--- /dev/null
+DOMCharacterData::appendData basic functionality test
+Mike Sullivan <mike@regexia.com>
+#TestFest 2008 (London)
+$document = new DOMDocument;
+$root = $document->createElement('root');
+$cdata = $document->createElement('cdata');
+$cdatanode = $document->createCDATASection('');
+echo "CDATA Length (one append): " . $cdatanode->length . "\n";
+echo "CDATA Length (two appends): " . $cdatanode->length . "\n";
+echo "CDATA Content: " . $cdatanode->data . "\n";
+echo "\n" . $document->saveXML();
+CDATA Length (one append): 4
+CDATA Length (two appends): 8
+CDATA Content: data><&"
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test adding data to a DOMComment
+Andrew Larssen <al@larssen.org>
+London TestFest 2008
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+$dom = new DomDocument();
+$comment = $dom->createComment('test-comment');
+echo $dom->saveXML();
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+DOMComment::appendData basic functionality test
+Mike Sullivan <mike@regexia.com>
+#TestFest 2008 (London)
+$document = new DOMDocument;
+$root = $document->createElement('root');
+$comment = $document->createElement('comment');
+$commentnode = $document->createComment('');
+echo "Comment Length (one append): " . $commentnode->length . "\n";
+echo "Comment Length (two appends): " . $commentnode->length . "\n";
+echo "Comment Content: " . $commentnode->data . "\n";
+echo "\n" . $document->saveXML();
+Comment Length (one append): 4
+Comment Length (two appends): 8
+Comment Content: data><&"
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test inserting data into a DOMComment basic test
+Andrew Larssen <al@larssen.org>
+London TestFest 2008
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+//correct offset
+$dom = new DomDocument();
+$comment = $dom->createComment('test-comment');
+echo $dom->saveXML();
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
--- /dev/null
+Test inserting data into a DOMComment basic test
+Andrew Larssen <al@larssen.org>
+London TestFest 2008
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+//Negative offset
+$dom = new DomDocument();
+$comment = $dom->createComment('test-comment');
+try {
+ $comment->insertData(-1,'-inserted');
+} catch (DOMException $e ) {
+ if ($e->getMessage() == 'Index Size Error'){
+ echo "Throws DOMException for -ve offset\n";
+ }
+Throws DOMException for -ve offset
--- /dev/null
+Test inserting data into a DOMComment basic test
+Andrew Larssen <al@larssen.org>
+London TestFest 2008
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+//offset to large
+$dom = new DomDocument();
+$comment = $dom->createComment('test-comment');
+try {
+ $comment->insertData(999,'-inserted');
+} catch (DOMException $e ) {
+ if ($e->getMessage() == 'Index Size Error'){
+ echo "Throws DOMException for offset too large\n";
+ }
+Throws DOMException for offset too large
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test replacing data into a DOMComment basic test
+Andrew Larssen <al@larssen.org>
+London TestFest 2008
+<?php // require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+$dom = new DomDocument();
+$comment = $dom->createComment('test-comment');
+echo $dom->saveXML();
+// Replaces rest of string if count is greater than length of existing string
+$dom = new DomDocument();
+$comment = $dom->createComment('test-comment');
+echo $dom->saveXML();
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
--- /dev/null
+Test replacing data into a DOMComment basic test
+Andrew Larssen <al@larssen.org>
+London TestFest 2008
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+//Negative offset
+$dom = new DomDocument();
+$comment = $dom->createComment('test-comment');
+try {
+ $comment->replaceData(-1,4,'-inserted');
+} catch (DOMException $e ) {
+ if ($e->getMessage() == 'Index Size Error'){
+ echo "Throws DOMException for -ve offest\n";
+ }
+Throws DOMException for -ve offest
--- /dev/null
+Test replacing data into a DOMComment basic test
+Andrew Larssen <al@larssen.org>
+London TestFest 2008
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+//offset to large
+$dom = new DomDocument();
+$comment = $dom->createComment('test-comment');
+try {
+ $comment->replaceData(999,4,'-inserted');
+} catch (DOMException $e ) {
+ if ($e->getMessage() == 'Index Size Error'){
+ echo "Throws DOMException for offest too large\n";
+ }
+Throws DOMException for offest too large
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Testing DOMDocumentFragment::appendXML and DOMDocumentFragment::hasChildNodes
+$doc = new DOMDocument();
+$fragment = $doc->createDocumentFragment();
+if ($fragment->hasChildNodes()) {
+ echo "has child nodes\n";
+} else {
+ echo "has no child nodes\n";
+if ($fragment->hasChildNodes()) {
+ echo "has child nodes\n";
+} else {
+ echo "has no child nodes\n";
+has no child nodes
+has child nodes
--- /dev/null
+DomDocument::createAttribute() - basic test for DomDocument::createAttribute()
+Muhammad Khalid Adnan
+# TestFest 2008
+$doc = new DOMDocument;
+$node = $doc->createElement("para");
+$newnode = $doc->appendChild($node);
+// A pass case.
+$test_attribute = $doc->createAttribute("hahaha");
+echo $doc->saveXML();
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<para hahaha=""/>
--- /dev/null
+Test DOMDocument::createAttribute() for expected expection thrown when wrong parameter passed
+$dom = new DOMDocument();
+try {
+ $attr = $dom->createAttribute(0);
+catch(DOMException $e) {
+ $code = $e->getCode();
+ echo "PASS";
+ }
+ else {
+ echo 'Wrong exception code';
+ }
+catch(Exception $e) {
+ echo 'Wrong exception thrown';
--- /dev/null
+DomDocument::createAttribute() - error test for DomDocument::createAttribute()
+Muhammad Khalid Adnan
+# TestFest 2008
+$doc = new DOMDocument;
+$node = $doc->createElement("para");
+$newnode = $doc->appendChild($node);
+try {
+ $failed_test_attribute = $doc->createAttribute("ha haha");
+ $node->appendChild($failed_test_attribute);
+ echo $doc->saveXML();
+catch (DOMException $e) {
+ echo 'Test failed!', PHP_EOL;
+Test failed!
--- /dev/null
+Test DOMDocument::createAttribute() for expected return value
+$dom = new DOMDocument();
+$attr = $dom->createAttribute('string');
+echo get_class($attr);
--- /dev/null
+DomDocument::createProcessingInstruction() - basic test for DomDocument::createProcessingInstruction()
+Muhammad Khalid Adnan
+# TestFest 2008
+$doc = new DOMDocument;
+$node = $doc->createElement("para");
+$newnode = $doc->appendChild($node);
+$test_proc_inst0 =
+ $doc->createProcessingInstruction( "blablabla" );
+$test_proc_inst1 =
+ $doc->createProcessingInstruction( "blablabla", "datadata" );
+echo $doc->saveXML();
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<para><?blablabla?><?blablabla datadata?></para>
--- /dev/null
+DomDocument::createProcessingInstruction() - error test for DomDocument::createProcessingInstruction()
+Muhammad Khalid Adnan
+# TestFest 2008
+$doc = new DOMDocument;
+$node = $doc->createElement("para");
+$newnode = $doc->appendChild($node);
+try {
+ $test_proc_inst =
+ $doc->createProcessingInstruction( "bla bla bla" );
+ $node->appendChild($test_proc_inst);
+ echo $doc->saveXML();
+catch (DOMException $e)
+ echo 'Test failed!', PHP_EOL;
+Test failed!
--- /dev/null
+Frank Cassedanne franck@ouarz.net
+#London TestFest 2008
+$doc = new DOMDocument();
+echo $doc->saveHTML();
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">
--- /dev/null
+DOMDocument::save Test basic function of save method
+$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0');
+$doc->formatOutput = true;
+$root = $doc->createElement('book');
+$root = $doc->appendChild($root);
+$title = $doc->createElement('title');
+$title = $root->appendChild($title);
+$text = $doc->createTextNode('This is the title');
+$text = $title->appendChild($text);
+$temp_filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/DomDocument_save_basic.tmp";
+echo 'Wrote: ' . $doc->save($temp_filename) . ' bytes'; // Wrote: 72 bytes
+ $temp_filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/DomDocument_save_basic.tmp";
+ unlink($temp_filename);
+Wrote: 72 bytes
--- /dev/null
+DOMNode: hasAttributes()
+James Lewis <james@s-1.com>
+#TestFest 2008
+$dom = new DOMDocument;
+if(!$dom) {
+ echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
+ exit;
+$element = $dom->documentElement;
+echo "Verify that we have a DOMElement object:\n";
+echo "\nElement should have attributes:\n";
+$nodelist=$dom->getElementsByTagName('tbody') ;
+$element = $nodelist->item(0);
+echo "\nVerify that we have a DOMElement object:\n";
+echo "\nElement should have no attributes:\n";
+Verify that we have a DOMElement object:
+object(DOMElement)#%d (0) {
+Element should have attributes:
+Verify that we have a DOMElement object:
+object(DOMElement)#%d (0) {
+Element should have no attributes:
--- /dev/null
+DOM cloneNode : Basic Functionality
+Simon Hughes <odbc3@hotmail.com>
+$xml = <<< EOXML
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ <course title="one">
+ <notes>
+ <note>c1n1</note>
+ <note>c1n2</note>
+ </notes>
+ </course>
+ <course title="two">
+ <notes>
+ <note>c2n1</note>
+ <note>c2n2</note>
+ </notes>
+ </course>
+function dumpcourse($current) {
+ $title = ($current->nodeType != XML_TEXT_NODE && $current->hasAttribute('title')) ? $current->getAttribute('title'):"no title";
+ echo "Course: $title:";var_dump($current);
+ echo "~";var_dump($current->textContent);
+$dom = new DOMDocument();
+$root = $dom->documentElement;
+// strip all text nodes from this tree
+$children = $root->childNodes;
+$len = $children->length;
+for ($index = $children->length - 1; $index >=0; $index--) {
+ $current = $children->item($index);
+ if ($current->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
+ $noderemoved = $root->removeChild($current);
+ }
+echo "Start cloneNode test\n";
+$first_course = $children->item(0);
+$cloned_first_course_default = $first_course->cloneNode();
+$first_course->setAttribute('title', 'new title1');
+$cloned_first_course_true = $first_course->cloneNode(true);
+$first_course->setAttribute('title', 'new title2');
+$cloned_first_course_false = $first_course->cloneNode(false);
+$first_course->setAttribute('title', 'new title3');
+$cloned_first_course_default->setAttribute('title', 'new title default');
+$cloned_first_course_true->setAttribute('title', 'new title true');
+$cloned_first_course_false->setAttribute('title', 'new title false');
+$children = $root->childNodes;
+for ($index = 0; $index < $children->length; $index++) {
+ echo "node $index\n";
+ dumpcourse($children->item($index));
+Start cloneNode test
+node 0
+Course: new title3:object(DOMElement)#6 (0) {
+~string(24) "
+ c1n1
+ c1n2
+ "
+node 1
+Course: two:object(DOMElement)#3 (0) {
+~string(24) "
+ c2n1
+ c2n2
+ "
+node 2
+Course: new title default:object(DOMElement)#4 (0) {
+~string(0) ""
+node 3
+Course: new title true:object(DOMElement)#7 (0) {
+~string(24) "
+ c1n1
+ c1n2
+ "
+node 4
+Course: new title false:object(DOMElement)#8 (0) {
+~string(0) ""
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test whether a node has child nodes: hasChildNodes()
+/* Create an XML document
+ * with strcuture
+ * <book>
+ * <title>This is the title</title>
+ * </book>
+ * Check for child nodes of the <book>, <title> and This is the title
+ *
+$doc = new DOMDocument();
+$root = $doc->createElement('book');
+$title = $doc->createElement('title');
+$text = $doc->createTextNode('This is the title');
+echo "Root has child nodes: ";
+echo "Title has child nodes: ";
+echo "Text has child nodes: ";
+Root has child nodes: bool(true)
+Title has child nodes: bool(true)
+Text has child nodes: bool(false)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+DOMNode: isSameNode()
+James Lewis <james@s-1.com>
+#TestFest 2008
+$dom = new DOMDocument;
+if(!$dom) {
+ echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
+ exit;
+$node = $dom->documentElement;
+$nodelist=$dom->getElementsByTagName('tbody') ;
--- /dev/null
+/* Create an XML document
+ * with structure
+ * <book>
+ * <author></author>
+ * <title>This is the title</title>
+ * </book>
+ * Calculate the number of title text nodes (1).
+ * Add another text node to title. Calculate the number of title text nodes (2).
+ * Normalize author. Calculate the number of title text nodes (2).
+ * Normalize title. Calculate the number of title text nodes (1).
+$doc = new DOMDocument();
+$root = $doc->createElement('book');
+$title = $doc->createElement('title');
+$author = $doc->createElement('author');
+$text = $doc->createTextNode('This is the first title');
+echo "Number of child nodes of title = ";
+// add a second text node to title
+$text = $doc->createTextNode('This is the second title');
+echo "Number of child nodes of title after adding second title = ";
+// should do nothing
+echo "Number of child nodes of title after normalizing author = ";
+// should concatenate first and second title text nodes
+echo "Number of child nodes of title after normalizing title = ";
+Number of child nodes of title = int(1)
+Number of child nodes of title after adding second title = int(2)
+Number of child nodes of title after normalizing author = int(2)
+Number of child nodes of title after normalizing title = int(1)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+DOM removeChild : Basic Functionality
+Simon Hughes <odbc3@hotmail.com>
+$xml = <<< EOXML
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ <course title="one">
+ <notes>
+ <note>c1n1</note>
+ <note>c1n2</note>
+ </notes>
+ </course>
+ <course title="two">
+ <notes>
+ <note>c2n1</note>
+ <note>c2n2</note>
+ </notes>
+ </course>
+function dumpcourse($current) {
+ $title = ($current->nodeType != XML_TEXT_NODE && $current->hasAttribute('title')) ? $current->getAttribute('title'):"no title";
+ echo "Course: $title:";var_dump($current);
+ echo "~";var_dump($current->textContent);
+$dom = new DOMDocument();
+$root = $dom->documentElement;
+$children = $root->childNodes;
+$len = $children->length;
+echo "orignal has $len nodes\n";
+for ($index = $children->length - 1; $index >=0; $index--) {
+ echo "node $index\n";
+ $current = $children->item($index);
+ dumpcourse($current);
+ if ($current->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
+ $noderemoved = $root->removeChild($current);
+ }
+$children = $root->childNodes;
+$len = $children->length;
+echo "after text removed it now has $len nodes\n";
+for ($index = 0; $index < $children->length; $index++) {
+ echo "node $index\n";
+ $current = $children->item($index);
+ dumpcourse($current);
+orignal has 5 nodes
+node 4
+Course: no title:object(DOMText)#4 (0) {
+~string(1) "
+node 3
+Course: two:object(DOMElement)#5 (0) {
+~string(24) "
+ c2n1
+ c2n2
+ "
+node 2
+Course: no title:object(DOMText)#6 (0) {
+~string(2) "
+ "
+node 1
+Course: one:object(DOMElement)#4 (0) {
+~string(24) "
+ c1n1
+ c1n2
+ "
+node 0
+Course: no title:object(DOMText)#5 (0) {
+~string(2) "
+ "
+after text removed it now has 2 nodes
+node 0
+Course: one:object(DOMElement)#3 (0) {
+~string(24) "
+ c1n1
+ c1n2
+ "
+node 1
+Course: two:object(DOMElement)#4 (0) {
+~string(24) "
+ c2n1
+ c2n2
+ "
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Replacing a child node
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+Matt Raines <matt@raines.me.uk>
+#London TestFest 2008
+$document = new DOMDocument();
+$document->loadXML('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+// Replaces the child node oldChild with newChild in the list of children, and
+// returns the oldChild node.
+$parent = $document->getElementsByTagName('foo')->item(0);
+$new_child = $document->createElement('qux');
+$old_child = $parent->replaceChild($new_child, $parent->firstChild);
+echo "New child replaces old child:\n" . $document->saveXML();
+echo "Old child is returned:\n" . $old_child->tagName . "\n";
+// If the newChild is already in the tree, it is first removed.
+$parent = $document->getElementsByTagName('spam')->item(0);
+$parent->replaceChild($new_child, $parent->firstChild);
+echo "Existing child is removed from tree:\n" . $document->saveXML();
+// Children are inserted in the correct order.
+$new_child = $document->getElementsByTagName('spam')->item(0);
+$parent = $document->getElementsByTagName('foo')->item(0);
+$parent->replaceChild($new_child, $parent->firstChild);
+echo "Children are inserted in order:\n" . $document->saveXML();
+New child replaces old child:
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+Old child is returned:
+Existing child is removed from tree:
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+Children are inserted in order:
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
--- /dev/null
+DOMText::appendData basic functionality test
+Mike Sullivan <mike@regexia.com>
+#TestFest 2008 (London)
+$document = new DOMDocument;
+$root = $document->createElement('root');
+$text = $document->createElement('text');
+$textnode = $document->createTextNode('');
+echo "Text Length (one append): " . $textnode->length . "\n";
+echo "Text Length (two appends): " . $textnode->length . "\n";
+echo "Text Content: " . $textnode->data . "\n";
+echo "\n" . $document->saveXML();
+Text Length (one append): 4
+Text Length (two appends): 8
+Text Content: data><&"
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
\ No newline at end of file