--- /dev/null
+# -*- Python -*-
+# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
+def getRoot(config):
+ if not config.parent:
+ return config
+ return getRoot(config.parent)
+root = getRoot(config)
+# testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests.
+config.test_format = lit.formats.SyntaxCheckTest(compiler=root.clang,
+ dir='%s/tools/clang/include/clang' % root.llvm_src_root,
+ recursive=True,
+ pattern='^(.*\\.h)$',
+ extra_cxx_args=['-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS',
+ '-Wno-sign-compare',
+ '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_src_root,
+ '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_obj_root,
+ '-I%s/tools/clang/include' % root.llvm_src_root,
+ '-I%s/tools/clang/include' % root.llvm_obj_root])
# Reset these from the Clang config.
config.test_source_root = config.test_exec_root = None
+# Don't run Clang-Syntax checks by default.
+if not lit.params.get('run_clang_syntax'):
+ config.excludes = ['Clang-Syntax']