- tags
+.build_template: &windows_build_definition
+ stage: build
+ script:
+ # Retrieve submodules, dependencies are stored there.
+ - git submodule update --init
+ # Install and set PATH
+ - choco install -y activeperl
+ - choco install -y python3
+ - $Env:Path += ";C:\Python38"
+ - $Env:Path += ";$env:CI_PROJECT_DIR\windows\dependencies\graphviz-build-utilities"
+ - $Env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\CMake\bin"
+ - $Env:Path += ";C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\MSBuild\Current\Bin"
+ - $Env:Path += ";C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\Bin"
+ - $Env:graphviz_install_dir = "C:\Graphviz"
+ # Build
+ - >-
+ if($env:build_system -eq "cmake") {
+ choco install -y cmake;
+ choco install -y NSIS;
+ mkdir build;
+ cd build;
+ cmake -G "$env:generator" -A $Env:platform ..;
+ cmake --build . --config $env:configuration;
+ }
+ elseif($env:build_system -eq "msbuild") {
+ msbuild /p:Configuration=$env:configuration
+ }
+ # Package
+ - >-
+ if($env:configuration -eq "Release") {
+ if($env:build_system -eq "cmake") {
+ C:\"Program Files"\CMake\bin\cpack
+ }
+ elseif($env:build_system -eq "msbuild") {
+ rm Release\Graphviz\bin\*.lastcodeanalysissucceeded;
+ rm Release\Graphviz\bin\*.iobj;
+ rm Release\Graphviz\bin\*.ipdb;
+ rm Release\Graphviz\bin\*.ilk;
+ }
+ }
+ # Test
+ - >-
+ if($env:build_system -eq "cmake" -and $env:configuration -eq "Release") {
+ mv Graphviz-*.exe Graphviz-install.exe;
+ # Install using installer and add bin directory to path.
+ # Piping the output of the installer to Out-Null, makes the script wait
+ # for the .exe to exit, instead continuing to the next command (which
+ # will then fail because the install hasn't finished)
+ ./Graphviz-install.exe /S /D=$env:graphviz_install_dir | Out-Null;
+ $env:Path += ";" + $env:graphviz_install_dir + "\bin"
+ dot -c;
+ ctest -C $env:configuration;
+ }
+ elseif($env:build_system -eq "msbuild") {
+ # Append build destination to the PATH, configure dot and execute regression tests
+ # The following is per https://gitlab.com/graphviz/graphviz/-/merge_requests/1345
+ $env:Path = $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR + "\" + $env:configuration + "\Graphviz\bin" + ";" + $env:Path;
+ dot -c;
+ cd tests\regression_tests;
+ ./regression_tests.ps1;
+ }
+ artifacts:
+ when: on_success
+ expire_in: 1 week
+ paths:
+ - Release
+ - Debug
+ - build/Graphviz-install.exe
+ tags:
+ - windows
.test_template: &test_definition
stage: test
- linux
image: "graphviz/graphviz:ubuntu-20.04"
+ <<: *windows_build_definition
+ before_script:
+ - $Env:generator = "Visual Studio 16 2019"
+ - $Env:platform = "Win32"
+ - $Env:configuration = "Release"
+ - $Env:build_system = "cmake"
+ <<: *windows_build_definition
+ before_script:
+ - $Env:generator = "Visual Studio 16 2019"
+ - $Env:platform = "Win32"
+ - $Env:configuration = "Debug"
+ - $Env:build_system = "cmake"
+ <<: *windows_build_definition
+ before_script:
+ - $Env:generator = "Visual Studio 16 2019"
+ - $Env:platform = "x64"
+ - $Env:configuration = "Release"
+ - $Env:build_system = "cmake"
+ <<: *windows_build_definition
+ before_script:
+ - $Env:generator = "Visual Studio 16 2019"
+ - $Env:platform = "x64"
+ - $Env:configuration = "Debug"
+ - $Env:build_system = "cmake"
+ <<: *windows_build_definition
+ before_script:
+ - $Env:configuration = "Release"
+ - $Env:build_system = "msbuild"
+ <<: *windows_build_definition
+ before_script:
+ - $Env:configuration = "Debug"
+ - $Env:build_system = "msbuild"
stage: test
- configuration-*.html
<<: *test_definition