-# SCCS Id: @(#)dungeon.def 3.5 1996/03/10
+# SCCS Id: @(#)dungeon.def 3.5 2006/03/18
# Copyright (c) 1990-95 by M. Stephenson
# NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details.
ALIGNMENT: unaligned
BRANCH: "The Gnomish Mines" @ (2, 3)
%REINCARNATION LEVEL: "rogue" "R" @ (15, 4)
LEVEL: "oracle" "O" @ (5, 5)
LEVALIGN: neutral
CHAINBRANCH: "Sokoban" "oracle" + (1, 0) up
# The Questdungeon
# This is a proto-dungeon. The level file names will be prepended with
-# the first letter of the character name during initialization.
+# three letter role abbreviation during initialization, replacing "x".
# A special "x-fill" level must be defined in the levels description
# file. It will be used for all levels not defined explicitly below.