-pedge pedge_flip(pedge e){
- /* flip the polyline so that last point becomes the first, second last the second, etc*/
- double *y;
- double *x = e->x;
- int i, dim = e->dim;
- int n = e->npoints;
- y = (double*)MALLOC(sizeof(double)*e->dim);
- for (i = 0; i < e->npoints/2; i++){
- memcpy(y, &x[i*dim], sizeof(double)*dim);
- memcpy(&x[(n-1-i)*dim], &x[i*dim], sizeof(double)*dim);
- memcpy(&x[i*dim], y, sizeof(double)*dim);
- }
- free(y);
- return e;
static double edge_compatibility(pedge e1, pedge e2){
/* two edges are u1->v1, u2->v2.
return 1 if two edges are exactly the same, 0 if they are very different.
pedge pedge_wgt_new(int np, int dim, double *x, double wgt);
pedge pedge_double(pedge e);
-/* flip the polyline so that last point becomes the first, second last the second, etc*/
-pedge pedge_flip(pedge e);
#ifdef __cplusplus