INIT(= N_("E1112: List item %d cell width invalid"));
EXTERN char e_overlapping_ranges_for_nr[]
INIT(= N_("E1113: Overlapping ranges for 0x%lx"));
-EXTERN char e_only_values_of_0x100_and_higher_supported[]
- INIT(= N_("E1114: Only values of 0x100 and higher supported"));
+EXTERN char e_only_values_of_0x80_and_higher_supported[]
+ INIT(= N_("E1114: Only values of 0x80 and higher supported"));
EXTERN char e_assert_fails_fourth_argument[]
INIT(= N_("E1115: \"assert_fails()\" fourth argument must be a number"));
EXTERN char e_assert_fails_fifth_argument[]
- if (c >= 0x100)
- {
-#if defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(USE_WCHAR_FUNCTIONS)
- int n;
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- n = cw_value(c);
+ // Use the value from setcellwidths() at 0x80 and higher, unless the
+ // character is not printable.
+ if (c >= 0x80 &&
+ wcwidth(c) >= 1 &&
+# endif
+ vim_isprintc(c))
+ {
+ int n = cw_value(c);
if (n != 0)
return n;
+ }
+ if (c >= 0x100)
+ {
+ int n;
* Assume the library function wcwidth() works better than our own
* stuff. It should return 1 for ambiguous width chars!
if (i == 0)
n1 = lili->li_tv.vval.v_number;
- if (n1 < 0x100)
+ if (n1 < 0x80)
- emsg(_(e_only_values_of_0x100_and_higher_supported));
+ emsg(_(e_only_values_of_0x80_and_higher_supported));
call assert_equal(2, strwidth("\u1339"))
call assert_equal(1, strwidth("\u133a"))
+ for aw in ['single', 'double']
+ exe 'set ambiwidth=' . aw
+ " Handle \u0080 to \u009F as control chars even on MS-Windows.
+ set isprint=@,161-255
+ call setcellwidths([])
+ " Control chars
+ call assert_equal(4, strwidth("\u0081"))
+ call assert_equal(6, strwidth("\uFEFF"))
+ " Ambiguous width chars
+ call assert_equal((aw == 'single') ? 1 : 2, strwidth("\u00A1"))
+ call assert_equal((aw == 'single') ? 1 : 2, strwidth("\u2010"))
+ call setcellwidths([[0x81, 0x81, 1], [0xA1, 0xA1, 1],
+ \ [0x2010, 0x2010, 1], [0xFEFF, 0xFEFF, 1]])
+ " Control chars
+ call assert_equal(4, strwidth("\u0081"))
+ call assert_equal(6, strwidth("\uFEFF"))
+ " Ambiguous width chars
+ call assert_equal(1, strwidth("\u00A1"))
+ call assert_equal(1, strwidth("\u2010"))
+ call setcellwidths([[0x81, 0x81, 2], [0xA1, 0xA1, 2],
+ \ [0x2010, 0x2010, 2], [0xFEFF, 0xFEFF, 2]])
+ " Control chars
+ call assert_equal(4, strwidth("\u0081"))
+ call assert_equal(6, strwidth("\uFEFF"))
+ " Ambiguous width chars
+ call assert_equal(2, strwidth("\u00A1"))
+ call assert_equal(2, strwidth("\u2010"))
+ endfor
+ set ambiwidth& isprint&
call setcellwidths([])
call assert_fails('call setcellwidths(1)', 'E1211:')