bool EmittedTokensOnThisLine;
DirectoryLookup::DirType FileType;
llvm::SmallString<512> CurFilename;
+ bool Initialized;
PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks(Preprocessor &pp, llvm::raw_ostream &os)
: PP(pp), OS(os) {
CurFilename += "<uninit>";
EmittedTokensOnThisLine = false;
FileType = DirectoryLookup::NormalHeaderDir;
+ Initialized = false;
void SetEmittedTokensOnThisLine() { EmittedTokensOnThisLine = true; }
bool HandleFirstTokOnLine(Token &Tok);
bool MoveToLine(SourceLocation Loc);
bool AvoidConcat(const Token &PrevTok, const Token &Tok);
+ void WriteLineInfo(unsigned LineNo, const char *Extra=0, unsigned ExtraLen=0);
} // end anonymous namespace
+void PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks::WriteLineInfo(unsigned LineNo,
+ const char *Extra,
+ unsigned ExtraLen) {
+ if (EmittedTokensOnThisLine) {
+ OS << '\n';
+ EmittedTokensOnThisLine = false;
+ }
+ OS << '#' << ' ' << LineNo << ' ' << '"';
+ OS.write(&CurFilename[0], CurFilename.size());
+ OS << '"';
+ if (ExtraLen)
+ OS.write(Extra, ExtraLen);
+ if (FileType == DirectoryLookup::SystemHeaderDir)
+ OS.write(" 3", 2);
+ else if (FileType == DirectoryLookup::ExternCSystemHeaderDir)
+ OS.write(" 3 4", 4);
+ OS << '\n';
/// MoveToLine - Move the output to the source line specified by the location
/// object. We can do this by emitting some number of \n's, or be emitting a
/// #line directive. This returns false if already at the specified line, true
/// if some newlines were emitted.
bool PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks::MoveToLine(SourceLocation Loc) {
+ unsigned LineNo = PP.getSourceManager().getLogicalLineNumber(Loc);
if (DisableLineMarkers) {
- unsigned LineNo = PP.getSourceManager().getLogicalLineNumber(Loc);
if (LineNo == CurLine) return false;
CurLine = LineNo;
EmittedTokensOnThisLine = false;
return true;
- unsigned LineNo = PP.getSourceManager().getLogicalLineNumber(Loc);
// If this line is "close enough" to the original line, just print newlines,
// otherwise print a #line directive.
if (LineNo-CurLine < 8) {
const char *NewLines = "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";
OS.write(NewLines, LineNo-CurLine);
- CurLine = LineNo;
} else {
- if (EmittedTokensOnThisLine) {
- OS << '\n';
- EmittedTokensOnThisLine = false;
- }
- CurLine = LineNo;
- OS << '#' << ' ' << LineNo << ' ' << '"';
- OS.write(&CurFilename[0], CurFilename.size());
- OS << '"';
- if (FileType == DirectoryLookup::SystemHeaderDir)
- OS.write(" 3", 2);
- else if (FileType == DirectoryLookup::ExternCSystemHeaderDir)
- OS.write(" 3 4", 4);
- OS << '\n';
+ WriteLineInfo(LineNo, 0, 0);
+ CurLine = LineNo;
return true;
/// position.
void PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks::FileChanged(SourceLocation Loc,
FileChangeReason Reason,
- DirectoryLookup::DirType FileType) {
+ DirectoryLookup::DirType NewFileType) {
// Unless we are exiting a #include, make sure to skip ahead to the line the
// #include directive was at.
SourceManager &SourceMgr = PP.getSourceManager();
Loc = SourceMgr.getLogicalLoc(Loc);
CurLine = SourceMgr.getLineNumber(Loc);
if (DisableLineMarkers) return;
CurFilename += SourceMgr.getSourceName(Loc);
- FileType = FileType;
- if (EmittedTokensOnThisLine) {
- OS << '\n';
- EmittedTokensOnThisLine = false;
+ FileType = NewFileType;
+ if (!Initialized) {
+ WriteLineInfo(CurLine);
+ Initialized = true;
- OS << '#' << ' ' << CurLine << ' ' << '"';
- OS.write(&CurFilename[0], CurFilename.size());
- OS << '"';
switch (Reason) {
case PPCallbacks::EnterFile:
- OS.write(" 1", 2);
+ WriteLineInfo(CurLine, " 1", 2);
case PPCallbacks::ExitFile:
- OS.write(" 2", 2);
+ WriteLineInfo(CurLine, " 2", 2);
+ break;
+ case PPCallbacks::SystemHeaderPragma:
+ case PPCallbacks::RenameFile:
+ WriteLineInfo(CurLine);
- case PPCallbacks::SystemHeaderPragma: break;
- case PPCallbacks::RenameFile: break;
- if (FileType == DirectoryLookup::SystemHeaderDir)
- OS.write(" 3", 2);
- else if (FileType == DirectoryLookup::ExternCSystemHeaderDir)
- OS.write(" 3 4", 4);
- OS << '\n';
/// HandleIdent - Handle #ident directives when read by the preprocessor.