import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
-import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.TreeSet;
private static final String BASE = "\uFDD0";
- // these are generated. Later, get from CLDR data.
- private static final UnicodeSet PINYIN_LABELS = new UnicodeSet("[A-Z{\uFDD0A}{\uFDD0B}{\uFDD0C}{\uFDD0D}{\uFDD0E}{\uFDD0F}{\uFDD0G}{\uFDD0H}{\uFDD0I}{\uFDD0J}{\uFDD0K}{\uFDD0L}{\uFDD0M}{\uFDD0N}{\uFDD0O}{\uFDD0P}{\uFDD0Q}{\uFDD0R}{\uFDD0S}{\uFDD0T}{\uFDD0U}{\uFDD0V}{\uFDD0W}{\uFDD0X}{\uFDD0Y}{\uFDD0Z}]").freeze();
- private static final UnicodeSet STROKE_LABELS = new UnicodeSet("[{\uFDD0\u2801}{\uFDD0\u2802}{\uFDD0\u2803}{\uFDD0\u2804}{\uFDD0\u2805}{\uFDD0\u2806}{\uFDD0\u2807}{\uFDD0\u2808}{\uFDD0\u2809}{\uFDD0\u280A}{\uFDD0\u280B}{\uFDD0\u280C}{\uFDD0\u280D}{\uFDD0\u280E}{\uFDD0\u280F}{\uFDD0\u2810}{\uFDD0\u2811}{\uFDD0\u2812}{\uFDD0\u2813}{\uFDD0\u2814}{\uFDD0\u2815}{\uFDD0\u2816}{\uFDD0\u2817}{\uFDD0\u2818}{\uFDD0\u2819}{\uFDD0\u281A}{\uFDD0\u281B}{\uFDD0\u281C}{\uFDD0\u281D}{\uFDD0\u281E}{\uFDD0\u281F}{\uFDD0\u2820}{\uFDD0\u2821}{\uFDD0\u2822}{\uFDD0\u2823}{\uFDD0\u2824}{\uFDD0\u2825}{\uFDD0\u2826}{\uFDD0\u2827}{\uFDD0\u2828}{\uFDD0\u2829}{\uFDD0\u282A}{\uFDD0\u282B}{\uFDD0\u282C}{\uFDD0\u282E}{\uFDD0\u2830}{\uFDD0\u2834}{\uFDD0\u2840}]").freeze();
- private static final UnicodeSet RADICAL_LABELS = new UnicodeSet("[{\uFDD0\u2E80}{\uFDD0\u2E81}{\uFDD0\u2E84}{\uFDD0\u2E85}{\uFDD0\u2E86}{\uFDD0\u2E87}{\uFDD0\u2E88}{\uFDD0\u2E8A}{\uFDD0\u2E8B}{\uFDD0\u2E8C}{\uFDD0\u2E91}{\uFDD0\u2E92}{\uFDD0\u2E93}{\uFDD0\u2E95}{\uFDD0\u2E97}{\uFDD0\u2E98}{\uFDD0\u2E99}{\uFDD0\u2E9B}{\uFDD0\u2E9D}{\uFDD0\u2E9E}{\uFDD0\u2E9F}{\uFDD0\u2EA0}{\uFDD0\u2EA2}{\uFDD0\u2EA3}{\uFDD0\u2EA4}{\uFDD0\u2EA7}{\uFDD0\u2EA8}{\uFDD0\u2EA9}{\uFDD0\u2EAA}{\uFDD0\u2EAB}{\uFDD0\u2EAC}{\uFDD0\u2EAE}{\uFDD0\u2EAF}{\uFDD0\u2EB0}{\uFDD0\u2EB4}{\uFDD0\u2EB8}{\uFDD0\u2EB9}{\uFDD0\u2EBB}{\uFDD0\u2EBC}{\uFDD0\u2EBD}{\uFDD0\u2EC0}{\uFDD0\u2EC1}{\uFDD0\u2EC2}{\uFDD0\u2EC3}{\uFDD0\u2EC5}{\uFDD0\u2EC6}{\uFDD0\u2EC8}{\uFDD0\u2EC9}{\uFDD0\u2ECA}{\uFDD0\u2ECB}{\uFDD0\u2ECF}{\uFDD0\u2ED0}{\uFDD0\u2ED1}{\uFDD0\u2ED3}{\uFDD0\u2ED4}{\uFDD0\u2ED6}{\uFDD0\u2ED7}{\uFDD0\u2ED8}{\uFDD0\u2ED9}{\uFDD0\u2EDA}{\uFDD0\u2EDB}{\uFDD0\u2EDC}{\uFDD0\u2EDD}{\uFDD0\u2EE0}{\uFDD0\u2EE1}{\uFDD0\u2EE2}{\uFDD0\u2EE3}{\uFDD0\u2EE4}{\uFDD0\u2EE5}{\uFDD0\u2EE6}{\uFDD0\u2EE7}{\uFDD0\u2EE8}{\uFDD0\u2EEA}{\uFDD0\u2EEB}{\uFDD0\u2EED}{\uFDD0\u2EEE}{\uFDD0\u2EEF}{\uFDD0\u2EF0}{\uFDD0\u2EF2}{\uFDD0\u2EF3}{\uFDD0\u2F00}{\uFDD0\u2F01}{\uFDD0\u2F02}{\uFDD0\u2F03}{\uFDD0\u2F05}{\uFDD0\u2F06}{\uFDD0\u2F07}{\uFDD0\u2F09}{\uFDD0\u2F0A}{\uFDD0\u2F0B}{\uFDD0\u2F0D}{\uFDD0\u2F0E}{\uFDD0\u2F10}{\uFDD0\u2F12}{\uFDD0\u2F13}{\uFDD0\u2F14}{\uFDD0\u2F15}{\uFDD0\u2F16}{\uFDD0\u2F17}{\uFDD0\u2F1B}{\uFDD0\u2F1D}{\uFDD0\u2F1E}{\uFDD0\u2F1F}{\uFDD0\u2F20}{\uFDD0\u2F21}{\uFDD0\u2F22}{\uFDD0\u2F23}{\uFDD0\u2F24}{\uFDD0\u2F25}{\uFDD0\u2F26}{\uFDD0\u2F27}{\uFDD0\u2F28}{\uFDD0\u2F2B}{\uFDD0\u2F2C}{\uFDD0\u2F2D}{\uFDD0\u2F2E}{\uFDD0\u2F2F}{\uFDD0\u2F31}{\uFDD0\u2F32}{\uFDD0\u2F34}{\uFDD0\u2F35}{\uFDD0\u2F36}{\uFDD0\u2F37}{\uFDD0\u2F38}{\uFDD0\u2F3A}{\uFDD0\u2F3B}{\uFDD0\u2F3D}{\uFDD0\u2F3E}{\uFDD0\u2F40}{\uFDD0\u2F42}{\uFDD0\u2F43}{\uFDD0\u2F44}{\uFDD0\u2F45}{\uFDD0\u2F46}{\uFDD0\u2F48}{\uFDD0\u2F4A}{\uFDD0\u2F4B}{\uFDD0\u2F4C}{\uFDD0\u2F4E}{\uFDD0\u2F50}{\uFDD0\u2F51}{\uFDD0\u2F53}{\uFDD0\u2F57}{\uFDD0\u2F58}{\uFDD0\u2F59}{\uFDD0\u2F5A}{\uFDD0\u2F5B}{\uFDD0\u2F5E}{\uFDD0\u2F60}{\uFDD0\u2F61}{\uFDD0\u2F62}{\uFDD0\u2F63}{\uFDD0\u2F64}{\uFDD0\u2F65}{\uFDD0\u2F67}{\uFDD0\u2F68}{\uFDD0\u2F69}{\uFDD0\u2F6A}{\uFDD0\u2F6B}{\uFDD0\u2F6D}{\uFDD0\u2F6E}{\uFDD0\u2F6F}{\uFDD0\u2F71}{\uFDD0\u2F72}{\uFDD0\u2F73}{\uFDD0\u2F74}{\uFDD0\u2F76}{\uFDD0\u2F78}{\uFDD0\u2F7B}{\uFDD0\u2F7D}{\uFDD0\u2F7E}{\uFDD0\u2F7F}{\uFDD0\u2F82}{\uFDD0\u2F83}{\uFDD0\u2F84}{\uFDD0\u2F86}{\uFDD0\u2F87}{\uFDD0\u2F88}{\uFDD0\u2F89}{\uFDD0\u2F8A}{\uFDD0\u2F8D}{\uFDD0\u2F8E}{\uFDD0\u2F8F}{\uFDD0\u2F92}{\uFDD0\u2F94}{\uFDD0\u2F95}{\uFDD0\u2F96}{\uFDD0\u2F97}{\uFDD0\u2F98}{\uFDD0\u2F99}{\uFDD0\u2F9A}{\uFDD0\u2F9B}{\uFDD0\u2F9D}{\uFDD0\u2F9E}{\uFDD0\u2F9F}{\uFDD0\u2FA0}{\uFDD0\u2FA1}{\uFDD0\u2FA3}{\uFDD0\u2FA4}{\uFDD0\u2FA5}{\uFDD0\u2FA6}{\uFDD0\u2FA8}{\uFDD0\u2FAA}{\uFDD0\u2FAB}{\uFDD0\u2FAE}{\uFDD0\u2FAF}{\uFDD0\u2FB0}{\uFDD0\u2FB1}{\uFDD0\u2FB2}{\uFDD0\u2FB3}{\uFDD0\u2FB4}{\uFDD0\u2FB5}{\uFDD0\u2FB6}{\uFDD0\u2FB9}{\uFDD0\u2FBA}{\uFDD0\u2FBC}{\uFDD0\u2FBD}{\uFDD0\u2FBE}{\uFDD0\u2FBF}{\uFDD0\u2FC0}{\uFDD0\u2FC2}{\uFDD0\u2FC3}{\uFDD0\u2FC4}{\uFDD0\u2FC5}{\uFDD0\u2FC6}{\uFDD0\u2FC7}{\uFDD0\u2FC8}{\uFDD0\u2FC9}{\uFDD0\u2FCA}{\uFDD0\u2FCB}{\uFDD0\u2FCC}{\uFDD0\u2FCD}{\uFDD0\u2FCE}{\uFDD0\u2FCF}{\uFDD0\u2FD0}{\uFDD0\u2FD1}{\uFDD0\u2FD5}]").freeze();
- private static final List<String> PROBES = Arrays.asList("\u4E00", "\uFDD0A", "\uFDD0\u2801", "\uFDD0\u2E80");
- private static final UnicodeSet[] MATCHING = {null, PINYIN_LABELS, STROKE_LABELS, RADICAL_LABELS};
private static final char CGJ = '\u034F';
- private static final UnicodeSet ALPHABETIC = new UnicodeSet("[[:alphabetic:]-[:mark:]]").add(BASE).freeze();
- private static final UnicodeSet HANGUL = new UnicodeSet(
- "[\uAC00 \uB098 \uB2E4 \uB77C \uB9C8 \uBC14 \uC0AC \uC544 \uC790 \uCC28 \uCE74 \uD0C0 \uD30C \uD558]").freeze();
- private static final UnicodeSet ETHIOPIC = new UnicodeSet("[[:Block=Ethiopic:]&[:Script=Ethiopic:]]").freeze();
- private static final UnicodeSet CORE_LATIN = new UnicodeSet("[a-z]").freeze();
+ private static final Comparator<String> binaryCmp = new UTF16.StringComparator(true, false, 0);
private final RuleBasedCollator collatorOriginal;
private final RuleBasedCollator collatorPrimaryOnly;
private RuleBasedCollator collatorExternal;
- private final List<String> firstCharsInScripts;
+ // Comparator for records, so that the Record class can be static.
+ private final Comparator<Record<V>> recordComparator = new Comparator<Record<V>>() {
+ public int compare(Record<V> o1, Record<V> o2) {
+ return,;
+ }
+ };
- // for testing
- private LinkedHashMap<String, Set<String>> alreadyIn;
- private List<String> noDistinctSorting;
- private List<String> notAlphabetic;
+ private final List<String> firstCharsInScripts;
// We accumulate these as we build up the input parameters
private final UnicodeSet initialLabels = new UnicodeSet();
- // /**
- // * @internal
- // * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only, for testing purposes and use with CLDR.
- // */
- // public enum LangType {
- // /**
- // * @internal
- // * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only, for testing purposes and use with CLDR.
- // */
- // NORMAL,
- // /**
- // * @internal
- // * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only, for testing purposes and use with CLDR.
- // */
- // /**
- // * @internal
- // * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only, for testing purposes and use with CLDR.
- // */
- // /**
- // * @internal
- // * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only, for testing purposes and use with CLDR.
- // */
- // public static LangType fromLocale(ULocale locale) {
- // String lang = locale.getLanguage();
- // if (lang.equals("zh")) {
- // if ("Hant".equals(locale.getScript()) || "TW".equals(locale.getCountry())) {
- // return TRADITIONAL;
- // }
- // return SIMPLIFIED;
- // }
- // return NORMAL;
- // }
- // }
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only, for testing purposes and use with CLDR.
firstCharsInScripts = new ArrayList<String>(HACK_FIRST_CHARS_IN_SCRIPTS);
Collections.sort(firstCharsInScripts, collatorPrimaryOnly);
- if (exemplarChars == null) {
- exemplarChars = getIndexExemplars(locale);
+ if ("\u4E00", "\u1112") <= 0 &&
+"\u1100", "\u4E00") <= 0) {
+ // The standard Korean tailoring sorts Hanja (Han characters)
+ // as secondary differences from Hangul syllables.
+ // This makes U+4E00 not useful as a Han-script boundary.
+ // TODO: This becomes obsolete when the root collator gets
+ // reliable script-first-primary mappings.
+ int hanIndex = Collections.binarySearch(
+ firstCharsInScripts, "\u4E00", collatorPrimaryOnly);
+ if (hanIndex >= 0) {
+ firstCharsInScripts.remove(hanIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ if (exemplarChars != null) {
+ addLabels(exemplarChars);
+ } else {
+ addIndexExemplars(locale);
- addLabels(exemplarChars);
public AlphabeticIndex<V> addLabels(ULocale... additions) {
for (ULocale addition : additions) {
- initialLabels.addAll(getIndexExemplars(addition));
+ addIndexExemplars(addition);
buckets = null;
return this;
public AlphabeticIndex<V> addLabels(Locale... additions) {
for (Locale addition : additions) {
- initialLabels.addAll(getIndexExemplars(ULocale.forLocale(addition)));
+ addIndexExemplars(ULocale.forLocale(addition));
buckets = null;
return this;
* Determine the best labels to use. This is based on the exemplars, but we also process to make sure that they are unique,
* and sort differently, and that the overall list is small enough.
- private ArrayList<String> initLabels() {
- UnicodeSet exemplars = new UnicodeSet(initialLabels);
- // First sort them, with a "best" ordering among items that are the same according
- // to the collator.
- // Re the warning: the JDK inexplicably didn't make Collators be Comparator<String>!
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Set<String> preferenceSorting = new TreeSet<String>(new MultiComparator<Object>(collatorPrimaryOnly, PREFERENCE_COMPARATOR));
- exemplars.addAllTo(preferenceSorting);
- TreeSet<String> indexCharacterSet = new TreeSet<String>(collatorPrimaryOnly);
+ private List<String> initLabels() {
+ List<String> indexCharacters = new ArrayList<String>();
+ String firstScriptBoundary = firstCharsInScripts.get(0);
String overflowBoundary = firstCharsInScripts.get(firstCharsInScripts.size() - 1);
- // We now make a sorted array of elements
- // Some of the input may, however, be redundant.
- // That is, we might have c, ch, d, where "ch" sorts just like "c", "h"
- // So we make a pass through, filtering out those cases.
- for (String item : preferenceSorting) {
+ // We make a sorted array of elements.
+ // Some of the input may be redundant.
+ // That is, we might have c, ch, d, where "ch" sorts just like "c", "h".
+ // We filter out those cases.
+ for (String item : initialLabels) {
boolean checkDistinct;
- if (UTF16.hasMoreCodePointsThan(item, 1) &&
- item.charAt(item.length() - 1) == '*' &&
+ if (!UTF16.hasMoreCodePointsThan(item, 1)) {
+ checkDistinct = false;
+ } else if(item.charAt(item.length() - 1) == '*' &&
item.charAt(item.length() - 2) != '*') {
// Use a label if it is marked with one trailing star,
// even if the label string sorts the same when all contractions are suppressed.
} else {
checkDistinct = true;
- if (indexCharacterSet.contains(item)) {
- if (alreadyIn == null) {
- alreadyIn = new LinkedHashMap<String, Set<String>>();
- }
- for (String itemAlreadyIn : indexCharacterSet) {
- if (, itemAlreadyIn) == 0) {
- Set<String> targets = alreadyIn.get(itemAlreadyIn);
- if (targets == null) {
- alreadyIn.put(itemAlreadyIn, targets = new LinkedHashSet<String>());
- }
- targets.add(item);
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if (checkDistinct && UTF16.hasMoreCodePointsThan(item, 1) &&
-, separated(item)) == 0) {
- if (noDistinctSorting == null) {
- noDistinctSorting = new ArrayList<String>();
- }
- noDistinctSorting.add(item);
- } else if (!ALPHABETIC.containsSome(item)) {
- if (notAlphabetic == null) {
- notAlphabetic = new ArrayList<String>();
- }
- notAlphabetic.add(item);
- } else if (, "") == 0) {
- // Ignore primary-ignorable index characters.
+ if (, firstScriptBoundary) < 0) {
+ // Ignore a primary-ignorable or non-alphabetic index character.
} else if (, overflowBoundary) >= 0) {
- // Ignore index characters that will land in the overflow bucket.
+ // Ignore an index characters that will land in the overflow bucket.
+ } else if (checkDistinct &&, separated(item)) == 0) {
+ // Ignore a multi-code point index character that does not sort distinctly
+ // from the sequence of its separate characters.
} else {
- indexCharacterSet.add(item);
+ int insertionPoint = Collections.binarySearch(indexCharacters, item, collatorPrimaryOnly);
+ if (insertionPoint < 0) {
+ indexCharacters.add(~insertionPoint, item);
+ } else {
+ String itemAlreadyIn = indexCharacters.get(insertionPoint);
+ if (isOneLabelBetterThanOther(item, itemAlreadyIn)) {
+ indexCharacters.set(insertionPoint, item);
+ }
+ }
// if the result is still too large, cut down to maxCount elements, by removing every nth element
- final int size = indexCharacterSet.size() - 1;
+ final int size = indexCharacters.size() - 1;
if (size > maxLabelCount) {
int count = 0;
int old = -1;
- for (Iterator<String> it = indexCharacterSet.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
+ for (Iterator<String> it = indexCharacters.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
final int bump = count * maxLabelCount / size;
- return new ArrayList<String>(indexCharacterSet);
+ return indexCharacters;
private static String fixLabel(String current) {
* but if they aren't available, we have to synthesize them.
* @param locale
- private UnicodeSet getIndexExemplars(ULocale locale) {
- UnicodeSet exemplars;
+ private void addIndexExemplars(ULocale locale) {
+ // Chinese index characters, which are specific to each of the several Chinese tailorings,
+ // take precedence over the single locale data exemplar set per language.
+ final String language = locale.getLanguage();
+ if (language.equals("zh") || language.equals("ja") || language.equals("ko")) {
+ // TODO: This should be done regardless of the language, but it's expensive.
+ // We should add a Collator function (can be @internal)
+ // to enumerate just the contractions that start with a given code point or string.
+ if (addChineseIndexCharacters()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
- exemplars = LocaleData.getExemplarSet(locale, 0, LocaleData.ES_INDEX);
+ UnicodeSet exemplars = LocaleData.getExemplarSet(locale, 0, LocaleData.ES_INDEX);
if (exemplars != null) {
- final String language = locale.getLanguage();
- if (language.equals("zh") || language.equals("ja") || language.equals("ko")) {
- // find out which one we are using
- TreeSet<String> probeSet = new TreeSet<String>(collatorOriginal);
- // UnicodeSet tailored = collatorOriginal.getTailoredSet();
- // tailored.addAllTo(probeSet);
- // System.out.println(probeSet);
- // probeSet.clear();
- probeSet.addAll(PROBES);
- String first = probeSet.iterator().next();
- int location = PROBES.indexOf(first);
- if (location > 0) {
- exemplars.clear().addAll(MATCHING[location]);
- }
- }
- return exemplars;
+ initialLabels.addAll(exemplars);
+ return;
// Synthesize the index exemplars
- exemplars = LocaleData.getExemplarSet(locale, 0, LocaleData.ES_STANDARD);
// get the exemplars, and handle special cases
+ exemplars = LocaleData.getExemplarSet(locale, 0, LocaleData.ES_STANDARD);
exemplars = exemplars.cloneAsThawed();
// question: should we add auxiliary exemplars?
- if (exemplars.containsSome(CORE_LATIN) || exemplars.size() == 0) {
- exemplars.addAll(CORE_LATIN);
+ if (exemplars.containsSome('a', 'z') || exemplars.size() == 0) {
+ exemplars.addAll('a', 'z');
- if (exemplars.containsSome(HANGUL)) {
+ if (exemplars.containsSome(0xAC00, 0xD7A3)) { // Hangul syllables
// cut down to small list
- exemplars.removeAll(new UnicodeSet("[:block=hangul_syllables:]")).addAll(HANGUL);
+ exemplars.remove(0xAC00, 0xD7A3).
+ add(0xAC00).add(0xB098).add(0xB2E4).add(0xB77C).
+ add(0xB9C8).add(0xBC14).add(0xC0AC).add(0xC544).
+ add(0xC790).add(0xCC28).add(0xCE74).add(0xD0C0).
+ add(0xD30C).add(0xD558);
- if (exemplars.containsSome(ETHIOPIC)) {
+ if (exemplars.containsSome(0x1200, 0x137F)) { // Ethiopic block
// cut down to small list
// make use of the fact that Ethiopic is allocated in 8's, where
// the base is 0 mod 8.
- for (UnicodeSetIterator it = new UnicodeSetIterator(ETHIOPIC);;) {
+ UnicodeSet ethiopic = new UnicodeSet("[[:Block=Ethiopic:]&[:Script=Ethiopic:]]");
+ for (UnicodeSetIterator it = new UnicodeSetIterator(ethiopic);;) {
+ if (it.codepoint == UnicodeSetIterator.IS_STRING) {
+ break;
+ }
if ((it.codepoint & 0x7) != 0) {
- UnicodeSet uppercased = new UnicodeSet();
for (String item : exemplars) {
- uppercased.add(UCharacter.toUpperCase(locale, item));
+ initialLabels.add(UCharacter.toUpperCase(locale, item));
+ }
- return uppercased;
+ /**
+ * Add Chinese index characters from the tailoring.
+ */
+ private boolean addChineseIndexCharacters() {
+ UnicodeSet contractions = new UnicodeSet();
+ try {
+ collatorPrimaryOnly.getContractionsAndExpansions(contractions, null, false);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ String firstHanBoundary = null;
+ boolean hasPinyin = false;
+ for (String s : contractions) {
+ if (s.startsWith(BASE)) {
+ initialLabels.add(s);
+ if (firstHanBoundary == null ||
+, firstHanBoundary) < 0) {
+ firstHanBoundary = s;
+ }
+ char c = s.charAt(s.length() - 1);
+ if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') {
+ hasPinyin = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasPinyin) {
+ initialLabels.add('A', 'Z');
+ }
+ if (firstHanBoundary != null) {
+ // The hardcoded list of script boundaries includes U+4E00
+ // which is tailored to not be the first primary
+ // in all Chinese tailorings except "unihan".
+ // Replace U+4E00 with the first boundary string from the tailoring.
+ // TODO: This becomes obsolete when the root collator gets
+ // reliable script-first-primary mappings.
+ int hanIndex = Collections.binarySearch(
+ firstCharsInScripts, "\u4E00", collatorPrimaryOnly);
+ if (hanIndex >= 0) {
+ firstCharsInScripts.set(hanIndex, firstHanBoundary);
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
if (inputList == null) {
inputList = new ArrayList<Record<V>>();
- inputList.add(new Record<V>(name, data, inputList.size()));
+ inputList.add(new Record<V>(name, data));
return this;
- // Make a collator for records. Do this so that the Records can be static classes, and not know about the collators.
- // TODO make this a member of the class.
- Comparator<Record<V>> fullComparator = new Comparator<Record<V>>() {
- public int compare(Record<V> o1, Record<V> o2) {
- int result =,;
- if (result != 0) {
- return result;
- }
- return o1.counter - o2.counter;
- }
- };
- // Set up a sorted list of the input
- TreeSet<Record<V>> sortedInput = new TreeSet<Record<V>>(fullComparator);
- sortedInput.addAll(inputList);
+ // Set up a sorted list of the input.
+ // Stable sort preserves input order of collation duplicates.
+ List<Record<V>> sortedInput = new ArrayList<Record<V>>(inputList);
+ Collections.sort(sortedInput, recordComparator);
// Now, we traverse all of the input, which is now sorted.
// If the item doesn't go in the current bucket, we find the next bucket that contains it.
Iterator<Bucket<V>> bucketIterator = buckets.fullIterator();
Bucket<V> currentBucket =;
- Bucket<V> nextBucket =;
- String upperBoundary = nextBucket.lowerBoundary; // there is always at least one bucket, so this is safe
- boolean atEnd = false;
+ Bucket<V> nextBucket;
+ String upperBoundary;
+ boolean atEnd;
+ if (bucketIterator.hasNext()) {
+ nextBucket =;
+ upperBoundary = nextBucket.lowerBoundary;
+ atEnd = false;
+ } else {
+ nextBucket = null;
+ upperBoundary = null;
+ atEnd = true;
+ }
for (Record<V> s : sortedInput) {
// if the current bucket isn't the right one, find the one that is
// We have a special flag for the last bucket so that we don't look any further
- /**
- * As the index is built, strings may be discarded from the exemplars. This contains some of the discards, and is
- * intended for debugging.
- *
- * @internal
- * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
- */
- public Map<String, Set<String>> getAlreadyIn() {
- return alreadyIn;
- }
- /**
- * As the index is built, strings may be discarded from the exemplars. This contains some of the discards, and is
- * intended for debugging.
- *
- * @internal
- * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
- */
- public List<String> getNoDistinctSorting() {
- return noDistinctSorting;
- }
- /**
- * As the index is built, strings may be discarded from the exemplars. This contains some of the discards, and is
- * intended for debugging.
- *
- * @internal
- * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
- */
- public List<String> getNotAlphabetic() {
- return notAlphabetic;
- }
- private static final PreferenceComparator PREFERENCE_COMPARATOR = new PreferenceComparator();
private int maxLabelCount = 99;
- * Comparator that returns "better" strings first, where shorter NFKD is better, and otherwise NFKD binary order is
- * better, and otherwise binary order is better.
+ * Returns true if one index character string is "better" than the other.
+ * Shorter NFKD is better, and otherwise NFKD-binary-less-than is
+ * better, and otherwise binary-less-than is better.
- private static class PreferenceComparator implements Comparator<Object> {
- static final Comparator<String> binary = new UTF16.StringComparator(true, false, 0);
- public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
- return compare((String) o1, (String) o2);
+ private static boolean isOneLabelBetterThanOther(String one, String other) {
+ // This is called with primary-equal strings, but never with one.equals(other).
+ String n1 = Normalizer.decompose(one, true);
+ String n2 = Normalizer.decompose(other, true);
+ int result = n1.codePointCount(0, n1.length()) - n2.codePointCount(0, n2.length());
+ if (result != 0) {
+ return result < 0;
- public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
- if (s1 == s2) {
- return 0;
- }
- String n1 = Normalizer.decompose(s1, true);
- String n2 = Normalizer.decompose(s2, true);
- int result = n1.length() - n2.length();
- if (result != 0) {
- return result;
- }
- result =, n2);
- if (result != 0) {
- return result;
- }
- return, s2);
+ result =, n2);
+ if (result != 0) {
+ return result < 0;
+ return, other) < 0;
* @stable ICU 4.8
public static class Record<V> {
- private CharSequence name;
- private V data;
- private int counter;
+ private final CharSequence name;
+ private final V data;
- private Record(CharSequence name, V data, int counter) {
+ private Record(CharSequence name, V data) { = name; = data;
- this.counter = counter;
private BucketList<V> createBucketList() {
+ // Initialize indexCharacters.
+ List<String> indexCharacters = initLabels();
+ // Variables for hasMultiplePrimaryWeights().
CollationElementIterator cei = collatorPrimaryOnly.getCollationElementIterator("");
+ int variableTop;
+ if (collatorPrimaryOnly.isAlternateHandlingShifted()) {
+ variableTop = CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(collatorPrimaryOnly.getVariableTop());
+ } else {
+ variableTop = 0;
+ }
boolean hasInvisibleBuckets = false;
- // initialize indexCharacters;
- List<String> indexCharacters = initLabels();
// Helper arrays for Chinese Pinyin collation.
Bucket<V>[] asciiBuckets = new Bucket[26];
// fix up the list, adding underflow, additions, overflow
// Insert inflow labels as needed.
- int prevScript = UScript.INVALID_CODE;
int scriptIndex = -1;
String scriptUpperBoundary = "";
for (String current : indexCharacters) {
- int indexCharVsScriptUpper =, scriptUpperBoundary);
- // TODO start of hack: Remove this hack and the "script" variable
- // when we have a reliable Han-script first primary string.
- // Until then, we use U+4E00 as the first Han character,
- // but it is usually tailored in CJK collations.
- // When we see a Chinese index boundary string or detect that we do not really
- // cross a script boundary
- // (because the Korean tailoring interleaves Han characters with Hangul syllables)
- // we look for the next script boundary string.
- int script;
- if (current.startsWith(BASE) && !current.equals(BASE)) {
- script = UScript.HAN;
- } else {
- int c;
- for (int i = 0;; i += Character.charCount(c)) {
- if (i == current.length()) {
- script = prevScript;
- break;
- }
- c = current.codePointAt(i);
- int sc = UScript.getScript(c);
- if (sc != UScript.UNKNOWN && sc != UScript.INHERITED) {
- script = sc;
+ if (, scriptUpperBoundary) >= 0) {
+ // We crossed the script boundary into a new script.
+ String inflowBoundary = scriptUpperBoundary;
+ boolean skippedScript = false;
+ for (;;) {
+ scriptUpperBoundary = firstCharsInScripts.get(++scriptIndex);
+ if (, scriptUpperBoundary) < 0) {
+ skippedScript = true;
- }
- if (indexCharVsScriptUpper > 0 && scriptUpperBoundary.equals("\u4E00")) {
- if (script == UScript.HAN || script == prevScript) {
- do {
- scriptUpperBoundary = firstCharsInScripts.get(++scriptIndex);
- } while (, scriptUpperBoundary) >= 0);
- indexCharVsScriptUpper = -1;
- }
- }
- // TODO end of hack
- if (indexCharVsScriptUpper >= 0) {
- // We crossed the script boundary into a new script.
- if (indexCharVsScriptUpper > 0 && bucketList.size() > 1) {
- // We are skipping one or more scripts.
- bucketList.add(new Bucket<V>(getInflowLabel(), scriptUpperBoundary,
+ if (skippedScript && bucketList.size() > 1) {
+ // We are skipping one or more scripts,
+ // and we are not just getting out of the underflow label.
+ bucketList.add(new Bucket<V>(getInflowLabel(), inflowBoundary,
- do {
- scriptUpperBoundary = firstCharsInScripts.get(++scriptIndex);
- } while (, scriptUpperBoundary) >= 0);
+ // Add a bucket with the current label.
Bucket<V> bucket = new Bucket<V>(fixLabel(current), current, LabelType.NORMAL);
+ // Remember ASCII and Pinyin buckets for Pinyin redirects.
char c;
if (current.length() == 1 && 'A' <= (c = current.charAt(0)) && c <= 'Z') {
asciiBuckets[c - 'A'] = bucket;
'A' <= (c = current.charAt(BASE.length())) && c <= 'Z') {
pinyinBuckets[c - 'A'] = bucket;
hasPinyin = true;
- } else if (hasMultiplePrimaryWeights(cei, current) && !current.endsWith("\uffff")) {
- // "Sch" etc.
+ }
+ // Check for multiple primary weights.
+ if (!current.startsWith(BASE) &&
+ hasMultiplePrimaryWeights(cei, variableTop, current) &&
+ !current.endsWith("\uffff")) {
+ // "Æ" or "Sch" etc.
for (int i = bucketList.size() - 2;; --i) {
Bucket<V> singleBucket = bucketList.get(i);
if (singleBucket.labelType != LabelType.NORMAL) {
if (singleBucket.displayBucket == null &&
- !hasMultiplePrimaryWeights(cei, singleBucket.lowerBoundary)) {
+ !hasMultiplePrimaryWeights(cei, variableTop, singleBucket.lowerBoundary)) {
// Add an invisible bucket that redirects strings greater than the expansion
// to the previous single-character bucket.
// For example, after ... Q R S Sch we add Sch\uFFFF->S
- prevScript = script;
if (bucketList.size() == 1) {
// No real labels, show only the underflow label.
- private static boolean hasMultiplePrimaryWeights(CollationElementIterator cei, String s) {
+ private static boolean hasMultiplePrimaryWeights(
+ CollationElementIterator cei, int variableTop, String s) {
boolean seenPrimary = false;
for (;;) {
int p = CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(ce32);
- if (p != 0 && (ce32 & 0xc0) != 0xc0) {
+ if (p > variableTop && (ce32 & 0xc0) != 0xc0) {
// not primary ignorable, and not a continuation CE
if (seenPrimary) {
return true;
+ * This list contains one character per script that has the
+ * lowest primary weight for that script in the root collator.
+ * This list will be copied and sorted to account for script reordering.
+ *
+ * <p>TODO: This is fragile. If the first character of a script is tailored
+ * so that it does not map to the script's lowest primary weight any more,
+ * then the buckets will be off.
+ * There are hacks in the code to handle the known CJK tailorings of U+4E00.
+ *
+ * <p>We use "A" not "a" because the en_US_POSIX tailoring sorts A primary-before a.
private static final List<String> HACK_FIRST_CHARS_IN_SCRIPTS =
Arrays.asList(new String[] {
- "a", "\u03B1", "\u2C81", "\u0430", "\u2C30", "\u10D0", "\u0561", "\u05D0", "\uD802\uDD00", "\u0800", "\u0621",
+ "A", "\u03B1", "\u2C81", "\u0430", "\u2C30", "\u10D0", "\u0561", "\u05D0", "\uD802\uDD00", "\u0800", "\u0621",
"\u0710", // Syriac
"\u0840", // Mandaic
"\u0780", "\u07CA", "\u2D30", "\u1200", "\u0950", "\u0985", "\u0A74", "\u0AD0", "\u0B05", "\u0BD0",