# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
+ # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-exec >&2
-echo "$0: No bug tracking system."
-cat << EOF
-The mutt bug tracking system has broken down under the spam sent to
-it, and has been shut down. While we are working on a new bug
-database, please use your system's default bug submission mechanism
-if mutt came as part of your system, or submit your bug reports
-directly to one of the mailing lists linked from http://www.mutt.org/.
+include_file ()
+ echo
+ echo "--- Begin $1"
+ sed -e 's/^-/- -/' $1 | egrep -v '^[ ]*(#|$)'
+ echo "--- End $1"
+ echo
-Please pardon our dust.
+debug_gdb ()
+ cat << EOF > $SCRATCH/gdb.rc
+ $DEBUGGER -n -x $SCRATCH/gdb.rc -c $CORE mutt
+debug_dbx ()
+ cat << EOF > $SCRATCH/dbx.rc
+ $DEBUGGER -s $SCRATCH/dbx.rc mutt $CORE
+debug_sdb ()
+ cat << EOF > $SCRATCH/sdb.rc
+ $DEBUGGER mutt $CORE < $SCRATCH/sdb.rc
+case `echo -n` in
+"") n=-n; c= ;;
+ *) n=; c='\c' ;;
+exec > /dev/tty
+exec < /dev/tty
+SCRATCH=${TMPDIR-/tmp}/`basename $0`.`hostname`.$$
+mkdir ${SCRATCH} || \
+ echo "`basename $0`: Can't create temporary directory." >& 2 ;
+ exit 1 ;
+trap "rm -r -f ${SCRATCH} ; trap '' 0 ; exit" 0 1 2
+if test -z "$EMAIL" ; then
+ EMAIL="`mutt -Q from 2> /dev/null | sed -e 's/^from=.\(.*\).$/\1/'`"
+echo "Please enter your e-mail address [$EMAIL]:"
+echo $n "> $c"
+if test -n "$EMAILTMP" ; then
+echo "Please enter a one-line description of the problem you experience:"
+echo $n "> $c"
+cat <<EOF
+What should the severity for this bug report be?
+ 0) Feature request, or maybe a bug which is very difficult to
+ fix due to major design considerations.
+ 1) The package fails to perform correctly in some conditions,
+ or on some systems, or fails to comply with current policy
+ documents. Most bugs are in this category.
+ 2) This bug makes this version of the package unsuitable for
+ a stable release.
+ 3) Dangerous bug. Makes the package in question unusable by
+ anyone or mostly so, or causes data loss, or introduces a
+ security hole allowing access to the accounts of users who
+ use the package.
+ 4) Critical bug. Makes unrelated software on the system (or
+ the whole system) break, or causes serious data loss, or
+ introduces a security hole on systems where you install the
+ package.
+echo $n "Severity? [01234] $c"
+read severity
+case "$severity" in
+0|[Ww]) severity=wishlist ;;
+2|[Ii]) severity=important ;;
+3|[Gg]) severity=grave ;;
+4|[Cc]) severity=critical ;;
+ *) severity=normal ;;
+if test -x $DEBUGGER ; then
+ test -f core && CORE=core
+ echo "If mutt has crashed, it may have saved some program state in"
+ echo "a file named core. We can include this information with the bug"
+ echo "report if you wish so."
+ echo "Do you want to include information gathered from a core file?"
+ echo "If yes, please enter the path - otherwise just say no: [$CORE]"
+ echo $n "> $c"
+ read _CORE
+ test "$_CORE" && CORE="$_CORE"
+echo $n "Do you want to include your personal mutt configuration files? [Y|n] $c"
+read personal
+case "$personal" in
+[nN]*) personal=no ;;
+ *) personal=yes ;;
+echo $n "Do you want to include your system's global mutt configuration file? [Y|n] $c"
+read global
+case "$global" in
+[nN]*) global=no ;;
+ *) global=yes ;;
+if test -f /etc/debian_version ; then
+ DEBIAN=yes
+ echo $n "Checking whether mutt has been installed as a package... $c"
+ DEBIANVERSION="`dpkg -l mutt | grep '^[ih]' | awk '{print $3}'`" 2> /dev/null
+ if test "$DEBIANVERSION" ; then
+ DPKG=yes
+ else
+ DPKG=no
+ fi
+ echo "$DPKG"
+ echo $n "File this bug with Debian? [Y|n] $c"
+ read DPKG
+ case "$DPKG" in
+ [nN]) DPKG=no ;;
+ *) DPKG=yes ;;
+ esac
+ DPKG=no
+if rpm -q mutt > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+ echo "Mutt seems to come from an RPM package."
+ RPMVERSION="`rpm -q mutt`"
+ RPMPACKAGER="`rpm -q -i mutt | sed -n -e 's/^Packager *: *//p'`"
+MUTTVERSION="`mutt -v | awk '{print $2; exit; }'`"
+test "$DPKG" = "yes" && SUBMIT="$SUBMIT, $DEBIAN_SUBMIT"
+exec > ${TEMPLATE}
+test "$EMAIL" && echo "From: $EMAIL"
+test "$REPLYTO" && echo "Reply-To: $REPLYTO"
+test "$ORGANIZATION" && echo "Organization: $ORGANIZATION"
+echo "Subject: mutt-$MUTTVERSION: $SUBJECT"
+echo "To: $SUBMIT"
+test "$EMAIL" && echo "Bcc: ${EMAIL}"
+echo "Package: mutt"
+echo "Severity: $severity"
+echo "-- Please type your report below this line"
+if test "$DEBIAN" = "yes" ; then
+ echo "Obtaining Debian-specific information..." > /dev/tty
+ bug -p -s dummy mutt < /dev/null 2> /dev/null | \
+ sed -n -e "/^-- System Information/,/^---/p" | \
+ grep -v '^---'
+ echo "-- System Information"
+ echo "System Version: `uname -a`"
+ test -z "$RPMPACKAGER" || echo "RPM Packager: $RPMPACKAGER";
+ test -f /etc/redhat-release && echo "RedHat Release: `cat /etc/redhat-release`"
+ test -f /etc/SuSE-release && echo "SuSE Release: `sed 1q /etc/SuSE-release`"
+ # Please provide more of these if you have any.
+echo "-- Build environment information"
+echo "(Note: This is the build environment installed on the system"
+echo "muttbug is run on. Information may or may not match the environment"
+echo "used to build mutt.)"
+echo "- gcc version information"
+echo "@CC@"
+@CC@ -v 2>&1
+echo "- CFLAGS"
+echo @CFLAGS@
+echo "-- Mutt Version Information"
+mutt -v
+if test "$CORE" && test -f "$CORE" ; then
+ echo
+ echo "-- Core Dump Analysis Output"
+ echo
+ case "$DEBUGGER" in
+ *sdb) debug_sdb $CORE ;;
+ *dbx) debug_dbx $CORE ;;
+ *gdb) debug_gdb $CORE ;;
+ esac
+ echo
+if test "$personal" = "yes" ; then
+ CANDIDATES=".muttrc-${MUTTVERSION} .muttrc .mutt/muttrc-${MUTTVERSION} .mutt/muttrc"
+ MATCHED="none"
+ for f in $CANDIDATES; do
+ if test -f "${HOME}/$f" ; then
+ MATCHED="${HOME}/$f"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if test "$MATCHED" = "none" ; then
+ echo "Warning: Can't find your personal .muttrc." >&2
+ else
+ include_file $MATCHED
+ fi
+if test "$global" = "yes" ; then
+ DIRECTORIES="$sysconfdir $pkgdatadir"
+ MATCHED="none"
+ for d in $DIRECTORIES ; do
+ for f in $CANDIDATES; do
+ if test -f $d/$f ; then
+ MATCHED="$d/$f"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ test "$MATCHED" = "none" || break
+ done
+ if test "$MATCHED" = "none" ; then
+ echo "Warning: Can't find global Muttrc." >&2
+ else
+ include_file $MATCHED
+ fi
+exec > /dev/tty
+cp $TEMPLATE $SCRATCH/mutt-bug.txt
+while : ; do
+ if test "$input" = "e" ; then
+ ${VISUAL-${EDITOR-vi}} $SCRATCH/mutt-bug.txt
+ if cmp $SCRATCH/mutt-bug.txt ${TEMPLATE} > /dev/null ; then
+ echo "Warning: Bug report was not modified!"
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo $n "Submit, Edit, View, Quit? [S|e|v|q] $c"
+ read _input
+ input="`echo $_input | tr EVSQ evsq`"
+ case $input in
+ e*) ;;
+ v*) ${PAGER-more} $SCRATCH/mutt-bug.txt ;;
+ s*|"") $SENDMAIL -t < $SCRATCH/mutt-bug.txt ; exit ;;
+ q*) exit
+ esac
-exit 1