2.4.x patch: trunk works + CHANGES entry in r1834254
svn merge -c 1817175,1831800 ^/httpd/httpd/trunk .
- +1: jailletc36, covener
+ +1: jailletc36, covener, jim
*) mod_authz_core: If several parameters are used in a AuthzProviderAlias directive,
if these parameters are not enclosed in quotation mark, only the first one is
trunk patch:
2.4.x patch: trunk works (modulo CHANGES and next-number)
svn merge -c 1834209 ^/httpd/httpd/trunk .
- +1: jailletc36, covener
+ +1: jailletc36, covener, jim
*) Easy patches: synch 2.4.x and trunk
- mod_env: remove an empty line
2.4.x patch: svn merge -c 1795834,1828912,1830943,1830944,1832991 ^/httpd/httpd/trunk .
- +1: jailletc36, covener
+ +1: jailletc36, covener, jim
*) mod_ratelimit: fix behavior with proxied content
trunk patch:
2.4.x patch: svn merge -c 1833875 ^/httpd/httpd/trunk .
- +1: elukey
+ +1: elukey, jim
*) core: re-allow '_' in hostnames (by default)
trunk patch:
2.4.x patch: svn merge -c 1834318 ^/httpd/httpd/trunk .
+ t/tests/http_strict.t update after committed
- +1 covener
+ +1 covener, jim
*) core: avoid duplicate headers when using ap_send_error_response.
From trunk's testing the code seems running fine without any side
should be backported.
trunk patch:
2.4.x patch:
- +1: ylavic,
+ +1: ylavic, jim
*) mod_ssl: Fix the error code returned in an error path of 'ssl_io_filter_handshake()'
This messes-up error handling performed in 'ssl_io_filter_error()'