#include "zend_globals.h"
-PHPAPI void php_register_variable(char *var, char *val, pval *track_vars_array ELS_DC PLS_DC)
+PHPAPI void php_register_variable(char *var, char *strval, zval *track_vars_array ELS_DC PLS_DC)
+ zval new_entry;
+ /* Prepare value */
+ new_entry.value.str.len = strlen(strval);
+ if (PG(magic_quotes_gpc)) {
+ new_entry.value.str.val = php_addslashes(strval, new_entry.value.str.len, &new_entry.value.str.len, 0);
+ } else {
+ strval = estrndup(strval, new_entry.value.str.len);
+ }
+ new_entry.type = IS_STRING;
+ php_register_variable_ex(var, &new_entry, track_vars_array ELS_CC PLS_CC);
+PHPAPI void php_register_variable_ex(char *var, zval *val, pval *track_vars_array ELS_DC PLS_DC)
char *p = NULL;
char *ip; /* index pointer */
char *index;
- int var_len, val_len, index_len;
+ int var_len, index_len;
zval *gpc_element, **gpc_element_p, **top_gpc_p=NULL;
zend_bool is_array;
zend_bool free_index;
if (!symtable1) {
/* we don't need track_vars, and we're not setting GPC globals either. */
+ zval_dtor(val);
var_len = strlen(var);
if (var_len==0) { /* empty variable name, or variable name with a space in it */
+ zval_dtor(val);
/* ensure that we don't have spaces or dots in the variable name (not binary safe) */
- /* Prepare value */
- val_len = strlen(val);
- if (PG(magic_quotes_gpc)) {
- val = php_addslashes(val, val_len, &val_len, 0);
- } else {
- val = estrndup(val, val_len);
- }
index = var;
index_len = var_len;
free_index = 0;
} else {
- gpc_element->value.str.val = val;
- gpc_element->value.str.len = val_len;
- gpc_element->type = IS_STRING;
+ gpc_element->value = val->value;
+ gpc_element->type = val->type;
if (!index) {
zend_hash_next_index_insert(symtable1, &gpc_element, sizeof(zval *), (void **) &gpc_element_p);
} else {
zend_hash_add_ptr(&EG(symbol_table), "HTTP_COOKIE_VARS", sizeof("HTTP_COOKIE_VARS"), array_ptr, sizeof(pval *),NULL);
+ array_ptr->refcount++; /* If someone overwrites us, array_ptr must stay valid */
} else {
if (arg==PARSE_POST) {
sapi_handle_post(array_ptr SLS_CC);
+ if (array_ptr) {
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&array_ptr);
+ }
if (!res) {
+ if (array_ptr) {
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&array_ptr);
+ }
if (free_buffer) {
+ if (array_ptr) {
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&array_ptr);
+ }
#define SAFE_RETURN { if (namebuf) efree(namebuf); if (filenamebuf) efree(filenamebuf); if (lbuf) efree(lbuf); return; }
+static void register_http_post_files_variable(char *strvar, char *val, zval *http_post_files ELS_DC PLS_DC)
+ int register_globals = PG(register_globals);
+ PG(register_globals) = 0;
+ php_register_variable(strvar, val, http_post_files ELS_CC PLS_CC);
+ PG(register_globals) = register_globals;
+static void register_http_post_files_variable_ex(char *var, zval *val, zval *http_post_files ELS_DC PLS_DC)
+ int register_globals = PG(register_globals);
+ PG(register_globals) = 0;
+ php_register_variable_ex(var, val, http_post_files ELS_CC PLS_CC);
+ PG(register_globals) = register_globals;
* Split raw mime stream up into appropriate components
char *namebuf=NULL, *filenamebuf=NULL, *lbuf=NULL;
FILE *fp;
int itype;
+ zval *http_post_files=NULL;
+ if (PG(track_vars)) {
+ ALLOC_ZVAL(http_post_files);
+ array_init(http_post_files);
+ INIT_PZVAL(http_post_files);
+ zend_hash_add_ptr(&EG(symbol_table), "HTTP_POST_FILES", sizeof("HTTP_POST_FILES"), http_post_files, sizeof(zval *),NULL);
+ }
ptr = buf;
rem = cnt;
len = strlen(boundary);
if (lbuf) {
- lbuf = emalloc(s-name + MAX(MAX(sizeof("_name"),sizeof("_size")),sizeof("_type")));
+ lbuf = emalloc(s-name + MAX(MAX(sizeof("[name]"),sizeof("[size]")),sizeof("[type]")));
state = 2;
loc2 = memchr(loc + 1, '\n', rem);
rem -= (loc2 - ptr) + 1;
filenamebuf = estrndup(filename, s-filename);
+ /* Add $foo_name */
sprintf(lbuf, "%s_name", namebuf);
s = strrchr(filenamebuf, '\\');
if (s && s > filenamebuf) {
- SET_VAR_STRING(lbuf, estrdup(s + 1));
+ php_register_variable(lbuf, s+1, NULL ELS_CC PLS_CC);
} else {
- SET_VAR_STRING(lbuf, estrdup(filenamebuf));
+ php_register_variable(lbuf, filenamebuf, NULL ELS_CC PLS_CC);
+ /* Add $foo[name] */
+ sprintf(lbuf, "%s[name]", namebuf);
+ if (s && s > filenamebuf) {
+ register_http_post_files_variable(lbuf, s+1, http_post_files ELS_CC PLS_CC);
+ } else {
+ register_http_post_files_variable(lbuf, filenamebuf, http_post_files ELS_CC PLS_CC);
+ }
state = 3;
if ((loc2 - loc) > 2) {
if (!strncasecmp(loc + 1, "Content-Type:", 13)) {
*(loc2 - 1) = '\0';
+ /* Add $foo_type */
sprintf(lbuf, "%s_type", namebuf);
- SET_VAR_STRING(lbuf, estrdup(loc + 15));
+ php_register_variable(lbuf, loc+15, NULL ELS_CC PLS_CC);
+ /* Add $foo[type] */
+ sprintf(lbuf, "%s[type]", namebuf);
+ register_http_post_files_variable(lbuf, loc+15, http_post_files ELS_CC PLS_CC);
*(loc2 - 1) = '\n';
rem -= 2;
*(loc - 4) = '\0';
- /* Magic function that figures everything out */
php_register_variable(namebuf, ptr, array_ptr ELS_CC PLS_CC);
/* And a little kludge to pick out special MAX_FILE_SIZE */
php_error(E_WARNING, "File Upload Error - No Mime boundary found after start of file header");
- fn = tempnam(PG(upload_tmp_dir), "php");
+ bytes = 0;
+ fn = tempnam(PG(upload_tmp_dir), "php");
if ((loc - ptr - 4) > PG(upload_max_filesize)) {
php_error(E_WARNING, "Max file size of %ld bytes exceeded - file [%s] not saved", PG(upload_max_filesize),namebuf);
- bytes=0;
- SET_VAR_STRING(namebuf, estrdup("none"));
+ fn = "none";
} else if (max_file_size && ((loc - ptr - 4) > max_file_size)) {
php_error(E_WARNING, "Max file size exceeded - file [%s] not saved", namebuf);
- bytes = 0;
- SET_VAR_STRING(namebuf, estrdup("none"));
+ fn = "none";
} else if ((loc - ptr - 4) <= 0) {
- bytes = 0;
- SET_VAR_STRING(namebuf, estrdup("none"));
+ fn = "none";
} else {
fp = fopen(fn, "wb");
if (!fp) {
if (bytes < (loc - ptr - 4)) {
php_error(E_WARNING, "Only %d bytes were written, expected to write %ld", bytes, loc - ptr - 4);
- SET_VAR_STRING(namebuf, estrdup(fn));
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s_size", namebuf);
- SET_VAR_LONG(lbuf, bytes);
+ php_register_variable(namebuf, fn, NULL ELS_CC PLS_CC);
+ {
+ zval file_size;
+ file_size.value.lval = bytes;
+ file_size.type = IS_LONG;
+ /* Add $foo_size */
+ sprintf(lbuf, "%s_size", namebuf);
+ php_register_variable_ex(lbuf, &file_size, NULL ELS_CC PLS_CC);
+ /* Add $foo[size] */
+ sprintf(lbuf, "%s[size]", namebuf);
+ register_http_post_files_variable_ex(lbuf, &file_size, http_post_files ELS_CC PLS_CC);
+ }
state = 0;
rem -= (loc - ptr);
ptr = loc;