+  </PARA>
+  <ProgramListing>
+  </ProgramListing>
+  <TITLE>
+   Compatibility
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+  </PARA>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    SQL92
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA> 
+    There is no explicit "BEGIN WORK" in SQL92; transaction initiation
+    is always implicit and it terminates either with a COMMIT or with
+    a ROLLBACK statement.
+   </PARA>
+  </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/close.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/close.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..aba7eb0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+  <REFMISCINFO>SQL - Language Statements</REFMISCINFO>
+   Close a cursor
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Inputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>
+         </ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          The name of an open cursor to close.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Outputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>
+          CLOSE
+         </ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          Message returned if the cursor is successfully closed.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>
+          NOTICE PerformPortalClose: portal "<REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">cursor</REPLACEABLE>" not found
+         </ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          This warning is given if
+          declared or has already been closed.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+  <TITLE>
+   Description
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   CLOSE frees the resources associated with an open cursor.
+   After the cursor is closed, no subsequent operations
+   are allowed on it. A cursor should be closed when it is
+   no longer needed.
+  </PARA>
+  <PARA>
+   An implicit close is executed for every open cursor when a
+   transaction is terminated by COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
+  </PARA>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Notes
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    PostgreSQL does not have an explicit OPEN cursor statement;
+    a cursor is considered open when it is DECLAREd. 
+    Use DECLARE to declare a cursor.
+   </PARA>
+  </REFSECT2>
+ </refsect1>
+  <TITLE>
+   Usage
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   Close the cursor liahona:
+  </PARA>
+  <ProgramListing>
+   CLOSE liahona;
+  </ProgramListing>
+  <TITLE>
+   Compatibility
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+  </PARA>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    SQL92
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    CLOSE is fully compatibile with SQL92.
+   </PARA>
+  </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/cluster.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/cluster.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5a7bb1c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+ <REFMISCINFO>SQL - Language Statements</REFMISCINFO>
+  Gives storage clustering advice to PostgreSQL
+  <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+  <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+  <TITLE>
+  Inputs
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+  </PARA>
+   <TERM>
+   <ReturnValue>
+   </ReturnValue>
+   </TERM>
+   <PARA>
+    The name of an index.
+   </PARA>
+   <TERM>
+   <ReturnValue>
+   </ReturnValue>
+   </TERM>
+   <PARA>
+    The name of a table.
+   </PARA>
+  <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+  <TITLE>
+  Outputs
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+  </PARA>
+   <TERM>
+   </TERM>
+   <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+        <ReturnValue>CLUSTER</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+        <PARA>
+         The clustering was done successfully.
+        </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+        <ReturnValue>ERROR: relation &lt;<REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">tablerelation_number</REPLACEABLE>&gt; inherits "invoice"</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+        <PARA>
+         ???
+         <comment>
+         This is not documented anywhere. It seems not to be possible to
+         cluster a table that is inherited.
+         </comment>
+        </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+        <ReturnValue>ERROR: Relation x does not exist!</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+        <PARA>
+         ???
+         <comment>
+         The relation complained of was not shown in the error message,
+         which contained a random string instead of the relation name.
+         </comment>
+        </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+    </variablelist>
+  <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+  Description
+ </TITLE>
+ <PARA>
+  This command instructs PostgreSQL to cluster the class specified
+  by <replaceable class="parameter">classname</replaceable> approximately
+  based on the index specified by
+  <replaceable class="parameter">indexname</replaceable>. The index must
+  already have been defined on <replaceable class="parameter">classname</replaceable>.
+ </PARA>
+ <para>
+  When a class is clustered, it is physically reordered
+  based on the index information. The clustering is static.
+  In other words, as the class is updated, the changes are
+  not clustered. No attempt is made to keep new instances or
+  updated tuples clustered.  If he wishes, the user can
+  recluster manually by issuing the command again.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+  The table is actually copied to a temporary table in index
+  order, then renamed back to the original name.  For this
+  reason, all grant permissions and other indexes are lost
+  when clustering is performed.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+  In cases where you are accessing single rows randomly
+  within a table, the actual order of the data in the heap
+  table is unimportant. However, if you tend to access some
+  data more than others, and there is an index that groups
+  them together, you will benefit from using the CLUSTER
+  command.
+ </para>
+ <para> 
+  Another place CLUSTER is good is in cases where you use an
+  index to pull out several rows from a table. If you are
+  requesting a range of indexed values from a table, or a
+  single indexed value that has multiple rows that match,
+  CLUSTER will help because once the index identifies the
+  heap page for the first row that matches, all other rows
+  that match are probably already on the same heap page,
+  saving disk accesses and speeding up the query.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+  There are two ways to cluster data. The first is with the
+  CLUSTER command, which reorders the original table with
+  the ordering of the index you specify. This can be slow
+  on large tables because the rows are fetched from the heap
+  in index order, and if the heap table is unordered, the
+  entries are on random pages, so there is one disk page
+  retrieved for every row moved. PostgreSQL has a cache,
+  but the majority of a big table will not fit in the cache.
+ </para>
+ <para> 
+  Another way is to use
+  <programlisting>SELECT ... INTO TABLE temp FROM ... ORDER BY ...</programlisting>
+  This uses the PostgreSQL sorting code in
+  ORDER BY to match the index, and is much faster for
+  unordered data. You then drop the old table, use
+<programlisting>ALTER TABLE RENAME</programlisting>
+ to rename 'temp' to the old name, and
+  recreate the b bindexes. The only problem is that oids
+  will not be preserved. From then on, CLUSTER should be
+  fast because most of the heap data has already been
+  ordered, and the existing index is used.
+ </para>
+  Usage
+ </TITLE>
+ <PARA>
+  Cluster the employees relation on the basis of its salary attribute
+ </PARA>
+ <ProgramListing>
+  CLUSTER emp_ind ON emp
+ </ProgramListing>
+  Compatibility
+ </TITLE>
+ <PARA>
+ </PARA>
+  <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+  <TITLE>
+  SQL92
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+  There is no CLUSTER statement in SQL92.
+  </PARA>
+ </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/commands.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/commands.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f295a94
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/commit.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/commit.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..63c9dbd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+  <REFMISCINFO>SQL - Language Statements</REFMISCINFO>
+   Commits the current transaction
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Inputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>None</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Outputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>END</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+Message returned if the transaction is successfully committed.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>NOTICE EndTransactionBlock and not inprogress/abort state
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+If there is no transaction in progress.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+  <TITLE>
+   Description
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   COMMIT commits the current transaction. All
+   changes made by the transaction become visible to others
+   and are guaranteed to be durable if a crash occurs.
+  </PARA>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Notes
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    The keyword WORK is noise and can be omitted.
+   </PARA>
+   <para>
+    Refer to ROLLBACK statements to abort a transaction.
+   </para>
+  </REFSECT2>
+ </refsect1>
+  <TITLE>
+   Usage
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+To make all changes permanent:
+  </PARA>
+  <ProgramListing>
+  </ProgramListing>
+  <TITLE>
+   Compatibility
+  <PARA>
+  </PARA>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    SQL92
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    Full compatibility.
+   </PARA>
+  </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/copy.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/copy.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1c49e14
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+   COPY
+  <REFMISCINFO>SQL - Language Statements</REFMISCINFO>
+   COPY
+   Copies data between files and tables
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   COPY [BINARY] <replaceable class="parameter">table</replaceable> [WITH OIDS]
+         TO|FROM '<replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable>'|stdin|stdout
+         [USING DELIMITERS '<replaceable class="parameter">delimiter</replaceable>']
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Inputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue><replaceable class="parameter">table</replaceable></ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          The name of a table.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue><replaceable class="parameter">delimiter</replaceable></ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          A character that delimits fields.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Outputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+      Status
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>COPY</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          The copy completed successfully.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>ERROR: <replaceable>error message</replaceable></ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          The copy failed for the reason stated in the error message.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+  <TITLE>
+   Description
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   <command>COPY</command> moves data between PostgreSQL tables and
+   standard Unix files. The keyword <function>BINARY</function>
+   changes the behavior of field formatting, as described
+   below. <replaceable class="parameter">Table</replaceable> is the
+   name of an existing table.  The keyword <function>WITH
+   OIDS</function> copies the internal unique object id (OID) for each
+   row.  <replaceable class="parameter">Filename</replaceable> is the
+   absolute Unix pathname of the file.  In place of a filename, the
+   keywords <function>stdin</function> and <function>stdout</function>
+   can be used, so that input to <command>COPY</command> can be written
+   by a libpq application and output from <command>COPY</command> can
+   be read by a libpq application.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+   The <function>BINARY</function> keyword will force all data to be
+   stored/read as binary objects rather than as ASCII text.  It is
+   somewhat faster than the normal copy command, but is not
+   generally portable, and the files generated are somewhat larger,
+   although this factor is highly dependent on the data itself.  By
+   default, an ASCII copy uses a tab (\t) character as a delimiter.
+   The delimiter may also be changed to any other single character
+   with the keyword <function>USING DELIMITERS</function>.  Characters
+   in data fields which happen to match the delimiter character will
+   be quoted.
+  </para>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Notes
+   </TITLE>
+  <para>
+    You must have select access on any table whose values are read by
+    <command>COPY</command>, and either insert or update access to a
+    table into which values are being inserted by <command>COPY</command>.
+    The backend also needs appropriate Unix permissions for any file read
+    or written by <command>COPY</command>.
+Is this right? The man page talked of read, write and append access, which
+is neither SQL nor Unix terminology.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    The keyword <function>USING DELIMITERS</function> is inaptly
+    named, since only a single character may be specified.  (If a
+    group of characters is specified, only the first character is
+    used.)
+   </para>
+   <para>
+    WARNING: do not confuse <command>COPY</command> with the
+    <command>psql</command> instruction <command>\copy</command>.
+   </para>
+  </REFSECT2>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1 ID="R1-SQL-COPY-2">
+  <refsect1info>
+   <date>1998-05-04</date>
+  </refsect1info>
+  <title>Format of output files</title>
+  <refsect2>
+   <refsect2info>
+    <date>1998-05-04</date>
+   </refsect2info>
+   <title>ASCII copy format</title>
+   <para>
+    When <command>COPY</command> is used without <function>BINARY</function>,
+    the file generated will have each instance on a single line, with each
+    attribute separated by the delimiter character.  Embedded
+    delimiter characters will be preceded by a backslash character
+    (\).  The attribute values themselves are strings generated by the
+    output function associated with each attribute type.  The output
+    function for a type should not try to generate the backslash
+    character; this will be handled by <command>COPY</command> itself.
+   </para>
+   <para>
+    The actual format for each instance is
+    <programlisting>
+     &lt;attr1&gt;&lt;<replaceable class=parameter>separator</replaceable>&gt;&lt;attr2&gt;&lt;<replaceable class=parameter>separator</replaceable>&gt;...&lt;<replaceable class=parameter>separator</replaceable>&gt;&lt;attr<replaceable class="parameter">n</replaceable>&gt;&lt;newline&gt;</programlisting>
+    The oid is placed on the beginning of the line
+     if <function>WITH OIDS</function> is specified.
+   </para>
+   <para>
+    If <command>COPY</command> is sending its output to standard
+    output instead of a file, it will send a backslash(\) and a period
+    (.)  followed immediately by a newline, on a separate line,
+    when it is done.  Similarly, if <command>COPY</command> is reading
+    from standard input, it will expect a backslash (\) and a period
+    (.) followed by a newline, as the first three characters on a
+    line, to denote end-of-file.  However, <command>COPY</command>
+    will terminate (followed by the backend itself) if a true EOF is
+    encountered.
+   </para>
+   <para>
+    The backslash character has special meaning.  NULL attributes are
+    output as \N.  A literal backslash character is output as two
+    consecutive backslashes.  A literal tab character is represented
+    as a backslash and a tab.  A literal newline character is
+    represented as a backslash and a newline.  When loading ASCII data
+    not generated by PostgreSQL, you will need to convert backslash
+    characters (\) to double-backslashes (\\) to ensure that they are loaded
+    properly.
+   </para>
+  </refsect2>
+  <refsect2>
+   <refsect2info>
+    <date>1998-05-04</date>
+   </refsect2info>
+   <title>Binary copy format</title>
+   <para>
+    In the case of <command>COPY BINARY</command>, the first four
+    bytes in the file will be the number of instances in the file.  If
+    this number is zero, the <command>COPY BINARY</command> command
+    will read until end of file is encountered.  Otherwise, it will
+    stop reading when this number of instances has been read.
+    Remaining data in the file will be ignored.
+   </para>
+   <para>
+    The format for each instance in the file is as follows.  Note that
+    this format must be followed <emphasis>exactly</emphasis>.
+    Unsigned four-byte integer quantities are called uint32 in the
+    table below.
+   </para>
+   <table frame="all">
+    <title>Contents of a binary copy file</title>
+    <tgroup cols="2"colsep="1" rowsep="1" align="center">
+     <COLSPEC COLNAME="col1">
+     <COLSPEC COLNAME="col2">
+     <spanspec namest="col1" nameend="col2" spanname="subhead">
+     <tbody>
+      <row>
+       <entry align="center" spanname="subhead">At the start of the file</entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry>uint32</entry>
+       <entry>number of tuples</entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry align="center" spanname="subhead">For each tuple</entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry>uint32</entry>
+       <entry>total length of tuple data</entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry>uint32</entry>
+       <entry>oid (if specified)</entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry>uint32</entry>
+       <entry>number of null attributes</entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry>[uint32</entry>
+       <entry>attribute number of first null attribute, counting from 0</entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry>...</entry>
+       <entry>...</entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry>uint32</entry>
+       <entry>attribute number of last null attribute]</entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry>-</entry>
+       <entry>&lt;tuple data&gt;</entry>
+      </row>
+     </tbody>
+    </tgroup>
+   </table>
+  </refsect2>
+  <refsect2>
+   <refsect2info>
+    <date>1998-05-04</date>
+   </refsect2info>
+   <title>Alignment of binary data</title>
+   <para>
+    On Sun-3s, 2-byte attributes are aligned on two-byte boundaries,
+    and all larger attributes are aligned on four-byte boundaries.
+    Character attributes are aligned on single-byte boundaries.  On
+    other machines, all attributes larger than 1 byte are aligned on
+    four-byte boundaries.  Note that variable length attributes are
+    preceded by the attribute's length; arrays are simply contiguous
+    streams of the array element type.
+   </para>
+  </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+  <TITLE>
+   Usage
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+To copy a table to standard output, using | as a delimiter
+  </PARA>
+  <ProgramListing>
+ COPY country TO stdout USING DELIMITERS '|';
+  </ProgramListing>
+  <PARA>
+   To copy data from a Unix file into a table:
+  </PARA>
+  <ProgramListing>
+   COPY country FROM '/usr1/proj/bray/sql/country_data';
+  </ProgramListing>
+  <PARA>
+   A sample of data suitable for copying into a table from <filename>stdin</filename> (so it
+has the termination sequence on the last line):
+  </PARA>
+  <ProgramListing>
+   AL      ALBANIA
+   DZ      ALGERIA
+   ...
+   ZM      ZAMBIA
+   ZW      ZIMBABWE
+   \.
+  </ProgramListing>
+  <PARA>
+   The same data, output in binary format on a Linux Intel machine.
+   The data is shown after filtering through the Unix utility <command>od -c</command>. The table has
+   three fields; the first is <classname>char(2)</classname> and the second is <classname>text</classname>. All the
+   rows have a null value in the third field).  Notice how the <classname>char(2)</classname>
+   field is padded with nulls to four bytes and the text field is
+   preceded by its length:
+  </PARA>
+  <ProgramListing>
+   355  \0  \0  \0 027  \0  \0  \0 001  \0  \0  \0 002  \0  \0  \0
+   006  \0  \0  \0   A   F  \0  \0 017  \0  \0  \0   A   F   G   H
+     A   N   I   S   T   A   N 023  \0  \0  \0 001  \0  \0  \0 002
+    \0  \0  \0 006  \0  \0  \0   A   L  \0  \0  \v  \0  \0  \0   A
+     L   B   A   N   I   A 023  \0  \0  \0 001  \0  \0  \0 002  \0
+    \0  \0 006  \0  \0  \0   D   Z  \0  \0  \v  \0  \0  \0   A   L
+     G   E   R   I   A
+   ...              \n  \0  \0  \0   Z   A   M   B   I   A 024  \0
+    \0  \0 001  \0  \0  \0 002  \0  \0  \0 006  \0  \0  \0   Z   W
+    \0  \0  \f  \0  \0  \0   Z   I   M   B   A   B   W   E
+  </ProgramListing>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1 ID="R1-SQL-COPY-4">
+  <title>See also</title>
+  <para>
+   insert(l), create table(l), vacuum(l), libpq.
+  </para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1 ID="R1-SQL-COPY-5">
+  <title>Bugs</title>
+  <para>
+   <command>COPY</command> stops operation at the first error.  This
+   should not lead to problems in the event of a copy from, but the
+   target relation will, of course, be partially modified in a copy
+   to.  The <command>VACUUM</command> query should be used to clean up
+   after a failed copy.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+   Because Postgres' current directory is not the same as the user's
+   working directory, the result of copying to a file "foo" (without
+   additional path information) may yield unexpected results for the
+   naive user.  In this case, "foo" will wind up in $PGDATA/foo.  In
+   general, the full pathname should be used when specifying files to
+   be copied.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+   Files used as arguments to the copy command must reside on or be
+   accessible to the database server machine by being either on
+   local disks or on a networked file system.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+   When a TCP/IP connection from one machine to another is used, and a
+   target file is specified, the target file will be written on the
+   machine where the backend is running rather than the user's
+   machine. 
+  </para>
+ </refsect1>
+  <TITLE>
+   Compatibility
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+  </PARA>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    SQL92
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    There is no COPY statement in SQL92.
+   </PARA>
+  </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/create_aggregate.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/create_aggregate.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b52c002
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+  <REFMISCINFO>SQL - Language Statements</REFMISCINFO>
+<comment>This entry needs a lot of work, especially some
+usefully complex examples.  Since I don't yet understand it, I
+haven't done this.</comment>
+   Defines a new aggregate function
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+       ([  SFUNC1    = <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">state_transition_function1</REPLACEABLE>
+       , STYPE1    = <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">sfunc1_return_type</REPLACEABLE> ]
+       [, SFUNC2    = <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">state_transition_function2</REPLACEABLE>
+       , STYPE2    = <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">sfunc2_return_type</REPLACEABLE> ]
+       [, INITCOND1 = <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">initial_condition1</REPLACEABLE> ]
+       [, INITCOND2 = <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">initial_condition2</REPLACEABLE> ]
+       )
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Inputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <variablelist>
+    <varlistentry>
+     <term></term>
+     <listitem>
+   <PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <para>
+       The name of an aggregate function to create.
+      </para>
+     </LISTITEM>
+    </varlistentry>
+    <varlistentry>
+     <term>
+      <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">state_transition_function1</REPLACEABLE>
+     </term>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+    </varlistentry>
+    <varlistentry>
+     <term>
+     </term>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+    </varlistentry>
+    <varlistentry>
+     <term>
+     </term>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+    </varlistentry>
+    <varlistentry>
+     <term>
+      <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">state-transition_function2</REPLACEABLE>
+     </term>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+    </varlistentry>
+    <varlistentry>
+     <term>
+     </term>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+    </varlistentry>
+    <varlistentry>
+     <term>
+     </term>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+    </varlistentry>
+    <varlistentry>
+     <term>
+     </term>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+    </varlistentry>
+    <varlistentry>
+     <term>
+     </term>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+    </varlistentry>
+   </variablelist>
+   </PARA>
+     </listitem>
+    </varlistentry>
+   </variablelist>
+  </REFSECT2>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Outputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>CREATE</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          Message returned if the command completes successfully.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+  <TITLE>
+   Description
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   An  aggregate  function can use up to three functions, two
+   state transition functions, X1 and X2:
+   X1( internal-state1, next-data_item ) ---> next-internal-state1
+   X2( internal-state2 ) ---> next-internal-state2
+   and a final calculation function, F:
+   F(internal-state1, internal-state2) ---> aggregate-value
+   These functions are required to have the following properties:
+   <itemizedlist>
+    <listitem>
+     <para>
+      The  arguments  to state-transition-function-1 must
+      be (stype1,basetype), and its return value must  be
+      stype1.
+     </para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+     <para>
+      The  argument and return value of state-transition-
+      function-2 must be stype2.
+     </para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>     
+     <para>
+      The  arguments  to  the  final-calculation-function
+      must  be (stype1,stype2), and its return value must
+      be a POSTGRES base type (not necessarily  the  same
+      as basetype.
+     </para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+     <para>    
+      The  final-calculation-function should be specified
+      if and only if both state-transition functions  are
+      specified. 
+     </para
+    </listitem>
+   </itemizedlist>
+  </PARA>  
+  <para>
+   Note  that  it  is possible to specify aggregate functions
+   that have varying combinations of state  and  final  functions. 
+   For example, the "count" aggregate requires sfunc2
+   (an incrementing function) but not  sfunc1  or  finalfunc,
+   whereas  the  "sum" aggregate requires sfunc1 (an addition
+   function) but not sfunc2 or finalfunc  and  the  "average"
+   aggregate  requires  both  of the above state functions as
+   well as a finalfunc (a division function) to  produce  its
+   answer.   In any case, at least one state function must be
+   defined, and any sfunc2 must have  a  corresponding  initcond2.
+  </para>
+  <para>       
+   Aggregates  also  require  two initial conditions, one for
+   each transition function.  These are specified and  stored
+   in the database as fields of type text.
+  </para>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Notes
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    CREATE AGGREGATE function is a PostgreSQL language extension.
+   </PARA>
+   <para>
+    Refer to DROP AGGREGATE function to drop aggregate functions.
+   </para>
+  </REFSECT2>
+  <TITLE>
+   Usage
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+  </PARA>
+  <ProgramListing>
+  </ProgramListing>
+  <TITLE>
+   Compatibility
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+  </PARA>
+   <TITLE>
+    SQL92
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    There is no CREATE AGGREGATE function on SQL92.
+   </PARA>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/create_database.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/create_database.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..98454ac
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+  <REFMISCINFO>SQL - Language Statements</REFMISCINFO>
+   Creates a new database
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   CREATE DATABASE <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">name</REPLACEABLE> [WITH LOCATION = '<replaceable class="parameter">dbpath</replaceable>']
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Inputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          The name of a database to create.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">dbpath</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          An alternate location can be specified as either an
+          environment variable known to the backend server
+          (e.g. '<envar>PGDATA2</envar>') or as an absolute path name
+          (e.g. '<filename>/usr/local/pgsql/data</filename>').
+          In either case, the location must be pre-configured
+          by <command>initlocation</command>.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Outputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>CREATEDB</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          Message returned if the command completes successfully.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>WARN:  createdb: database "<replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable>" already exists.</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          This occurs if <replaceable class="parameter">database</replaceable> specified already exists.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>ERROR:  Unable to create database directory <replaceable class="parameter">directory</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+There was a problem with creating the required directory; this operation will
+          need permissions for the <literal>postgres</literal> user on the specified location.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+  <TITLE>
+   Description
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   CREATE DATABASE creates a new PostgreSQL database.
+   The creator becomes the administrator of the new database.
+  </PARA>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Notes
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    CREATE DATABASE statement is a PostgreSQL language extension.
+   </PARA>
+   <para>
+    Refer to DROP DATABASE statement to remove a database.
+   </para>
+  </REFSECT2>
+  <TITLE>
+   Usage
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   To create a new database:
+  </PARA>
+  <ProgramListing>
+   CREATE DATABASE lusiadas;
+  </ProgramListing>
+  <PARA>
+   To create a new database in <filename>~/private_db</filename>:
+  </PARA>
+  <ProgramListing>
+   $ mkdir private_db
+   $ initlocation ~/private_db
+   <computeroutput>Creating Postgres database system directory /home/olly/private_db/base</computeroutput>
+   $ chmod a+rx private_db
+   $ chmod a+rwx private_db/base
+   $ psql 
+   <computeroutput>Welcome to the POSTGRESQL interactive sql monitor:
+     Please read the file COPYRIGHT for copyright terms of POSTGRESQL
+      type \? for help on slash commands
+      type \q to quit
+      type \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
+    You are currently connected to the database: template1
+    template1=></computeroutput> <userinput>create database elsewhere with location = '/home/olly/private_db';</userinput>
+    <computeroutput>CREATEDB</computeroutput>
+  </ProgramListing>
+  <TITLE>
+   Bugs
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   Where an ordinary user cannot change the ownership of files to other users
+   (which is correct from a security point of view), there is no easy way
+   to give the postgres backend access to files in a  database at a
+   non-standard location without
+   giving similar access to all users.  The situation shown in the usage
+   example makes <filename>/home/olly/private_db</filename> world-accessible.
+  </PARA>
+  <para>
+   If, on the other hand, the user gets the system administrator to give
+   file ownership to the <literal>postgres</literal> superuser and restrict access, he will
+   then be unable to delete the <filename><replaceable>directory</replaceable>/base</filename> directory.
+  </para>
+  <comment>
+   initlocation does not create a PG_VERSION file in the specified location.
+   How will PostgreSQL handle the situation if it is upgraded to an 
+   incompatible database version?
+  </comment>
+ </refsect1>
+  <TITLE>
+   Compatibility
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+  </PARA>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    SQL92
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    There is no <command>CREATE DATABASE</command> statement on SQL92.
+   </PARA>
+   <para>
+    The equivalent command in standard SQL is <command>CREATE SCHEMA</command>.
+   </para>
+  </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/create_function.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/create_function.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e032ade
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+  <REFMISCINFO>SQL - Language Statements</REFMISCINFO>
+   Defines a new function
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   CREATE FUNCTION <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable> ([<replaceable class="parameter">ftype</replaceable> [, ...]])
+             RETURNS <replaceable class="parameter">rtype</replaceable>
+             AS <replaceable class="parameter">path</replaceable>
+             LANGUAGE '<replaceable class="parameter">langname</replaceable>'
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Inputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+           The name of a function to create.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">ftype</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+           The data type of function arguments.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">rtype</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+           The return data type.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">path</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          May be either an SQL-query or an absolute path to an
+           object file.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">langname</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+           may be '<literal>c</literal>', '<literal>sql</literal>', '<literal>internal</literal>' or '<replaceable class="parameter">plname</replaceable>'.
+           (where '<replaceable class="parameter">plname</replaceable>' is the language name of a created procedural
+           language. See <command>CREATE LANGUAGE</command> for details).
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Outputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>CREATE</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          This is returned if the command completes successfully.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+  <TITLE>
+   Description
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   With this command, a PostgreSQL user can register a function
+   with PostgreSQL. Subsequently, this user is treated as the
+   owner of the function.
+  </PARA>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Notes
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    Refer to <citetitle>PostgreSQL User's Guide</citetitle> chapter 6 for further information.
+    <comment>This reference needs to be corrected.</comment>
+   </PARA>
+   <PARA>
+    Refer to the <citerefentry>
+     <refentrytitle>DROP FUNCTION</refentrytitle>
+    </citerefentry> statement to drop functions.
+   </PARA>
+  </REFSECT2>
+  <TITLE>
+   Usage
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   To create a simple SQL function:
+  </PARA>
+  <ProgramListing>
+            AS 'SELECT 1 AS RESULT'
+                LANGUAGE 'sql';
+   SELECT one() AS answer;
+   <computeroutput>answer 
+   ------
+   1   </computeroutput>
+  </ProgramListing>
+  <para>
+   To create a C function, calling a routine from a user-created
+   shared library.  This particular routine calculates a check
+   digit and returns TRUE if the check digit in the function parameters
+   is correct. It is intended for use in a CHECK contraint.
+  </para>
+  <programlisting>
+   <userinput>CREATE FUNCTION ean_checkdigit(bpchar, bpchar) RETURNS bool
+                AS '/usr1/proj/bray/sql/funcs.so' LANGUAGE 'c';
+   CREATE TABLE product
+   (
+        id              char(8)         PRIMARY KEY,
+        eanprefix       char(8)         CHECK (eanprefix ~ '[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{5}')
+                                        REFERENCES brandname(ean_prefix),
+        eancode         char(6)         CHECK (eancode ~ '[0-9]{6}'),
+        CONSTRAINT ean CHECK (ean_checkdigit(eanprefix, eancode))
+   );</userinput>
+  </programlisting>
+  <TITLE>
+   Bugs
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   A C function cannot return a set of values.
+  </PARA>
+  <TITLE>
+   Compatibility
+  </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    The CREATE FUNCTION statement is a PostgreSQL language extension.
+   </PARA>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    SQL/PSM<footnote>
+     <para>
+      PSM stands for Persistent Stored Modules, it is a procedural
+      language and it was originally hoped that PSM would be ratified
+      as an official standard by late 1996. However PSM will
+      eventually become a standard.
+     </para>
+    </footnote>
+   </TITLE>
+   <para>
+    The SQL/PSM CREATE FUNCTION statement has the following syntax:
+   <programlisting>
+     CREATE FUNCTION <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable>
+            ( [ [IN|OUT|INOUT] <replaceable class="parameter">parm</replaceable> <replaceable class="parameter">type</replaceable> [, ...] ])
+            RETURNS <replaceable class="parameter">rtype</replaceable>
+            LANGUAGE '<replaceable class="parameter">langname</replaceable>'
+            ESPECIFIC <replaceable class="parameter">routine</replaceable>
+            <replaceable class="parameter">SQL-statement</replaceable>
+   </programlisting>
+   </para>
+  </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/create_index.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/create_index.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..36ecd53
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+  <REFMISCINFO>SQL - Language Statements</REFMISCINFO>
+   Constructs a secondary index
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX <replaceable class="parameter">index_name</replaceable>
+          ON <replaceable class="parameter">table</replaceable> [USING <replaceable class="parameter">acc_name</replaceable> ]
+          ( <replaceable class="parameter">column</replaceable> [<replaceable class="parameter">ops_name</replaceable>] [, ...] )
+   CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX <replaceable class="parameter">index_name</replaceable>
+          ON <replaceable class="parameter">table</replaceable> [USING <replaceable class="parameter">acc_name</replaceable> ]
+          ( <replaceable class="parameter">func_name</replaceable>( <replaceable class="parameter">column</replaceable> [, ... ]) <replaceable class="parameter">ops_name</replaceable> )
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Inputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <function>UNIQUE</function>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          <function>UNIQUE</function> causes the system to check for
+          duplicate values when the index is created (if data
+          already exist) and each time data is added. Attempts to
+          insert or update non-duplicate data will generate an
+          error.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">index_name</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          The name of the index to be created.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">table</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          The name of the table to be indexed.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">acc_name</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          the name of the access method which is to be used for
+          the index. The default access method is BTREE.
+          Postgres provides three access methods for secondary indices:
+          <variablelist>
+           <varlistentry>
+            <term>BTREE</term>
+            <listitem>
+             <para>
+              an implementation of the Lehman-Yao
+              high-concurrency btrees.
+             </para>
+            </listitem>
+           </varlistentry>
+           <varlistentry>
+            <term>RTREE</term>
+            <listitem>
+             <para>implements standard rtrees using Guttman's
+              quadratic split algorithm.
+             </para>
+            </listitem>
+           </varlistentry>
+           <varlistentry>
+            <term>HASH</term>
+            <listitem>
+             <para>
+              an implementation of Litwin's linear hashing.
+             </para>
+            </listitem>
+           </varlistentry>
+          </variablelist>
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">column</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          The name of a column of the table.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">ops_name</replaceable> 
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          An associated operator class.
+          The following select list returns all ops_names:
+          <programlisting>
+       SELECT am.amname AS acc_name,
+              opc.opcname AS ops_name,
+              opr.oprname AS ops_comp
+         FROM pg_am am, pg_amop amop,
+              pg_opclass opc, pg_operator opr
+         WHERE amop.amopid = am.oid AND
+               amop.amopclaid = opc.oid AND
+               amop.amopopr = opr.oid
+         ORDER BY acc_name, ops_name, ops_comp
+          </programlisting>
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">func_name</replaceable> 
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          A user-defined function, which returns a value that can
+          be indexed.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Outputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>CREATE</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          The message returned if the index is successfully created.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>ERROR: Cannot create index: 'index_name' already exists.</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          This error occurs if it is impossible to create the index.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+  <TITLE>
+   Description
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   This command constructs an index called <replaceable class="parameter">index_name</replaceable>.
+  </PARA>
+  <para>
+   In the first syntax shown above, the key fields for the
+   index are specified as column names; a column may also have
+   an associated operator class. An operator class is used
+   to specify the operators to be used for a particular
+   index. For example, a btree index on four-byte integers
+   would use the <literal>int4_ops</literal> class;
+   this operator class includes
+   comparison functions for four-byte integers. The default
+   operator class is the appropriate operator class for that
+   field type.
+  </para>
+   <para>
+    In the second syntax, an index is defined
+    on the result of a user-defined function
+    <replaceable class="parameter">func_name</replaceable> applied
+    to one or more attributes of a single class. These functional
+    indices can be used to obtain fast access to data
+    based on operators that would normally require some
+    transformation to apply them to the base data.
+   </para>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Notes
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    Currently, only the BTREE access method supports multi-column
+    indices. Up to 7 keys may be specified.
+   </PARA>
+   <para>
+    Use the <citerefentry>
+     <refentrytitle>DROP INDEX</refentrytitle>
+    </citerefentry>
+    statement to remove indexes.
+   </para>
+  </REFSECT2>
+  <TITLE>
+   Usage
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>To create a btree index on the field <literal>title</literal>
+   in the table <literal>films</literal>:
+  </PARA>
+  <ProgramListing>
+          ON films (title);
+  </ProgramListing>
+  <para>
+   To create a rtree index on a point attribute so that we
+   can efficiently use box operators on the result of the
+   conversion function:
+  </para>
+  <programlisting>
+   CREATE INDEX pointloc
+          ON points USING RTREE (point2box(location) box_ops);
+   SELECT * FROM points
+          WHERE point2box(points.pointloc) = boxes.box;
+Is this example correct?
+  </programlisting>
+  <TITLE>
+   Compatibility
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+  </PARA>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    SQL92
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    CREATE INDEX is a PostgreSQL language extension.
+   </PARA>
+   <para>
+    There is no CREATE INDEX command in SQL92.
+   </para>
+  </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/create_language.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/create_language.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..57b41f7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+  <REFMISCINFO>SQL - Language Statements</REFMISCINFO>
+   Defines a new language for functions
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   CREATE [TRUSTED] PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE '<replaceable class="parameter">langname</replaceable>'
+        HANDLER <replaceable class="parameter">call_handler</replaceable>
+        LANCOMPILER '<replaceable class="parameter">comment</replaceable>'
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Inputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <function>TRUSTED</function>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          <function> TRUSTED</function> specifies that the call handler for
+          the language is safe; that is, it offers an unprivileged user
+          no functionality to get around access restrictions. If
+          this keyword is omitted when registering the language,
+          only users with the PostgreSQL superuser privilege can use
+          this language to create new functions
+          (like the 'C' language).  
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM> 
+         <replaceable class="parameter">langname</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>   
+          The name of the new procedural language.
+          The language name is case insensitive. A procedural 
+          language cannot override one of the built-in languages of
+          PostgreSQL.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </VARLISTENTRY> 
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">call_handler</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          The argument for <function>HANDLER</function> is the name
+          of a previously
+          registered function that will be called to execute the PL
+          procedures.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">comment</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          The <function>LANCOMPILER</function> argument is the
+          string that will be
+          inserted in the <literal>LANCOMPILER</literal> attribute
+          of the new
+          <filename>pg_language</filename> entry. At present,
+          PostgreSQL doesn't use
+          this attribute in any way.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Outputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>CREATE</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          This message is returned if the language is successfully
+          created.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>ERROR:  PL handler function <replaceable class="parameter">funcname</replaceable>() doesn't exist</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+           This error is returned if the function
+          <replaceable class="parameter">funcname</replaceable>()
+          is not found.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+  <TITLE>
+   Description
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   Using <command>CREATE LANGUAGE</command>, a PostgreSQL user can register
+   a new language with PostgreSQL. Subsequently, functions and
+   trigger procedures can be defined in this new language.
+   The user must have the PostgreSQL superuser privilege to
+   register a new language.
+  </PARA>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Writing PL handlers
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    The call handler for a procedural language must be written
+    in a compiler language such as 'C' and registered with
+    PostgreSQL as a function taking no arguments and returning
+    opaque type.
+    <comment>What does `opaque type' mean?</comment>
+    This prevents the call handler from being
+    called directly as a function from queries.
+   </para>
+   <para>
+    However, arguments must be supplied on the actual call when a
+    PL function or trigger
+    procedure in the language offered by the handler is to be
+    executed.
+    <itemizedlist>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+       When called from the trigger manager, the only argument is
+       the object ID from the procedure's <filename>pg_proc</filename>
+       entry. All other
+       information from the trigger manager is found in the
+       global <structname>CurrentTriggerData</structname> pointer.
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+       When called from the function manager, the arguments are
+       the object ID of the procedure's <filename>pg_proc</filename>
+       entry, the number
+       of arguments given to the PL function, the arguments in a
+       <structname>FmgrValues</structname> structure and a pointer
+       to a boolean where the
+       function tells the caller if the return value is the SQL
+       NULL value.
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
+   </PARA>
+   <para>
+    It's up to the call handler to fetch the
+    <filename>pg_proc</filename> entry and
+    to analyze the argument and return types of the called
+    procedure. The <function>AS</function> clause from the
+    <command>CREATE FUNCTION</command> of
+    the procedure will be found in the <literal>prosrc</literal>
+    attribute of the
+    <filename>pg_proc</filename> entry. This may be the
+    source text in the procedural
+    language itself (like for PL/Tcl), a pathname to a
+    file or anything else that tells the call handler what to
+    do in detail.
+   </para>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Notes
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    Use <citerefentry>
+     <refentrytitle>CREATE FUNCTION</refentrytitle>
+    </citerefentry>
+    to create a function.
+   </para>
+   <para>
+    Use <citerefentry>
+     <refentrytitle>DROP LANGUAGE</refentrytitle>
+    </citerefentry>  to drop procedural languages.
+   </para>
+   <para>
+    Refer to the table <filename>pg_language</filename>
+    for further information:
+    <programlisting>
+     <computeroutput>
+     Table    = pg_language
+     +--------------------------+--------------------------+-------+
+     |          Field           |          Type            | Length|
+     +--------------------------+--------------------------+-------+
+     | lanname                  | name                     |    32 |
+     | lancompiler              | text                     |   var |
+     +--------------------------+--------------------------+-------+
+     lanname |lancompiler   
+     --------+--------------
+     internal|n/a           
+     lisp    |/usr/ucb/liszt
+     C       |/bin/cc       
+     sql     |postgres
+     </computeroutput>
+    </programlisting>
+   </para>
+  </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+  <TITLE>
+   Restrictions
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   Since the call handler for a procedural language must be
+   registered with PostgreSQL in the 'C' language, it inherits
+   all the restrictions of 'C' functions.
+   <comment>
+    What are these restrictions?
+   </comment>
+  </para>
+ </refsect1>
+  <TITLE>
+   Bugs
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA> 
+   At present, the definitions for a procedural language cannot be
+   changed once they have been created.
+  </para>
+ </refsect1>
+  <TITLE>
+   Usage
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   This is a template for a PL handler written in 'C':
+  </PARA>
+  <ProgramListing>
+   #include "executor/spi.h"
+   #include "commands/trigger.h"
+   #include "utils/elog.h"
+   #include "fmgr.h"        /* for FmgrValues struct */
+   #include "access/heapam.h"
+   #include "utils/syscache.h"
+   #include "catalog/pg_proc.h"
+   #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
+   Datum
+   plsample_call_handler(
+        Oid       prooid,
+        int       pronargs,
+        FmgrValues     *proargs,
+        bool      *isNull)
+   {
+        Datum          retval;
+        TriggerData    *trigdata;
+        if (CurrentTriggerData == NULL) {
+             /*
+              * Called as a function
+              */
+             retval = ...
+        } else {
+             /*
+              * Called as a trigger procedure
+              */
+             trigdata = CurrentTriggerData;
+             CurrentTriggerData = NULL;
+             retval = ...
+        }
+        *isNull = false;
+        return retval;
+   }
+  </ProgramListing>
+  <para>
+   Only a few thousand lines of code have to be added instead
+   of the dots to complete the PL call handler. See <citerefentry>
+    <refentrytitle>CREATE FUNCTION</refentrytitle>
+   </citerefentry> for information on how to compile
+   it into a loadable module
+  <para>
+   The following commands then register the sample procedural
+   language.</para>
+  <programlisting>
+   CREATE FUNCTION plsample_call_handler () RETURNS opaque
+        AS '/usr/local/pgsql/lib/plsample.so'
+        LANGUAGE 'C';
+        HANDLER plsample_call_handler
+        LANCOMPILER 'PL/Sample';
+  </programlisting>
+  <TITLE>
+   Compatibility
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   CREATE LANGUAGE is a PostgreSQL extension.
+  </PARA>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    SQL92
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    There is no CREATE LANGUAGE statement in SQL92.
+   </PARA>
+  </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/drop_function.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/drop_function.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5a857bc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+  <REFMISCINFO>SQL - Language Statements</REFMISCINFO>
+   Removes a user-defined C function
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   DROP FUNCTION <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable> ( [<replaceable class="parameter">type</replaceable> [, ...]] )
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Inputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter"> name</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          The name of an existing function.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <replaceable class="parameter">type</replaceable>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          The type of function parameters.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Outputs
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   </PARA>
+     <TERM>
+     </TERM>
+     <LISTITEM>
+      <PARA>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>DROP</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          Message returned if the command completes successfully.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+        <TERM>
+         <ReturnValue>
+          WARN RemoveFunction: Function "<replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable>" ("<replaceable class="parameter">types</replaceable>") does not exist</ReturnValue>
+        </TERM>
+        <LISTITEM>
+         <PARA>
+          This message is given if the function specified does not
+exist into database.
+         </PARA>
+        </LISTITEM>
+       </variablelist>
+     </LISTITEM>
+  </REFSECT2>
+   <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+  <TITLE>
+   Description
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   DROP FUNCTION will remove references to an existing C
+   function. To execute this command the user must be the
+   owner of the function. The input argument types to the
+   function must be specified, as only the function with the
+   given name and argument types will be removed.
+  </PARA>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    Notes
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+    Refer to the <citerefentry>
+     <refentrytitle>
+      CREATE FUNCTION</refentrytitle>
+    </citerefentry>
+ statement to create aggregate functions.
+   </PARA>
+  </REFSECT2>
+  <TITLE>
+   Usage
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   This command removes the square root function:
+  </PARA>
+  <ProgramListing>
+   DROP FUNCTION sqrt(int4);
+  </ProgramListing>
+  <TITLE>
+   Bugs
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA>
+   No checks are made to ensure that types, operators or access
+   methods that rely on the function have been removed first.
+  </PARA>
+  <TITLE>
+   Compatibility
+  </TITLE>
+  <PARA
+   >DROP FUNCTION statement is a PostgreSQL language extension.
+  </PARA>
+    <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE>
+   <TITLE>
+    SQL/PSM
+   </TITLE>
+   <PARA>
+   The SQL/PSM DROP FUNCTION statement has the following syntax:
+    <programlisting>
+     DROP [ SPECIFIC ] FUNCTION <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable> { RESTRICT | CASCADE }</programlisting>
+   </PARA>
+  </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/select.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/select.sgml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3f64512
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+Retrieve rows from a table or view
+          The name of a table's column or an expression.
+          Specifies another name for a column or an expression using
+          the AS clause. <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">name</REPLACEABLE> cannot be used in the WHERE
+          condition. It can, however, be referenced in associated
+          ORDER BY or GROUP BY clauses.
+          If the INTO TABLE clause is specified, the result of the
+          query will be stored in another table with the indicated
+          name.
+If <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">intable</REPLACEABLE> does not exist, it will be created automatically.
+The CREATE TABLE AS statement will also create a new table from a select query.
+          The name of an existing table referenced by FROM clause.
+An alternate name for the preceeding <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">table</REPLACEABLE>.
+Used for brevity or to eliminate ambiguity for joins within a single table.
+An expression leading to a boolean (true/false) result.
+See the WHERE clause.
+          The name of a table's column.
+A select statement with all features except the ORDER BY clause.
+   Rows
+The complete set of rows resulting from the query specification.
+The count of rows returned by the query.
+   SELECT will get all rows which satisfy the WHERE condition
+   or all rows of a table if WHERE is omitted.
+   The GROUP BY clause allows a user to divide a table
+   conceptually into groups. (See GROUP BY clause).
+   The HAVING clause specifies a grouped table derived by the
+   elimination of groups from the result of the previously
+   specified clause. (See HAVING clause).
+   The ORDER BY clause allows a user to specify that he/she
+   wishes the rows sorted according to the ASCending or 
+   DESCending mode operator. (See ORDER BY clause)
+   The UNION clause specifies a table derived from a Cartesian
+   product union join. (See UNION clause).
+   You must have SELECT privilege to a table to read its values
+   (See GRANT/REVOKE statements).
+WHERE clause
+         The optional WHERE condition has the general form:
+         where <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">cond_op</REPLACEABLE> can be one of: =, &lt;, &lt;=, &gt;, &gt;=, &lt;&gt;
+         or a conditional operator like ALL, ANY, IN, LIKE, et cetera
+         and <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">log_op</REPLACEABLE> can be one of: AND, OR, NOT.
+         The comparison returns either TRUE or FALSE and all
+         instances will be discarded
+         if the expression evaluates to FALSE.
+GROUP BY clause
+    GROUP BY specifies a grouped table derived by the application
+    of the this clause:
+HAVING clause
+         The optional HAVING condition has the general form:
+         where <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">cond_expr</REPLACEABLE> is the same
+as specified for the WHERE clause.
+    HAVING specifies a grouped table derived by the elimination
+    of groups from the result of the previously specified clause
+    that do not meet the <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">cond_expr</REPLACEABLE>.
+    Each column referenced in <REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">cond_expr</REPLACEABLE> shall unambiguously
+    reference a grouping column.
+ORDER BY clause
+<REPLACEABLE CLASS="PARAMETER">column</REPLACEABLE> can be either a column
+name or an ordinal number.
+    The ordinal numbers refers to the ordinal (left-to-right) position
+    of the column. This feature makes it possible to define an ordering
+    on the basis of a column that does not have a proper name.
+    This is never absolutely necessary because it is always possible assign a name
+    to a calculated column using the AS clause, e.g.:
+SELECT title, date_prod + 1 AS newlen FROM films ORDER BY newlen;
+    The columns in the ORDER BY must appear in the SELECT clause.
+    Thus the following statement is illegal:
+SELECT name FROM distributors ORDER BY code;
+    Optionally one may add the keyword DESC (descending)
+    or ASC (ascending) after each column name in the ORDER BY clause.
+    If not specified, ASC is assumed by default.
+UNION clause
+         specifies any select expression without an ORDER BY clause.
+   The UNION operator specifies a table derived from a Cartesian product.
+   The two tables that represent the direct operands of the UNION must
+   have the same number of columns, and corresponding columns must be
+   of compatible data types.
+   By default, the result of UNION does not contain any duplicate rows
+   unless the ALL clause is specified.
+Multiple UNION operators in the same SELECT statement are evaluated left to right.
+Note that the ALL keyword is not global in nature, being applied only for the current pair of
+table results.
+    --Join table films with their distributors:
+    --
+    SELECT f.title, f.did, d.name, f.date_prod, f.kind
+        FROM distributors d, films f
+        WHERE f.did = d.did;
+    title                    |did|name            | date_prod|kind
+    -------------------------+---+----------------+----------+----------
+    The Third Man            |101|British Lion    |1949-12-23|Drama
+    The African Queen        |101|British Lion    |1951-08-11|Romantic
+    Une Femme est une Femme  |102|Jean Luc Godard |1961-03-12|Romantic
+    Vertigo                  |103|Paramount       |1958-11-14|Action
+    Becket                   |103|Paramount       |1964-02-03|Drama
+    48 Hrs                   |103|Paramount       |1982-10-22|Action
+    War and Peace            |104|Mosfilm         |1967-02-12|Drama
+    West Side Story          |105|United Artists  |1961-01-03|Musical
+    Bananas                  |105|United Artists  |1971-07-13|Comedy
+    Yojimbo                  |106|Toho            |1961-06-16|Drama
+    There's a Girl in my Soup|107|Columbia        |1970-06-11|Comedy
+    Taxi Driver              |107|Columbia        |1975-05-15|Action
+    Absence of Malice        |107|Columbia        |1981-11-15|Action
+    Storia di una donna      |108|Westward        |1970-08-15|Romantic
+    The King and I           |109|20th Century Fox|1956-08-11|Musical
+    Das Boot                 |110|Bavaria Atelier |1981-11-11|Drama
+    Bed Knobs and Broomsticks|111|Walt Disney     |          |Musical
+    --sum column "len" of all films group by "kind":
+    --
+    SELECT kind, SUM(len) AS total FROM films GROUP BY kind;
+    kind      |total
+    ----------+------
+    Action    | 07:34
+    Comedy    | 02:58
+    Drama     | 14:28
+    Musical   | 06:42
+    Romantic  | 04:38
+    --sum column length of all films group by "kind"
+    --having total duration < 5 hours:
+    --
+    SELECT kind, SUM(len) AS total
+        FROM films
+        GROUP BY kind
+        HAVING SUM(len) < INTERVAL '5 hour';
+    kind      |total
+    ----------+------
+    Comedy    | 02:58
+    Romantic  | 04:38
+    --The following two examples are identicals:
+    --
+    SELECT * FROM distributors ORDER BY name;
+    SELECT * FROM distributors ORDER BY 2;
+    did|name
+    ---+----------------
+    109|20th Century Fox
+    110|Bavaria Atelier
+    101|British Lion
+    107|Columbia
+    102|Jean Luc Godard
+    113|Luso films
+    104|Mosfilm
+    103|Paramount
+    106|Toho
+    105|United Artists
+    111|Walt Disney
+    112|Warner Bros.
+    108|Westward
+    --union of table distributors and table actors:
+    -- (only those that begin with letter W):
+    --
+    -- distributors:                     actors:
+    --        did|name                     id|name
+    --        ---+------------             --+--------------
+    --        108|Westward                  1|Woody Allen
+    --        111|Walt Disney               2|Warren Beatty
+    --        112|Warner Bros.              3|Walter Matthau
+    --        ...                           ...
+    --
+    --select only distinct rows (without ALL):
+    --
+    SELECT distributors.name
+    FROM   distributors
+    WHERE  distributors.name LIKE 'W%'
+    UNION
+           SELECT actors.name
+           FROM   actors
+           WHERE  actors.name LIKE 'W%';
+    name
+    --------------
+    Walt Disney
+    Walter Matthau
+    Warner Bros.
+    Warren Beatty
+    Westward
+    Woody Allen
+SELECT clause
+In the <Acronym>SQL92</Acronym> standard, the optional keyword "AS" is just noise and can be 
+omitted without affecting the meaning.
+The <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> parser requires this keyword when
+renaming columns because the type extensibility features lead to parsing ambiguities
+in this context.
+In the <Acronym>SQL92</Acronym> standard, the new column name specified in an
+"AS" clause may be referenced in GROUP BY and HAVING clauses. This is not currently
+allowed in <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>.
+UNION clause
+The <Acronym>SQL92</Acronym> syntax for UNION allows an additional CORRESPONDING BY clause:
+The CORRESPONDING BY clause is not supported by <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>.