Please use the GitHub issues only for actual issues. If you are not 100% sure
that your problem is a Vim issue, please first discuss this on the Vim user
-maillist. Try reproducing the problem without any plugins or settings:
+maillist. Try reproducing the problem without any of your plugins or settings:
- vim -N -u NONE
+ vim --clean
If you report an issue, please describe exactly how to reproduce it.
For example, don't say "insert some text" but say what you did exactly:
-*eval.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Mar 30
+*eval.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Apr 04
completion. See |ins-completion|.
The items are:
mode Current completion mode name string.
- See |completion_info_mode| for the values.
+ See |complete_info_mode| for the values.
pum_visible |TRUE| if popup menu is visible.
See |pumvisible()|.
items List of completion matches. Each item is a
system Compiled to use system() instead of fork()/exec().
tag_binary Compiled with binary searching in tags files
-tag_old_static Compiled with support for old static tags
+tag_old_static Support for old static tags was removed, see
tcl Compiled with Tcl interface.
termguicolors Compiled with true color in terminal support.
-*insert.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Mar 26
+*insert.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Mar 30
-*syntax.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2018 Dec 27
+*syntax.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Mar 29
the parentheses and backquoted parentheses. Because of the quantity of
colorization levels, unlike non-rainbow highlighting, the rainbow mode
specifies its highlighting using ctermfg and guifg, thereby bypassing the
-usual colorscheme control using standard highlighting groups. The actual
+usual color scheme control using standard highlighting groups. The actual
highlighting used depends on the dark/bright setting (see |'bg'|).
Doesn't work recursively, thus you can't use
":colorscheme" in a color scheme script.
- To customize a colorscheme use another name, e.g.
+ To customize a color scheme use another name, e.g.
"~/.vim/colors/mine.vim", and use `:runtime` to load
- the original colorscheme: >
+ the original color scheme: >
runtime colors/evening.vim
hi Statement ctermfg=Blue guifg=Blue
|ColorSchemePre| autocommand event is triggered.
After the color scheme has been loaded the
|ColorScheme| autocommand event is triggered.
- For info about writing a colorscheme file: >
+ For info about writing a color scheme file: >
:edit $VIMRUNTIME/colors/README.txt
:hi[ghlight] List all the current highlight groups that have
explicitly. This causes the highlight groups that depend on
'background' to change! This means you should set the colors for
Normal first, before setting other colors.
- When a colorscheme is being used, changing 'background' causes it to
+ When a color scheme is being used, changing 'background' causes it to
be reloaded, which may reset all colors (including Normal). First
delete the "g:colors_name" variable when you don't want this.
complete_CTRL-Y insert.txt /*complete_CTRL-Y*
complete_add() eval.txt /*complete_add()*
complete_check() eval.txt /*complete_check()*
+complete_info() eval.txt /*complete_info()*
+complete_info_mode eval.txt /*complete_info_mode*
completed_item-variable eval.txt /*completed_item-variable*
completion-functions usr_41.txt /*completion-functions*
complex-change change.txt /*complex-change*
ruby-evaluate if_ruby.txt /*ruby-evaluate*
ruby-globals if_ruby.txt /*ruby-globals*
ruby-message if_ruby.txt /*ruby-message*
+ruby-rubyeval if_ruby.txt /*ruby-rubyeval*
ruby-set_option if_ruby.txt /*ruby-set_option*
ruby-vim if_ruby.txt /*ruby-vim*
ruby-window if_ruby.txt /*ruby-window*
ruby_operators syntax.txt /*ruby_operators*
ruby_space_errors syntax.txt /*ruby_space_errors*
ruby_spellcheck_strings syntax.txt /*ruby_spellcheck_strings*
+rubyeval() eval.txt /*rubyeval()*
russian russian.txt /*russian*
russian-intro russian.txt /*russian-intro*
russian-issues russian.txt /*russian-issues*
scp pi_netrw.txt /*scp*
screenattr() eval.txt /*screenattr()*
screenchar() eval.txt /*screenchar()*
+screenchars() eval.txt /*screenchars()*
screencol() eval.txt /*screencol()*
screenrow() eval.txt /*screenrow()*
+screenstring() eval.txt /*screenstring()*
script usr_41.txt /*script*
script-here if_perl.txt /*script-here*
script-local map.txt /*script-local*
-*todo.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Mar 23
+*todo.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Apr 04
- Use text properties to define highlighting.
- Proposal on issue #4063
+Notifications for text changes, could be used for LSP.
+- New event, similar to TextChanged, but guaranteed to provide sequential
+ information of all text changes.
+ Possibly build on undo info (but undo itself is also a change).
+ How to deal with ":%s/this/that" ?
Adding "10" to 'spellsuggest' causes spell suggestions to become very slow.
-Patch to add complete_info() Shougo - #3866. Ready to include. Now #4106
-Problem with Visual yank when 'linebreak' and 'showbreak' are set.
-Patch with tests, but it's not clear how it is supposed to work. (tommm, 2018
-Nov 17) Asked about this, Dec 22. Christian will have a look.
Does not build with MinGW out of the box:
- _stat64 is not defined, need to use "struct stat" in vim.h
- WINVER conflict, should use 0x0600 by default?
-Patch for 'listchars' when there is a composing character on a space.
-How about when there is a double-width composing character on a space?
-(Yasuhiro Matsumoto, #4046)
-Test doesn't fail without patch?
-Patch to add ruby cflags. (#4050, fixes #1081)
-Needs modification.
-Patch to add src/ (WenxuanHuang, #4141) Replace README.txt?
Crash when mixing matchadd and substitute()? (Max Christian Pohle, 2018 May
13, #2910) Can't reproduce?
read with "-s scriptin" expects escape codes. Probably "scriptout" needs to
be adjusted. (Daniel Steinberg, 2019 Feb 24, #4041)
-Patch to move insert-expand code to insexpand.c. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, #4044)
-Patch for larger icons in installer. (#978) Still not good.
-Patch on issue #3964 to let sign column stop at the last buffer line.
-(Christian Brabandt, 2019 Feb 24)
-Patch to use wide font functions. (Ken Takata, 2019 Feb 18, #4000)
-Patch on #4073, Andy Massimino. Is this a real problem?
Bug: "vipgw" does not put cursor back where it belongs. (Jason Franklin, 2019
Mar 5)
-Patch to add blob2str() and str2blob(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, #4049)
-Make docs clearer. Is it symmetric?
When using a timer callback vgetc_busy is reset, allowing for using input().
But in a channel callback this does not happen. We need to do something
similar to check_due_timer(). Also see #3809.
Check: __attribute__((format(printf, on semsg() and siemsg(). Where was this
-Patch to remove some unneeded {}. (Hirohito Higashi, #3982)
+This modeline throws unexpected errors: (#4165)
+ vim: syn=nosyntax
+Patch for listchars with multi-byte chars. #4197, discussion on #4046.
Make balloon_show() work outside of 'balloonexpr'? Users expect it to work:
#2948. (related to #1512?)
2018 Sep 14)
Another request: #3811.
-Patch for autoconf to add -fPIC for Fedora. (#4047)
-Height of quickfix window is not retained with vertical splits. (Lifepillar,
-2018 Aug 24, #2998)
-Patch on the issue by Hongbo Liu, 2019 Feb 19 #4013
More warnings from static analysis:
-Drop FEAT_TAG_OLDSTATIC? Anybody using this format should be able to get a
-newer version of ctags.
Still a E315 error when using terminal. (Masato Nishihata, #3959)
-When using 'k' in 'guioptions' gvim may open with a tiny window. (#3808)
-Suggested patch on the issue.
+Running test_gui and test_gui_init with Motif sometimes kills the window
+manager. Problem with Motif? Now test_gui crashes in submenu_change().
+Athena is OK.
+Motif: Build on Ubuntu can't enter any text in dialog text fields.
nvo-mode mapping works on Windows, not on Linux. (#3678)
-Patch to have tutor check $LC_MESSAGES. (#4112)
+Patch to add isinf(). (Ozaki Kiichi, #3787)
-Patch to fix modify_fname() does not work well with some 'encoding's.
-(Ken Takata, #4007)
-Patch to add more info to OptionSet. Should mention what triggered the change
-":set", ":setlocal", ":setglobal", "modeline"; and the old global value.
-Patch to make vim_getenv() work with wide API. (Ken Takata, #4008)
-How to make (async) complete function depending on completion type?
-Patch on #4083 to do this with an autocommand. Probably want something else,
-like 'ominfunc'.
+Patch to de-duplicate code and add error message. (Yegappan, #4207)
-Patch to add equal field to complete items. (#3887)
+No test for NULL after allocating memory: #4174
+ src/crypt.c line 256;
+ src/crypt_zip.c line 93;
+ src/gui_gtk_f.c line 132;
+ src/gui_gtk_x11 line 1578;
+ src/libvterm/src/state.c line 332;
+ src/libvterm/src/state.c line 255;
+ src/libvterm/src/state.c line 1618;
+ src/libvterm/src/state.c line 1643
+ src/libvterm/src/termscreen.c line 83;
+ src/ops.c line 6185;
+ src/option.c line 12980;
+ src/popupmnu.c line 1090;
When using exclusive selection and vi" that fails, cursor moves to the left.
Cursor should not move. (#4024)
-Patch to fix handling long line in tags file. #4051, #4084 (Andy Massimino)
-Patch to fix that executable() may fail on very long filename in MS-Windows.
-(Ken Takata, 2016 Feb 1, update 2018 Oct 7, update 2019 Feb 19)
-Now in pull request #4015.
Patch to be able to separately map CTRL-H and BS on Windows.
(Linwei, 2017 Jul 11, #1833)
Patch to include ARM64 support. (Leendert van Doorn, 2019 Feb 9)
-Patch to fix hang when opening file where an intermediate directory is not
-readable on MS-Windows. (link on #3923)
Pasting foo} causes Vim to behave weird. (John Little, 2018 Jun 17)
Related to bracketed paste. I cannot reproduce it.
Patch to add readdir(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, #2439)
+Patch to add list2str() and str2list(). #4190. Can be done with split/join
+and map(), but not for composing characters.
+Patch to add equal field to complete items. (#3887)
+Needs to sync to latest version, merge conflicts.
+Summary: no way to avoid filtering for autocomlete function
+Problem: No way to avoid filtering for autocomlete function, causing
+ flickering of the popup menu.
+Solution: Add the "equal" field to complete items. (closes #3887)
+Patch to add CompleteChanged event: triggered when the complete popup menu
+changes. #4176
+Problem with Visual yank when 'linebreak' and 'showbreak' are set.
+Patch with tests, but it's not clear how it is supposed to work. (tommm, 2018
+Nov 17) Asked about this, Dec 22. Christian will have a look.
+Patch to add ruby cflags. (#4050, fixes #1081)
+Needs modification.
+Patch for larger icons in installer. (#978) Still not good.
+Some xterm responses are not properly handled: (Markus Gömmel, 2019 Apr 1)
+ DCS 0 $ r Pt ST should be ignored.
+ DCS 0 + r/Pt/ ST already ignored?
+Patch to add blob_encode() and blob_decode(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, #4049)
+What do we need these for?
+Patch to add more info to OptionSet. Should mention what triggered the change
+":set", ":setlocal", ":setglobal", "modeline"; and the old global value.
+#4118. Proposed implementation: 2019 Mar 27. Tests fail, help update
+How to make (async) complete function depending on completion type?
+Patch on #4083 to do this with an autocommand. Probably want something else,
+like 'omnifunc'.
Using CTRL-L to add a character to the search string doesn't work for the last
character in the file. (Smylers, 2018 Nov 17, #3620)
Suggested patch by Hirohito Higashi, 2018 Nov 18.
kept, which means part of the text isn't displayed. Better show all the text
when possible. (Dylan Lloyd, #3973)
-Tag stack is incorrect after CTRL-T and then :tag. (Andy Massimino, 2019 Feb
-12, #3944) With Patch for a solution (Feb 23). Needs a test.
Patch to implement 'diffref' option. (#3535)
Easier to use a 'diffmaster' option, is the extra complexity needed?
Problem with using :cd when remotely editing a file. (Gerd Wachsmuth, 2017 May
8, #1690)
-Running test_gui and test_gui_init with Motif sometimes kills the window
-manager. Problem with Motif?
Bogus characters inserted when triggering indent while changing text.
(Vitor Antunes, 2016 Nov 22, #1269)
Patch for GTK buttons X1Mouse and X2Mouse. (Christian J. Robinson, 2010 Aug 9)
-Motif: Build on Ubuntu can't enter any text in dialog text fields.
":tab split fname" doesn't set the alternate file in the original window,
because win_valid() always returns FALSE. Below win_new_tabpage() in
and GTK by degreneir (nov 10 and nov 18).
- Patch for "paranoid mode" by Kevin Collins, March 7. Needs much more work.
+Better 'rightleft' or BIDI support:
+- Minimal Vi with bidi support:
+ By Ali Gholami Rudi, also worked on arabic.c
Quickfix/Location List:
- Window size is wrong when using quickfix window. (Lifepillar, 2018 Aug 24,
-*usr_41.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Jan 29
+*usr_41.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Mar 29
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
" Vim support file to detect file types
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change: 2019 Mar 19
+" Last Change: 2019 Mar 26
" Listen very carefully, I will say this only once
if exists("did_load_filetypes")
" Function used for patterns that end in a star: don't set the filetype if the
" file name matches ft_ignore_pat.
+" When using this, the entry should probably be further down below with the
+" other StarSetf() calls.
func! s:StarSetf(ft)
if expand("<amatch>") !~ g:ft_ignore_pat
exe 'setf ' . a:ft
" Arduino
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ino,*.pde setf arduino
-" Apache style config file
-au BufNewFile,BufRead proftpd.conf* call s:StarSetf('apachestyle')
" Apache config file
au BufNewFile,BufRead .htaccess,*/etc/httpd/*.conf setf apache
au BufNewFile,BufRead */etc/apache2/sites-*/*.com setf apache
" Gitolite
au BufNewFile,BufRead gitolite.conf setf gitolite
-au BufNewFile,BufRead */gitolite-admin/conf/* call s:StarSetf('gitolite')
au BufNewFile,BufRead {,.}gitolite.rc,example.gitolite.rc setf perl
" Gnuplot scripts
" Java Properties resource file (note: doesn't catch
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.properties,*.properties_??,*.properties_??_?? setf jproperties
-au BufNewFile,BufRead *.properties_??_??_* call s:StarSetf('jproperties')
" Jess
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.clp setf jess
" SGML catalog file
au BufNewFile,BufRead catalog setf catalog
-au BufNewFile,BufRead sgml.catalog* call s:StarSetf('catalog')
" Shell scripts (sh, ksh, bash, bash2, csh); Allow .profile_foo etc.
" Gentoo ebuilds and Arch Linux PKGBUILDs are actually bash scripts
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.hdl,*.vhd,*.vhdl,*.vbe,*.vst setf vhdl
-au BufNewFile,BufRead *.vhdl_[0-9]* call s:StarSetf('vhdl')
" Vim script
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.vim,*.vba,.exrc,_exrc setf vim
" More Apache style config files
au BufNewFile,BufRead */etc/proftpd/*.conf*,*/etc/proftpd/conf.*/* call s:StarSetf('apachestyle')
+au BufNewFile,BufRead proftpd.conf* call s:StarSetf('apachestyle')
" More Apache config files
au BufNewFile,BufRead access.conf*,apache.conf*,apache2.conf*,httpd.conf*,srm.conf* call s:StarSetf('apache')
" Gedcom
au BufNewFile,BufRead */tmp/lltmp* call s:StarSetf('gedcom')
+" Git
+au BufNewFile,BufRead */.gitconfig.d/*,/etc/gitconfig.d/* call s:StarSetf('gitconfig')
+" Gitolite
+au BufNewFile,BufRead */gitolite-admin/conf/* call s:StarSetf('gitolite')
au BufNewFile,BufRead .gtkrc*,gtkrc* call s:StarSetf('gtkrc')
\| call s:StarSetf('jargon')
+" Java Properties resource file (note: doesn't catch
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.properties_??_??_* call s:StarSetf('jproperties')
" Kconfig
au BufNewFile,BufRead Kconfig.* call s:StarSetf('kconfig')
" Remind
au BufNewFile,BufRead .reminders* call s:StarSetf('remind')
+" SGML catalog file
+au BufNewFile,BufRead sgml.catalog* call s:StarSetf('catalog')
" Shell scripts ending in a star
au BufNewFile,BufRead .bashrc*,.bash[_-]profile*,.bash[_-]logout*,.bash[_-]aliases*,bash-fc[-.]*,,PKGBUILD* call dist#ft#SetFileTypeSH("bash")
au BufNewFile,BufRead .kshrc* call dist#ft#SetFileTypeSH("ksh")
" csh scripts ending in a star
au BufNewFile,BufRead .login*,.cshrc* call dist#ft#CSH()
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.vhdl_[0-9]* call s:StarSetf('vhdl')
" Vim script
au BufNewFile,BufRead *vimrc* call s:StarSetf('vim')
" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: Make
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change: 2013 Apr 22
+" Last Change: 2019 Apr 02
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
" Including files.
let &l:include = '^\s*include'
-" For matchit.vim, suggested by Albert Netymk.
+" For matchit.vim, suggested by Albert Netymk and Ken Takata.
if exists("loaded_matchit")
- let b:match_words = '\<if\(n\)\=\(eq\|def\)\>:\<else\>:\<endif\>,\<define\>:\<endef\>'
+ let b:match_words = '^ *ifn\=\(eq\|def\)\>:^ *else\(\s\+ifn\=\(eq\|def\)\)\=\>:^ *endif\>,\<define\>:\<endef\>,^!\s*if\(n\=def\)\=\>:^!\s*else\(if\(n\=def\)\=\)\=\>:^!\s*endif\>'
GenericName[fr]=Éditeur de texte
GenericName[pl]=Edytor tekstu
Comment=Edit text files
Comment[af]=Redigeer tekslêers
Comment[am]=የጽሑፍ ፋይሎች ያስተካክሉ
Comment[hr]=Uređivanje tekstualne datoteke
Comment[hu]=Szövegfájlok szerkesztése
Comment[id]=Edit file teks
+Comment[is]=Vinna með textaskrár
Comment[it]=Modifica file di testo
Comment[kn]=ಪಠ್ಯ ಕಡತಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸು
" Maintainer: Christian Brabandt <>
" Original Author: Nikolai Weibull <>
" Previous Maintainer: Peter Aronoff <>
-" Latest Revision: 2019-02-02
+" Latest Revision: 2018-03-26
" License: Vim (see :h license)
" Repository:
" Changelog:
-" 20190316 - Make use of searchpairpos for nested if sections
-" fixes #11
-" 20190201 - Better check for closing if sections
" 20180724 - make check for zsh syntax more rigid (needs word-boundaries)
" 20180326 - better support for line continuation
" 20180325 - better detection of function definitions
function! GetShIndent()
- let curline = getline(v:lnum)
let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
if lnum == 0
return 0
" Check contents of previous lines
if line =~ '^\s*\%(if\|then\|do\|else\|elif\|case\|while\|until\|for\|select\|foreach\)\>' ||
\ (&ft is# 'zsh' && line =~ '\<\%(if\|then\|do\|else\|elif\|case\|while\|until\|for\|select\|foreach\)\>')
- if !s:is_end_expression(line)
+ if line !~ '\<\%(fi\|esac\|done\|end\)\>\s*\%(#.*\)\=$'
let ind += s:indent_value('default')
elseif s:is_case_label(line, pnum)
elseif s:end_block(line) && !s:start_block(line)
let ind -= s:indent_value('default')
- elseif pnum != 0 &&
- \ s:is_continuation_line(pline) &&
- \ !s:end_block(curline) &&
- \ !s:is_end_expression(curline)
+ elseif pnum != 0 && s:is_continuation_line(pline) && !s:end_block(getline(v:lnum))
" only add indent, if line and pline is in the same block
let i = v:lnum
let ind2 = indent(s:find_continued_lnum(pnum))
let pine = line
" Check content of current line
- let line = curline
- " Current line is a endif line, so get indent from start of "if condition" line
- " TODO: should we do the same for other "end" lines?
- if curline =~ '^\s*\%(fi\)\s*\%(#.*\)\=$'
- let previous_line = searchpair('\<if\>', '', '\<fi\>', 'bnW')
- if previous_line > 0
- let ind = indent(previous_line)
- endif
- elseif line =~ '^\s*\%(then\|do\|else\|elif\|done\|end\)\>' || s:end_block(line)
+ let line = getline(v:lnum)
+ if line =~ '^\s*\%(then\|do\|else\|elif\|fi\|done\|end\)\>' || s:end_block(line)
let ind -= s:indent_value('default')
elseif line =~ '^\s*esac\>' && s:is_case_empty(getline(v:lnum - 1))
let ind -= s:indent_value('default')
function! s:is_here_doc(line)
if a:line =~ '^\w\+$'
- let here_pat = '<<-\?'. s:escape(a:line). '\$'
- return search(here_pat, 'bnW') > 0
+ let here_pat = '<<-\?'. s:escape(a:line). '\$'
+ return search(here_pat, 'bnW') > 0
return 0
return a:line =~ '^\s*#'
-function! s:is_end_expression(line)
- return a:line =~ '\<\%(fi\|esac\|done\|end\)\>\s*\%(#.*\)\=$'
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" Menu Translations: German / Deutsch
-" Maintainer: Georg Dahn <>
-" Originally By: Marcin Dalecki <>
-" Johannes Zellner <>
-" Last Change: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 22:40:00 CEST
+" Maintainer: Jón Arnar Briem <>
+" Originally By: Georg Dahn <>
+" Marcin Dalecki <>
+" Johannes Zellner <>
+" Last Change: Mon, 1 April 2019
" vim:set foldmethod=marker tabstop=8:
" Quit when menu translations have already been done.
menutrans Startup\ &Settings &Starteinstellungen
menutrans Toggle\ Pattern\ &Highlight<Tab>:set\ hls! &Hervorhebungen\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ hls!
-menutrans Toggle\ &Ignore-case<Tab>:set\ ic! Großschreibung\ &ignorieren\ oder\ benutzen<Tab>:set\ ic!
-menutrans Toggle\ &Showmatch<Tab>:set\ sm! Anzeige\ des\ passenden\ &Symbols\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ sm!
+menutrans Toggle\ &Ignoring\ Case<Tab>:set\ ic! Großschreibung\ &ignorieren\ oder\ benutzen<Tab>:set\ ic!
+menutrans Toggle\ &Showing\ Matched\ Pairs<Tab>:set\ sm! Anzeige\ des\ passenden\ &Symbols\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ sm!
menutrans &Context\ lines &Zusammenhang
" Boolean options
menutrans Toggle\ Line\ &Numbering<Tab>:set\ nu! Anzeige\ der\ Zeilen&nummer\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ nu!
-menutrans Toggle\ relati&ve\ Line\ Numbering<Tab>:set\ rnu! Anzeige\ der\ relati&ven\ Zeilennummer\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ rnu!
+menutrans Toggle\ Relati&ve\ Line\ Numbering<Tab>:set\ rnu! Anzeige\ der\ relati&ven\ Zeilennummer\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ rnu!
menutrans Toggle\ &List\ Mode<Tab>:set\ list! &List-Modus\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ list!
-menutrans Toggle\ Line\ &Wrap<Tab>:set\ wrap! &Zeilenumbruch\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ wrap!
-menutrans Toggle\ W&rap\ at\ word<Tab>:set\ lbr! Umbruch\ an\ &Wortgrenzen\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ lbr!
-menutrans Toggle\ &expand-tab<Tab>:set\ et! &Erweiterung\ von\ Tabulatoren\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ et!
-menutrans Toggle\ &auto-indent<Tab>:set\ ai! &Automatische\ Einrückung\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ ai!
-menutrans Toggle\ &C-indenting<Tab>:set\ cin! &C-Einrückung\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ cin!
+menutrans Toggle\ Line\ &Wrapping<Tab>:set\ wrap! &Zeilenumbruch\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ wrap!
+menutrans Toggle\ W&rapping\ at\ word<Tab>:set\ lbr! Umbruch\ an\ &Wortgrenzen\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ lbr!
+menutrans Toggle\ Tab\ &Expanding<Tab>:set\ et! &Erweiterung\ von\ Tabulatoren\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ et!
+menutrans Toggle\ &Auto\ Indenting<Tab>:set\ ai! &Automatische\ Einrückung\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ ai!
+menutrans Toggle\ &C-Style\ Indenting<Tab>:set\ cin! &C-Einrückung\ ein-\ und\ ausschalten<Tab>:set\ cin!
" other options
menutrans &Shiftwidth &Schiebeweite
menutrans &Delete\ Fold<Tab>zd Faltung\ löschen<Tab>zd
menutrans Delete\ &All\ Folds<Tab>zD Alle\ Faltungen\ löschen<Tab>zD
" moving around in folds
- menutrans Fold\ column\ &width &Breite\ der\ Faltungsspalte
+ menutrans Fold\ col&umn\ width &Breite\ der\ Faltungsspalte
endif " has folding
if has("diff")
menutrans &GUI &Graphische\ Oberfläche
menutrans &Credits &Autoren
menutrans Co&pying &Urheberrecht
+menutrans &Sponsor/Register Sponsern/&Registrieren
menutrans O&rphans &Waisen
menutrans &Find\.\.\. &Suchen\.\.\. " conflicts with Edit.Find
menutrans &Version &Version
--- /dev/null
+" Menu Translations: Icelandic for iso-8859-1 encoding
+source <sfile>:p:h/menu_is_is.latin1.vim
--- /dev/null
+" Menu Translations: Icelandic for UTF-8 encoding
+source <sfile>:p:h/menu_is_is.latin1.vim
--- /dev/null
+" Menu Translations: Icelandic / Íslenska
+" Maintainer: Jón Arnar Briem <>
+" Originally By: Jón Arnar Briem <>
+" Last Change: Sun, 24 Mar 2019 22:40:00 CEST
+" vim:set foldmethod=marker tabstop=8:
+" Quit when menu translations have already been done.
+if exists("did_menu_trans")
+ finish
+let did_menu_trans = 1
+let s:keepcpo= &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" The translations below are in latin1, but they work for cp1252 and
+" iso-8859-15 without conversion as well.
+if &enc != "cp1252" && &enc != "iso-8859-15"
+ scriptencoding latin1
+" {{{ FILE / SKRÁ
+menutrans &File Skrá
+menutrans &Open\.\.\.<Tab>:e Opna\.\.\.<Tab>:e
+menutrans Sp&lit-Open\.\.\.<Tab>:sp Splitt\ opna\.\.\.<Tab>:sp
+menutrans Open\ Tab\.\.\.<Tab>:tabnew Opna\ flipa\.\.\.<Tab>:tabnew
+menutrans &New<Tab>:enew Ný\ Skrá<Tab>:enew
+menutrans &Close<Tab>:close Loka<Tab>:close
+menutrans &Save<Tab>:w Vista<Tab>:w
+menutrans Save\ &As\.\.\.<Tab>:sav Vista\ sem\.\.\.<Tab>:sav
+menutrans &Print Prenta
+menutrans Sa&ve-Exit<Tab>:wqa Vista\ og\ Loka<Tab>:wqa
+menutrans E&xit<Tab>:qa Loka<Tab>:qa
+if has("diff")
+ menutrans Split\ &Diff\ with\.\.\. Splitt\ opna\ mismun\ við\.\.\.
+ menutrans Split\ Patched\ &By\.\.\. Splitt\ opna\ plástrað\ af\.\.\.
+" }}} FILE / SKRÁ
+" {{{ EDIT / BREYTA
+menutrans &Edit Breyta
+menutrans &Undo<Tab>u Afturkalla<Tab>u
+menutrans &Redo<Tab>^R Endurkalla<Tab>^R
+menutrans Rep&eat<Tab>\. Endurtaka<Tab>\.
+menutrans Cu&t<Tab>"+x Klippa<Tab>"+x
+menutrans &Copy<Tab>"+y Afrita<Tab>"+y
+menutrans &Paste<Tab>"+gP Líma<Tab>"+gP
+menutrans Put\ &Before<Tab>[p Líma\ Fyrir<Tab>[p
+menutrans Put\ &After<Tab>]p Líma\ Eftir<Tab>]p
+menutrans &Delete<Tab>x Eyða<Tab>x
+menutrans &Select\ All<Tab>ggVG Velja\ Allt<Tab>ggVG
+menutrans &Find\.\.\. Finna\.\.\.
+menutrans Find\ and\ Rep&lace\.\.\. Finna\ og\ Skipta\.\.\.
+" [-- SETTINGS --]
+menutrans Settings\ &Window Stillingar\ Glugga
+menutrans &Global\ Settings Víðværar\ Stillingar
+menutrans Startup\ &Settings Ræsistillingar
+menutrans Toggle\ Pattern\ &Highlight<Tab>:set\ hls! Munsturauðkenning\ á\/af<Tab>:set\ hls!
+menutrans Toggle\ &Ignoring\ Case<Tab>:set\ ic! Hunsa\ há-lágstafi\ á\/af<Tab>:set\ ic!
+menutrans Toggle\ &Showing\ Matched\ Pairs<Tab>:set\ sm! Sýna\ Pörun á\/af<Tab>:set\ sm!
+menutrans &Context\ lines Samhengislínur
+menutrans &Virtual\ Edit Skinbreytihamur
+menutrans Never Aldrei
+menutrans Block\ Selection Bálkval
+menutrans Insert\ mode Innskotshamur
+menutrans Block\ and\ Insert Bálkval\ og\ Innskotshamur
+menutrans Always Alltaf
+menutrans Toggle\ Insert\ &Mode<Tab>:set\ im! Innskotshamur\ á\/af<Tab>:set\ im!
+menutrans Toggle\ Vi\ C&ompatibility<Tab>:set\ cp! Vi\ Samhæfanleiki á\/af<Tab>:set\ cp!
+menutrans Search\ &Path\.\.\. Leita\ í\ Slóð\.\.\.
+menutrans Ta&g\ Files\.\.\. Merkja\ Skrár\.\.\.
+menutrans Toggle\ &Toolbar Tólaborð\ á\/af
+menutrans Toggle\ &Bottom\ Scrollbar Neðri\ Skrunborði\ á\/af
+menutrans Toggle\ &Left\ Scrollbar Vinstri\ Skrunborði\ á\/af
+menutrans Toggle\ &Right\ Scrollbar Hægri\ Skrunborði\ á\/af
+" Edit/File Settings
+menutrans F&ile\ Settings Skráar-Stilingar
+" Boolean options
+menutrans Toggle\ Line\ &Numbering<Tab>:set\ nu! Línunúmering\ á\/af<Tab>:set\ nu!
+menutrans Toggle\ Relati&ve\ Line\ Numbering<Tab>:set\ rnu! Afstæð\ Línunúmering\ á\/af<Tab>:set\ rnu!
+menutrans Toggle\ &List\ Mode<Tab>:set\ list! Listahamur\ á\/af<Tab>:set\ list!
+menutrans Toggle\ Line\ &Wrapping<Tab>:set\ wrap! Línuhlaup\ á\/af<Tab>:set\ wrap!
+menutrans Toggle\ W&rapping\ at\ word<Tab>:set\ lbr! Línuhlaup\ á\ orði\ á\/af<Tab>:set\ lbr!
+menutrans Toggle\ Tab\ &Expanding<Tab>:set\ et! Tab-víkkun\ á\/af<Tab>:set\ et!
+menutrans Toggle\ &Auto Indenting<Tab>:set\ ai! Sjálfvirkur\ Inndráttur\ á\/af<Tab>:set\ ai!
+menutrans Toggle\ &C-Style\ Indenting<Tab>:set\ cin! C-Inndráttur\ á\/af<Tab>:set\ cin!
+" other options
+menutrans &Shiftwidth Shiftbreidd
+menutrans Soft\ &Tabstop Mjúk\ Tabstopp
+menutrans Te&xt\ Width\.\.\. Textabreidd\.\.\.
+menutrans &File\ Format\.\.\. Skráarform\.\.\.
+menutrans C&olor\ Scheme Litaþema\.\.\.
+menutrans &Keymap Lyklaskipan
+" }}} EDIT / BREYTA
+" {{{ TOOLS / TÓl
+if has("spell")
+ menutrans &Spelling Stafsetning
+ menutrans &Spell\ Check\ On Villuleit\ á
+ menutrans Spell\ Check\ &Off Villuleit\ af
+ menutrans To\ &Next\ error<Tab>]s Næsta\ Villa<Tab>]s
+ menutrans To\ &Previous\ error<Tab>[s Fyrri\ Villa<Tab>[s
+ menutrans Suggest\ &Corrections<Tab>z= Leggja\ til\ Leiðréttingar<Tab>z=
+ menutrans &Repeat\ correction<Tab>:spellrepall Endurtaka\ Leiðréttingu<Tab>:spellrepall
+ menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en" Stilla\ Orðabók\ á "en"
+ menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en_au" Stilla\ Orðabók\ á "en_au"
+ menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en_ca" Stilla\ Orðabók\ á "en_ca"
+ menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en_gb" Stilla\ Orðabók\ á "en_gb"
+ menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en_nz" Stilla\ Orðabók\ á "en_nz"
+ menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en_us" Stilla\ Orðabók\ á "en_us"
+ menutrans &Find\ More\ Languages Finna\ fleiri\ Orðabækur
+if has("folding")
+ menutrans &Folding Földun
+ " open close folds
+ menutrans &Enable/Disable\ folds<Tab>zi Földun\ á\/af<Tab>zi
+ menutrans &View\ Cursor\ Line<Tab>zv Sjá\ Línu\ Bendils<Tab>zv
+ menutrans Vie&w\ Cursor\ Line\ only<Tab>zMzx Sjá\ Eingöngu\ Línu\ Bendils<Tab>zMzx
+ menutrans C&lose\ more\ folds<Tab>zm Loka\ Fleiri\ Földunum<Tab>zm
+ menutrans &Close\ all\ folds<Tab>zM Loka\ Öllum\ Földunum<Tab>zM
+ menutrans O&pen\ more\ folds<Tab>zr Opna\ Fleiri\ Faldanir<Tab>zr
+ menutrans &Open\ all\ folds<Tab>zR Opna\ Allar\ Faldanir<Tab>zR
+ " fold method
+ menutrans Fold\ Met&hod Földunar-háttur
+ menutrans M&anual Handvirkur
+ menutrans I&ndent Inndráttur
+ menutrans E&xpression Segð
+ menutrans S&yntax Málskipan
+ menutrans &Diff Mismunur
+ menutrans Ma&rker Merking
+ " create and delete folds
+ menutrans Create\ &Fold<Tab>zf Búa\ til\ Földun<Tab>zf
+ menutrans &Delete\ Fold<Tab>zd Eyða\ Földun<Tab>zd
+ menutrans Delete\ &All\ Folds<Tab>zD Eyða\ Öllum\ Földunum<Tab>zD
+ " moving around in folds
+ menutrans Fold\ Col&umn\ Width Breidd\ Földunar
+endif " has folding
+if has("diff")
+ menutrans &Diff Mismunur
+ menutrans &Update Uppfæra
+ menutrans &Get\ Block Sækja\ Bálk
+ menutrans &Put\ Block Setja\ Bálk
+menutrans &Tools Tól
+menutrans &Jump\ to\ this\ tag<Tab>g^] Stökkva\ í\ Merki<Tab>g^]
+menutrans Jump\ &back<Tab>^T Stökkva\ til\ baka<Tab>^T
+menutrans Build\ &Tags\ File Búa\ til\ Merkjaskrá
+menutrans &Make<Tab>:make Smíða<Tab>:make
+menutrans &List\ Errors<Tab>:cl Birta\ Villur<Tab>:cl
+menutrans L&ist\ Messages<Tab>:cl! Birta\ Skilaboð<Tab>:cl!
+menutrans &Next\ Error<Tab>:cn Næsta\ Villa<Tab>:cn
+menutrans &Previous\ Error<Tab>:cp Fyrri\ Villa<Tab>:cp
+menutrans &Older\ List<Tab>:cold Eldri\ Listi<Tab>:cold
+menutrans N&ewer\ List<Tab>:cnew Nýrri\ Listi<Tab>:cnew
+menutrans Error\ &Window Villugluggi
+menutrans Se&t\ Compiler Smiður
+menutrans &Update<Tab>:cwin Uppfæra<Tab>:cwin
+menutrans &Open<Tab>:copen Opna<Tab>:copen
+menutrans &Close<Tab>:cclose Loka<Tab>:cclose
+menutrans &Convert\ to\ HEX<Tab>:%!xxd Breyta\ í\ HEX<Tab>:%!xxd
+menutrans Conve&rt\ back<Tab>:%!xxd\ -r Breyta\ til\ baka<Tab>:%!xxd\ -r
+" }}} TOOLS / TÓL
+menutrans &Syntax Málskipan
+menutrans &Show\ filetypes\ in\ menu Sýna\ Skráartegundir
+menutrans Set\ '&syntax'\ only Stilla\ aðeins\ 'málskipan'\
+menutrans Set\ '&filetype'\ too Stilla\ einnig\ 'skráartegund'\
+menutrans &Off Af
+menutrans &Manual Handvirkt
+menutrans A&utomatic Sjálfvirkt
+menutrans on/off\ for\ &This\ file á/af\ fyrir\ þessa\ skrá
+menutrans Co&lor\ test Litaprófun
+menutrans &Highlight\ test Auðkenningarprófun
+menutrans &Convert\ to\ HTML Breyta\ í\ HTML
+menutrans &Buffers Biðminni
+menutrans &Refresh\ menu Uppfæra\ valmynd
+menutrans Delete Eyða
+menutrans &Alternate Skipta
+menutrans &Next Næsta
+menutrans &Previous Fyrra
+menutrans &Window Gluggi
+menutrans &New<Tab>^Wn Nýr<Tab>^Wn
+menutrans S&plit<Tab>^Ws Splitta<Tab>^Ws
+menutrans Split\ &Vertically<Tab>^Wv Splitta\ Lóðrétt<Tab>^Wv
+menutrans Split\ File\ E&xplorer Splitta\ Skráarvafra
+menutrans Sp&lit\ To\ #<Tab>^W^^ Splitta\ í\ Flipa\ #<Tab>^W^^
+menutrans &Close<Tab>^Wc Loka\ Flipa<Tab>^Wc
+menutrans Close\ &Other(s)<Tab>^Wo Loka\ Öðrum\ Flipum<Tab>^Wo
+menutrans Ne&xt<Tab>^Ww Næsti<Tab>^Ww
+menutrans P&revious<Tab>^WW Fyrri<Tab>^WW
+menutrans &Equal\ Size<Tab>^W= Jafn\ Stór<Tab>^W=
+menutrans &Max\ Height<Tab>^W_ Hámarkshæð<Tab>^W_
+menutrans M&in\ Height<Tab>^W1_ Lágmarkshæð<Tab>^W1_
+menutrans Max\ &Width<Tab>^W\| Hámarksbreidd<Tab>^W\|
+menutrans Min\ Widt&h<Tab>^W1\| Lágmarksbreidd<Tab>^W1\|
+menutrans Move\ &To Færa
+menutrans &Top<Tab>^WK Upp<Tab>^WK
+menutrans &Bottom<Tab>^WJ Niður<Tab>^WJ
+menutrans &Left\ side<Tab>^WH Til\ Vinstri<Tab>^WH
+menutrans &Right\ side<Tab>^WL Til\ Hægri<Tab>^WL
+menutrans Rotate\ &Up<Tab>^WR Rúlla\ upp<Tab>^WR
+menutrans Rotate\ &Down<Tab>^Wr Rúlla\ niður<Tab>^Wr
+menutrans Select\ Fo&nt\.\.\. Velja\ Leturgerð\.\.\.
+" {{{ HELP / HJÁLP
+menutrans &Help Hjálp
+menutrans &Overview<Tab><F1> Yfirlit<Tab><F1>
+menutrans &User\ Manual Notendahandbók
+menutrans &How-to\ links Hjálparhlekkir
+menutrans &GUI Myndrænt\ Viðmót
+menutrans &Credits Höfundar
+menutrans Co&pying Afritun
+menutrans &Sponsor/Register Styrkja/Skráning
+menutrans O&rphans Góðgerðarstarf
+menutrans &Find\.\.\. Leit\.\.\. " conflicts with Edit.Find
+menutrans &Version Útgáfa
+menutrans &About Um\ Forritið
+" }}} HELP / HJÁLP
+" {{{ POPUP
+menutrans &Undo Til\ Baka
+menutrans Cu&t Klippa
+menutrans &Copy Afrita
+menutrans &Paste Líma
+menutrans &Delete Eyða
+menutrans Select\ Blockwise Velja\ Bálkvíst
+menutrans Select\ &Word Velja\ Orð
+menutrans Select\ &Sentence Velja\ Setningu
+menutrans Select\ Pa&ragraph Velja\ Efnisgrein
+menutrans Select\ &Line Velja\ Línu
+menutrans Select\ &Block Velja\ Bálk
+menutrans Select\ &All Velja\ Allt
+" }}} POPUP
+" {{{ TOOLBAR
+if has("toolbar")
+ if exists("*Do_toolbar_tmenu")
+ delfun Do_toolbar_tmenu
+ endif
+ fun Do_toolbar_tmenu()
+ tmenu ToolBar.Open Opna Skrá
+ tmenu ToolBar.Save Vista Skrá
+ tmenu ToolBar.SaveAll Vista Allar Skrár
+ tmenu ToolBar.Print Prenta
+ tmenu ToolBar.Undo Afturkalla
+ tmenu ToolBar.Redo Endurkalla
+ tmenu ToolBar.Cut Klippa
+ tmenu ToolBar.Copy Afrita
+ tmenu ToolBar.Paste Líma
+ tmenu ToolBar.Find Finna...
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindNext Finna Næsta
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindPrev Finna fyrri
+ tmenu ToolBar.Replace Finna og Skipta...
+ if 0 " disabled; These are in the Windows menu
+ tmenu ToolBar.New Nýr
+ tmenu ToolBar.WinSplit Splitta Glugga
+ tmenu ToolBar.WinMax Hámarksstærð Glugga
+ tmenu ToolBar.WinMin Lágmarksstærð Glugga
+ tmenu ToolBar.WinClose Loka Glugga
+ endif
+ tmenu ToolBar.LoadSesn Hlaða Setu
+ tmenu ToolBar.SaveSesn Vista Setu
+ tmenu ToolBar.RunScript Keyra Skriptu
+ tmenu ToolBar.Make Smíða
+ tmenu ToolBar.Shell Opna Skel
+ tmenu ToolBar.RunCtags Smíða Merki
+ tmenu ToolBar.TagJump Hoppa í Merki
+ tmenu ToolBar.Help Hjálp
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindHelp Finna Hjálp...
+ endfun
+" }}} TOOLBAR
+let g:menutrans_no_file = "[Engin Skrá]"
+let g:menutrans_help_dialog = "Sláið inn skipun eða orða til að leita upplýsinga um:\n\nForskeytið i_ fyrir ílagshamsskipanir (t.d. i_CTRL-X)\nForskeytið c_ fyrir skipanalínuskipanir (t.d. c_<Del>)\nForskeytið ' fyrir nafn á valmöguleika (t.d. 'shiftbreidd')"
+let g:menutrans_path_dialog = "Sláið inn leitarslóð fyrir skrár.\nAðskiljið möppur með kommu"
+let g:menutrans_tags_dialog = "Sláið inn nafn Merkjaskráa.\nAðskiljið nöfnin með kommu"
+let g:menutrans_textwidth_dialog = "Sláið inn nýja textabreidd (0 til að óvirkja sniðmátun): "
+let g:menutrans_fileformat_dialog = "Veljið Skráarsnið"
+" }}}
+let &cpo = s:keepcpo
+unlet s:keepcpo
--- /dev/null
+" Menu Translations: Icelandic for UTF-8 encoding
+source <sfile>:p:h/menu_is_is.latin1.vim
" Vim syntax file
" Language: DCL (Digital Command Language - vms)
" Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
-" Last Change: Aug 31, 2016
-" Version: 11
+" Last Change: Mar 26, 2019
+" Version: 12
" URL:
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
-if !has("patch-7.4.1142")
- setlocal iskeyword=$,@,48-57,_
+if (v:version == 704 && has("patch-7.4.1142")) || v:version > 704
syn iskeyword $,@,48-57,_
+ setlocal iskeyword=$,@,48-57,_
syn case ignore
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Lisp
" Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
-" Last Change: Feb 15, 2018
-" Version: 27
+" Last Change: Mar 26, 2019
+" Version: 28
" URL:
" Thanks to F Xavier Noria for a list of 978 Common Lisp symbols taken from HyperSpec
if exists("g:lisp_isk")
exe "setl isk=".g:lisp_isk
-elseif !has("patch-7.4.1142")
- setl isk=38,42,43,45,47-58,60-62,64-90,97-122,_
+elseif (v:version == 704 && has("patch-7.4.1142")) || v:version > 704
syn iskeyword 38,42,43,45,47-58,60-62,64-90,97-122,_
+ setl isk=38,42,43,45,47-58,60-62,64-90,97-122,_
if exists("g:lispsyntax_ignorecase") || exists("g:lispsyntax_clisp")
" Maintainer: Roland Hieber <>
" Previous Maintainer: Claudio Fleiner <>
" URL:
-" Last Change: 2019 Feb 08
+" Last Change: 2019 Apr 02
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn match makeNextLine "\\\n\s*"
" some directives
-syn match makePreCondit "^ *\(ifeq\>\|else\>\|endif\>\|ifneq\>\|ifdef\>\|ifndef\>\)"
+syn match makePreCondit "^ *\(ifn\=\(eq\|def\)\>\|else\(\s\+ifn\=\(eq\|def\)\)\=\>\|endif\>\)"
syn match makeInclude "^ *[-s]\=include"
syn match makeStatement "^ *vpath"
syn match makeExport "^ *\(export\|unexport\)\>"
" Microsoft Makefile specials
syn case ignore
-syn match makeInclude "^! *include"
-syn match makePreCondit "! *\(cmdswitches\|error\|message\|include\|if\|ifdef\|ifndef\|else\|elseif\|else if\|else\s*ifdef\|else\s*ifndef\|endif\|undef\)\>"
+syn match makeInclude "^!\s*include"
+syn match makePreCondit "^!\s*\(cmdswitches\|error\|message\|include\|if\|ifdef\|ifndef\|else\|else\s*if\|else\s*ifdef\|else\s*ifndef\|endif\|undef\)\>"
syn case match
" identifiers
" Define the default highlighting.
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
-hi def link makeNextLine makeSpecial
+hi def link makeNextLine makeSpecial
hi def link makeCmdNextLine makeSpecial
-hi def link makeSpecTarget Statement
+hi def link makeSpecTarget Statement
if !exists("make_no_commands")
-hi def link makeCommands Number
+hi def link makeCommands Number
-hi def link makeImplicit Function
+hi def link makeImplicit Function
hi def link makeTarget Function
hi def link makeInclude Include
-hi def link makePreCondit PreCondit
-hi def link makeStatement Statement
+hi def link makePreCondit PreCondit
+hi def link makeStatement Statement
hi def link makeIdent Identifier
hi def link makeSpecial Special
hi def link makeComment Comment
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Maple V (based on release 4)
" Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
-" Last Change: Aug 31, 2016
-" Version: 15
+" Last Change: Mar 26, 2019
+" Version: 16
" URL:
" Package Function Selection: {{{1
" Iskeyword Effects: {{{1
-if !has("patch-7.4.1142")
- setl isk=$,48-57,_,a-z,@-Z
+if (v:version == 704 && has("patch-7.4.1142")) || v:version > 704
syn iskeyword $,48-57,_,a-z,@-Z
+ setl isk=$,48-57,_,a-z,@-Z
" Package Selection: {{{1
" Language: shell (sh) Korn shell (ksh) bash (sh)
" Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
" Previous Maintainer: Lennart Schultz <>
-" Last Change: Nov 23, 2018
-" Version: 185
+" Last Change: Mar 26, 2019
+" Version: 186
" URL:
" For options and settings, please use: :help ft-sh-syntax
" This file includes many ideas from Eric Brunet (
" set up the syntax-highlighting iskeyword
-if has("patch-7.4.1142")
+if (v:version == 704 && has("patch-7.4.1142")) || v:version > 704
if exists("b:is_bash")
exe "syn iskeyword ".&iskeyword.",-,:"
" Vim syntax file
" Language: TeX
" Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NdrchipO@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM>
-" Last Change: Nov 02, 2018
-" Version: 111
+" Last Change: Apr 01, 2019
+" Version: 113
" URL:
" Notes: {{{1
let b:tex_isk="48-57,a-z,A-Z,192-255"
-if v:version > 704 || (v:version == 704 && has("patch-7.4.1142"))
+if (v:version == 704 && has("patch-7.4.1142")) || v:version > 704
exe "syn iskeyword ".b:tex_isk
exe "setl isk=".b:tex_isk
syn cluster texCmdGroup add=texMathError
syn cluster texEnvGroup contains=texMatcher,texMathDelim,texSpecialChar,texStatement
-syn cluster texFoldGroup contains=texAccent,texBadMath,texComment,texDefCmd,texDelimiter,texDocType,texInput,texInputFile,texLength,texLigature,texMatcher,texMathZoneV,texMathZoneW,texMathZoneX,texMathZoneY,texMathZoneZ,texNewCmd,texNewEnv,texOnlyMath,texOption,texParen,texRefZone,texSection,texBeginEnd,texSectionZone,texSpaceCode,texSpecialChar,texStatement,texString,texTypeSize,texTypeStyle,texZone,@texMathZones,texTitle,texAbstract,texBoldStyle,texItalStyle,texNoSpell
+syn cluster texFoldGroup contains=texAccent,texBadMath,texComment,texDefCmd,texDelimiter,texDocType,texInput,texInputFile,texLength,texLigature,texMatcher,texMathZoneV,texMathZoneW,texMathZoneX,texMathZoneY,texMathZoneZ,texNewCmd,texNewEnv,texOnlyMath,texOption,texParen,texRefZone,texSection,texBeginEnd,texSectionZone,texSpaceCode,texSpecialChar,texStatement,texString,texTypeSize,texTypeStyle,texZone,@texMathZones,texTitle,texAbstract,texBoldStyle,texItalStyle,texEmphStyle,texNoSpell
syn cluster texBoldGroup contains=texAccent,texBadMath,texComment,texDefCmd,texDelimiter,texDocType,texInput,texInputFile,texLength,texLigature,texMatcher,texMathZoneV,texMathZoneW,texMathZoneX,texMathZoneY,texMathZoneZ,texNewCmd,texNewEnv,texOnlyMath,texOption,texParen,texRefZone,texSection,texBeginEnd,texSectionZone,texSpaceCode,texSpecialChar,texStatement,texString,texTypeSize,texTypeStyle,texZone,@texMathZones,texTitle,texAbstract,texBoldStyle,texBoldItalStyle,texNoSpell
-syn cluster texItalGroup contains=texAccent,texBadMath,texComment,texDefCmd,texDelimiter,texDocType,texInput,texInputFile,texLength,texLigature,texMatcher,texMathZoneV,texMathZoneW,texMathZoneX,texMathZoneY,texMathZoneZ,texNewCmd,texNewEnv,texOnlyMath,texOption,texParen,texRefZone,texSection,texBeginEnd,texSectionZone,texSpaceCode,texSpecialChar,texStatement,texString,texTypeSize,texTypeStyle,texZone,@texMathZones,texTitle,texAbstract,texItalStyle,texItalBoldStyle,texNoSpell
+syn cluster texItalGroup contains=texAccent,texBadMath,texComment,texDefCmd,texDelimiter,texDocType,texInput,texInputFile,texLength,texLigature,texMatcher,texMathZoneV,texMathZoneW,texMathZoneX,texMathZoneY,texMathZoneZ,texNewCmd,texNewEnv,texOnlyMath,texOption,texParen,texRefZone,texSection,texBeginEnd,texSectionZone,texSpaceCode,texSpecialChar,texStatement,texString,texTypeSize,texTypeStyle,texZone,@texMathZones,texTitle,texAbstract,texItalStyle,texEmphStyle,texItalBoldStyle,texNoSpell
if !s:tex_nospell
syn cluster texMatchGroup contains=texAccent,texBadMath,texComment,texDefCmd,texDelimiter,texDocType,texInput,texLength,texLigature,texMatcher,texNewCmd,texNewEnv,texOnlyMath,texParen,texRefZone,texSection,texSpecialChar,texStatement,texString,texTypeSize,texTypeStyle,texBoldStyle,texBoldItalStyle,texItalStyle,texItalBoldStyle,texZone,texInputFile,texOption,@Spell
syn cluster texMatchNMGroup contains=texAccent,texBadMath,texComment,texDefCmd,texDelimiter,texDocType,texInput,texLength,texLigature,texMatcherNM,texNewCmd,texNewEnv,texOnlyMath,texParen,texRefZone,texSection,texSpecialChar,texStatement,texString,texTypeSize,texTypeStyle,texBoldStyle,texBoldItalStyle,texItalStyle,texItalBoldStyle,texZone,texInputFile,texOption,@Spell
if s:tex_conceal !~# 'b'
syn match texTypeStyle "\\textbf\>"
syn match texTypeStyle "\\textit\>"
+ syn match texTypeStyle "\\emph\>"
syn match texTypeStyle "\\textmd\>"
syn match texTypeStyle "\\textrm\>"
syn match texTypeStyle "\\textsl\>"
syn match texTypeStyle "\\texttt\>"
syn match texTypeStyle "\\textup\>"
-syn match texTypeStyle "\\emph\>"
syn match texTypeStyle "\\mathbb\>"
syn match texTypeStyle "\\mathbf\>"
syn region texBoldItalStyle matchgroup=texTypeStyle start="\\textit\s*{" matchgroup=texTypeStyle end="}" concealends contains=@texItalGroup,@Spell
syn region texItalStyle matchgroup=texTypeStyle start="\\textit\s*{" matchgroup=texTypeStyle end="}" concealends contains=@texItalGroup,@Spell
syn region texItalBoldStyle matchgroup=texTypeStyle start="\\textbf\s*{" matchgroup=texTypeStyle end="}" concealends contains=@texBoldGroup,@Spell
+ syn region texEmphStyle matchgroup=texTypeStyle start="\\emph\s*{" matchgroup=texTypeStyle end="}" concealends contains=@texItalGroup,@Spell
syn region texBoldStyle matchgroup=texTypeStyle start="\\textbf\s*{" matchgroup=texTypeStyle end="}" concealends contains=@texBoldGroup
syn region texBoldItalStyle matchgroup=texTypeStyle start="\\textit\s*{" matchgroup=texTypeStyle end="}" concealends contains=@texItalGroup
syn region texItalStyle matchgroup=texTypeStyle start="\\textit\s*{" matchgroup=texTypeStyle end="}" concealends contains=@texItalGroup
syn region texItalBoldStyle matchgroup=texTypeStyle start="\\textbf\s*{" matchgroup=texTypeStyle end="}" concealends contains=@texBoldGroup
+ syn region texEmphStyle matchgroup=texTypeStyle start="\\emph\s*{" matchgroup=texTypeStyle end="}" concealends contains=@texItalGroup
\ ['propto' , '∝'],
\ ['rceil' , '⌉'],
\ ['Re' , 'ℜ'],
+ \ ['quad' , ' '],
+ \ ['qquad' , ' '],
\ ['rfloor' , '⌋'],
\ ['right)' , ')'],
\ ['right]' , ']'],
hi texItalStyle gui=italic cterm=italic
hi texBoldItalStyle gui=bold,italic cterm=bold,italic
hi texItalBoldStyle gui=bold,italic cterm=bold,italic
+ hi def link texEmphStyle texItalStyle
hi def link texCite texRefZone
hi def link texDefCmd texDef
hi def link texDefName texDef
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Vim 8.0 script
" Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
-" Last Change: Sep 26, 2018
-" Version: 8.0-20
+" Last Change: Mar 08, 2019
+" Version: 8.0-21
" URL:
" Automatically generated keyword lists: {{{1
" =========
syn cluster vimOperGroup contains=vimEnvvar,vimFunc,vimFuncVar,vimOper,vimOperParen,vimNumber,vimString,vimRegister,vimContinue
syn match vimOper "\%#=1\(==\|!=\|>=\|<=\|=\~\|!\~\|>\|<\|=\)[?#]\{0,2}" skipwhite nextgroup=vimString,vimSpecFile
-syn match vimOper "\(\<is\>\|\<isnot\>\)[?#]\{0,2}" skipwhite nextgroup=vimString,vimSpecFile
+syn match vimOper "\(\<is\|\<isnot\)[?#]\{0,2}\>" skipwhite nextgroup=vimString,vimSpecFile
syn match vimOper "||\|&&\|[-+.]" skipwhite nextgroup=vimString,vimSpecFile
syn region vimOperParen matchgroup=vimParenSep start="(" end=")" contains=@vimOperGroup
syn region vimOperParen matchgroup=vimSep start="{" end="}" contains=@vimOperGroup nextgroup=vimVar,vimFuncVar
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Yacc
" Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
-" Last Change: Aug 31, 2016
-" Version: 15
+" Last Change: Mar 25, 2019
+" Version: 16
" URL:
" Options: {{{1
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Yacc Sections: {{{1
-SynFold syn region yaccInit start='.'ms=s-1,rs=s-1 matchgroup=yaccSectionSep end='^%%$'me=e-2,re=e-2 contains=@yaccInitCluster nextgroup=yaccRules skipwhite skipempty contained
-SynFold syn region yaccInit2 start='\%^.'ms=s-1,rs=s-1 matchgroup=yaccSectionSep end='^%%$'me=e-2,re=e-2 contains=@yaccInitCluster nextgroup=yaccRules skipwhite skipempty
-SynFold syn region yaccHeader2 matchgroup=yaccSep start="^\s*\zs%{" end="^\s*%}" contains=@yaccCode nextgroup=yaccInit skipwhite skipempty contained
-SynFold syn region yaccHeader matchgroup=yaccSep start="^\s*\zs%{" end="^\s*%}" contains=@yaccCode nextgroup=yaccInit skipwhite skipempty
-SynFold syn region yaccRules matchgroup=yaccSectionSep start='^%%$' end='^%%$'me=e-2,re=e-2 contains=@yaccRulesCluster nextgroup=yaccEndCode skipwhite skipempty contained
-SynFold syn region yaccEndCode matchgroup=yaccSectionSep start='^%%$' end='\%$' contains=@yaccCode contained
+SynFold syn region yaccInit start='.'ms=s-1,rs=s-1 matchgroup=yaccSectionSep end='^%%\ze\(\s*/[*/].*\)\=$'me=e-2,re=e-2 contains=@yaccInitCluster nextgroup=yaccRules skipwhite skipempty contained
+SynFold syn region yaccInit2 start='\%^.'ms=s-1,rs=s-1 matchgroup=yaccSectionSep end='^%%\ze\(\s*/[*/].*\)\=$'me=e-2,re=e-2 contains=@yaccInitCluster nextgroup=yaccRules skipwhite skipempty
+SynFold syn region yaccHeader2 matchgroup=yaccSep start="^\s*\zs%{" end="^\s*%}" contains=@yaccCode nextgroup=yaccInit skipwhite skipempty contained
+SynFold syn region yaccHeader matchgroup=yaccSep start="^\s*\zs%{" end="^\s*%}" contains=@yaccCode nextgroup=yaccInit skipwhite skipempty
+SynFold syn region yaccRules matchgroup=yaccSectionSep start='^%%\ze\(\s*/[*/].*\)\=$' end='^%%\ze\(\s*/[*/].*\)\=$'me=e-2,re=e-2 contains=@yaccRulesCluster nextgroup=yaccEndCode skipwhite skipempty contained
+SynFold syn region yaccEndCode matchgroup=yaccSectionSep start='^%%\ze\(\s*/[*/].*\)\=$' end='\%$' contains=@yaccCode contained
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Yacc Commands: {{{1
SynFold syn region yaccNonterminal start="^\s*\a\w*\ze\_s*\(/\*\_.\{-}\*/\)\=\_s*:" matchgroup=yaccDelim end=";" matchgroup=yaccSectionSep end='^%%$'me=e-2,re=e-2 contains=yaccAction,yaccDelim,yaccString,yaccComment contained
syn region yaccComment start="/\*" end="\*/"
+syn region yaccComment start="//" end="$"
syn match yaccString "'[^']*'" contained
GenericName[pl]=Edytor tekstu
Comment=Edit text files
Comment[af]=Redigeer tekslêers
Comment[am]=የጽሑፍ ፋይሎች ያስተካክሉ
Comment[hr]=Uređivanje tekstualne datoteke
Comment[hu]=Szövegfájlok szerkesztése
Comment[id]=Edit file teks
+Comment[is]=Vinna með textaskrár
Comment[it]=Modifica file di testo
Comment[kn]=ಪಠ್ಯ ಕಡತಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸು