-include ../../../cvstools/Makefile.incl
-.SUFFIXES: .rnc .rng .rnx .dtx .dtd
-.PHONY: tests html
-RNCFILES=$(wildcard $(VPATH)/*.rnc)
+# Inspired by "Recursive Make: Reloaded" in the July, 2005 issue
+# of Linux Magazine, I've reworked the Makfiles so that they're no
+# longer recursive.
-all: docbook.rng docbook.dtd dbforms.rng dbforms.dtd
+# Fair warning, this is a bit more complex than is maybe ideal, but it
+# works and it isn't recursive. I still need to get the documentation
+# build into the new system.
-# ============================================================
-# N.B. We need an explicit dependency on src/*.rnc for each *.rng
-# file because the build process produces an *output* RNC file
-# in the current directory and that's not the one we want to
-# depend on.
-# That's also the reason for the curious sleep/touch pattern
-# in the build rules. We want to make sure that the output RNC
-# file is older than the output RNG file so that make doesn't
-# always think it needs to rebuild the RNG file.
-# If we could take "." out of VPATH, we wouldn't need to do this.
-docbook.rng: $(RNCFILES)
-dbforms.rng: $(RNCFILES)
+include ../../../cvstools/Makefile.incl
- $(MAKE) -C build $@
- cp build/$@ .
- $(RUNTRANG) $@ docbook.rnc
- sleep 2
- touch $@
- $(XSLTPROC) -output $@ $(TOOLS)/rngdocxml.xsl $<
- $(XSLTPROC) -output $@ $(TOOLS)/doc2dtd.xsl $<
+.PHONY: all
- $(XSLTPROC) -output $@ $(TOOLS)/xml2dtd.xsl $<
+_OUTTOP ?= .
+_OUTTOP := $(_OUTTOP)/build
-# ============================================================
+.PHONY: clean
- mkdir -p tests tests/passed
- cd tests && ../$(TOOLS)/runtests
+clean:: ; @rm -rf $(_OUTTOP)
-# ============================================================
- $(RM) docbook*
- $(RM) dbforms*
- $(MAKE) -C build clean
+MODULES=docbook dbforms
-# EOF
+include $(addsuffix /Makefile,$(MODULES))
--- /dev/null
+# -*- Makefile -*-
+$(_MODULE)_OBJS := $(addsuffix .rng,$(addprefix $($(_MODULE)_OUTPUT)/,$(basename $(SRCS))))
+$($(_MODULE)_OUTPUT)/%.rng: $(_MODULE)/%.rnc $($(_MODULE)_OUTPUT)/.f
+ $(RUNTRANG) $< $@
+$($(_MODULE)_OUTPUT)/%.rne: $($(_MODULE)_OBJS) $($(_MODULE)_OUTPUT)/.f
+ $(XSLT) $< $(INCLUDE) $@, use.extensions=1
+ $(XSLT) $@, $(AUGMENT) $@ use.extensions=1
+ $(PERL) -i $(CLEANUP) $@
+ $(RM) $@,
+#$($(_MODULE)_OUTPUT)/%.rng: $(_MODULE)/%.rnc $($(_MODULE)_OUTPUT)/.f
+# $(RUNTRANG) $< $@
+#$($(_MODULE)_OUTPUT)/%.rng: $($(_MODULE)_OBJS) $($(_MODULE)_OUTPUT)/.f
+# @echo build $< $@
+# $(XSLT) $< $(INCLUDE) $@, use.extensions=1
+# $(XSLT) $@, $(AUGMENT) $@ use.extensions=1
+# $(PERL) -i $(CLEANUP) $@
+# $(RM) $@,
+$($(_MODULE)_OUTPUT)/%.rnx: $($(_MODULE)_OUTPUT)/%.rne
+ $(XSLT) $< $(INCLUDE) $@, use.extensions=1
+ $(XSLT) $@, $(AUGMENT) $@ use.extensions=1
+ $(PERL) -i $(CLEANUP) $@
+ $(RM) $@,
+$($(_MODULE)_OUTPUT)/%.rnd: $($(_MODULE)_OUTPUT)/%.rnx
+ $(XSLTPROC) -output $@ $(TOOLS)/rngdocxml.xsl $<
+$($(_MODULE)_OUTPUT)/%.dtx: $($(_MODULE)_OUTPUT)/%.rnd
+ $(XSLTPROC) -output $@ $(TOOLS)/doc2dtd.xsl $<
+all:: $($(_MODULE)_BINARY)
--- /dev/null
+# -*- Makefile -*-
+_MAKEFILES := $(filter-out _header.mak _footer.mak,$(MAKEFILE_LIST))
+_MODULE := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(word $(words $(_MAKEFILES)),$(_MAKEFILES))))
+ @if !([ -e $@ ]); then \
+ ( mkdir -p $(patsubst %/.f,%,$@) ; \
+ touch $@ ); fi
--- /dev/null
+include _header.mak
+SRCS = dbforms.rnc
+BINARY = dbforms.rnd
+all:: dbforms.rng dbforms.rnc dbforms.dtd
+$(_OUTTOP)/dbforms/dbforms.rng: dbforms/htmlform.rnc \
+ src/annotations.rnc src/bibliography.rnc \
+ src/callouts.rnc src/calstbl.rnc src/dbforms.rnc \
+ src/docbook.rnc src/ebnf.rnc src/glossary.rnc \
+ src/hier.rnc src/htmlform.rnc src/htmltbl.rnc \
+ src/index.rnc src/math.rnc src/mathml.rnc \
+ src/msgset.rnc src/pool.rnc src/qandaset.rnc \
+ src/refentry.rnc src/refsect1.rnc src/sect1.rnc \
+ src/svg.rnc src/tasks.rnc src/toc.rnc \
+ src/xinclude.rnc src/xlink.rnc
+include _footer.mak
+dbforms.rng: $(basename $(docbook_BINARY)).rnx
+ $(XSLTPROC) --output $@ $(TOOLS)/removedoc.xsl $<
+dbforms.rnc: dbforms.rng
+ $(RUNTRANG) $< $@
+dbforms.dtd: $(basename $(docbook_BINARY)).dtx dbforms.rnc
+ $(XSLTPROC) -output $@ $(TOOLS)/xml2dtd.xsl $<
--- /dev/null
+# This file is part of DocBook NG: The "Lillet" Release.
+# This schema is a "work-in-progress". It validates a DocBook-like grammar that
+# may, in some incarnation, form the basis for DocBook V.next. Or it may not.
+# At the moment, it's just an exploration by Norm. It has utterly no normative
+# value at all.
+# Author: Norman Walsh, <ndw@nwalsh.com>
+# Source: Derived from DocBook XML V4.3
+# Release: $Id$
+# ======================================================================
+namespace ctrl = "http://nwalsh.com/xmlns/schema-control/"
+namespace rng = "http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"
+namespace s = "http://www.ascc.net/xml/schematron"
+namespace db = "http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
+default namespace = "http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
+include "../src/docbook.rnc"
+include "htmlform.rnc"
--- /dev/null
+# This file is part of DocBook NG: The "Lillet" Release.
+# This schema is a "work-in-progress". It validates a DocBook-like grammar that
+# may, in some incarnation, form the basis for DocBook V.next. Or it may not.
+# At the moment, it's just an exploration by Norm. It has utterly no normative
+# value at all.
+# Author: Norman Walsh, <ndw@nwalsh.com>
+# Source: Derived from DocBook XML V4.3
+# Release: $Id$
+namespace html = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
+namespace ctrl = "http://nwalsh.com/xmlns/schema-control/"
+namespace rng = "http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"
+namespace s = "http://www.ascc.net/xml/schematron"
+namespace db = "http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
+default namespace = "http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
+db.extension.blocks |= db.html.form
+db.extension.inlines |=
+ db.html.input
+ | db.html.button
+ | db.html.label
+ | db.html.select
+ | db.html.textarea
+ | db.html.fieldset
+# ======================================================================
+ db:refname [ "html:form" ]
+ db:refpurpose [ "An HTML form" ]
+div {
+ db.html.form.attlist =
+ db.html.attrs
+ & attribute action { xsd:anyURI }
+ & attribute method { "get" | "post" }?
+ & attribute onsubmit { text }?
+ & attribute onreset { text }?
+ & attribute enctype { text }?
+ & attribute accept { text }?
+ & attribute accept-charset { text }?
+ db.html.form =
+ element html:form {
+ db.html.form.attlist,
+ ( db.all.blocks
+ | db.html.input
+ | db.html.button
+ | db.html.label
+ | db.html.select
+ | db.html.textarea
+ | db.html.fieldset)+
+ }
+# ======================================================================
+ db:refname [ "html:input" ]
+ db:refpurpose [ "An input element in an HTML form" ]
+div {
+ db.html.input.attlist =
+ db.html.attrs
+ & attribute type {
+ "text"
+ | "password"
+ | "checkbox"
+ | "radio"
+ | "submit"
+ | "reset"
+ | "file"
+ | "hidden"
+ | "image"
+ | "button" }?
+ & attribute name { text }?
+ & attribute value { text }?
+ & attribute checked { "checked" }?
+ & attribute disabled { "disabled" }?
+ & attribute readonly { "readonly" }?
+ & attribute size { text }?
+ & attribute maxlength { text }?
+ & attribute src { text }?
+ & attribute alt { text }?
+ & attribute usemap { text }?
+ & attribute tabindex { text }?
+ & attribute accesskey { text }?
+ & attribute onfocus { text }?
+ & attribute onblur { text }?
+ & attribute onselect { text }?
+ & attribute onchange { text }?
+ db.html.input =
+ element html:input {
+ db.html.input.attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+# ======================================================================
+ db:refname [ "html:button" ]
+ db:refpurpose [ "A button in an HTML form" ]
+div {
+ db.html.button.attlist =
+ db.html.attrs
+ & attribute name { text }?
+ & attribute value { text }?
+ & attribute type { "button" | "submit" | "reset" }?
+ & attribute disabled { "disabled" }?
+ & attribute tabindex { text }?
+ & attribute accesskey { text }?
+ & attribute onfocus { text }?
+ & attribute onblur { text }?
+ db.html.button =
+ element html:button {
+ db.html.button.attlist,
+ db.all.inlines*
+ }
+# ======================================================================
+ db:refname [ "html:label" ]
+ db:refpurpose [ "A label in an HTML form" ]
+div {
+ db.html.label.attlist =
+ db.html.attrs
+ & attribute accesskey { text }?
+ & attribute onfocus { text }?
+ & attribute onblur { text }?
+ db.html.label =
+ element html:label {
+ db.html.label.attlist,
+ db.all.inlines*
+ }
+# ======================================================================
+ db:refname [ "html:select" ]
+ db:refpurpose [ "A select element in an HTML form" ]
+div {
+ db.html.select.attlist =
+ db.html.attrs
+ & attribute name { text }?
+ & attribute size { text }?
+ & attribute multiple { "multiple" }?
+ & attribute disabled { "disabled" }?
+ & attribute tabindex { text }?
+ & attribute onfocus { text }?
+ & attribute onblur { text }?
+ & attribute onchange { text }?
+ db.html.select =
+ element html:select {
+ db.html.select.attlist,
+ db.html.option+
+ }
+# ======================================================================
+ db:refname [ "html:option" ]
+ db:refpurpose [ "An option element in an HTML form" ]
+div {
+ db.html.option.attlist =
+ db.html.attrs
+ & attribute selected { "selected" }?
+ & attribute disabled { "disabled" }?
+ & attribute value { text }?
+ db.html.option =
+ element html:option {
+ db.html.option.attlist,
+ text
+ }
+# ======================================================================
+ db:refname [ "html:textarea" ]
+ db:refpurpose [ "A textarea element in an HTML form" ]
+div {
+ db.html.textarea.attlist =
+ db.html.attrs
+ & attribute name { text }?
+ & attribute rows { text }
+ & attribute cols { text }
+ & attribute disabled { "disabled" }?
+ & attribute readonly { "readonly" }?
+ & attribute tabindex { text }?
+ & attribute accesskey { text }?
+ & attribute onfocus { text }?
+ & attribute onblur { text }?
+ & attribute onselect { text }?
+ & attribute onchange { text }?
+ db.html.textarea =
+ element html:textarea {
+ db.html.textarea.attlist,
+ text
+ }
+# ======================================================================
+ db:refname [ "html:fieldset" ]
+ db:refpurpose [ "A fieldset element in an HTML form" ]
+div {
+ db.html.fieldset.attlist =
+ db.html.attrs
+ db.html.fieldset =
+ element html:fieldset {
+ db.html.fieldset.attlist,
+ db.html.legend?,
+ (db.all.blocks
+ | db.html.input
+ | db.html.button
+ | db.html.label
+ | db.html.select
+ | db.html.textarea
+ | db.html.fieldset)+
+ }
+# ======================================================================
+ db:refname [ "html:legend" ]
+ db:refpurpose [ "A legend in an HTML form fieldset" ]
+div {
+ db.html.legend.attlist =
+ db.html.attrs
+ & attribute accesskey { text }?
+ db.html.legend =
+ element html:legend {
+ db.html.legend.attlist,
+ db.all.inlines*
+ }
--- /dev/null
+include _header.mak
+SRCS = docbook.rnc
+BINARY = docbook.rnd
+all:: docbook.rng docbook.rnc docbook.dtd
+$(_OUTTOP)/docbook/docbook.rng: src/annotations.rnc src/bibliography.rnc \
+ src/callouts.rnc src/calstbl.rnc src/dbforms.rnc \
+ src/docbook.rnc src/ebnf.rnc src/glossary.rnc \
+ src/hier.rnc src/htmlform.rnc src/htmltbl.rnc \
+ src/index.rnc src/math.rnc src/mathml.rnc \
+ src/msgset.rnc src/pool.rnc src/qandaset.rnc \
+ src/refentry.rnc src/refsect1.rnc src/sect1.rnc \
+ src/svg.rnc src/tasks.rnc src/toc.rnc \
+ src/xinclude.rnc src/xlink.rnc
+include _footer.mak
+docbook.rng: $(basename $(docbook_BINARY)).rnx
+ $(XSLTPROC) --output $@ $(TOOLS)/removedoc.xsl $<
+docbook.rnc: docbook.rng
+ $(RUNTRANG) $< $@
+docbook.dtd: $(basename $(docbook_BINARY)).dtx docbook.rnc
+ $(XSLTPROC) -output $@ $(TOOLS)/xml2dtd.xsl $<
--- /dev/null
+# This file is part of DocBook NG: The "Lillet" Release.
+# This schema is a "work-in-progress". It validates a DocBook-like grammar that
+# may, in some incarnation, form the basis for DocBook V.next. Or it may not.
+# At the moment, it's just an exploration by Norm. It has utterly no normative
+# value at all.
+# Author: Norman Walsh, <ndw@nwalsh.com>
+# Source: Derived from DocBook XML V4.3
+# Release: $Id$
+# ======================================================================
+include "../src/docbook.rnc"