#include "cli/agentblackandwhitelistcommand.hpp"
+#include "cli/agentutility.hpp"
#include "base/logger.hpp"
#include "base/application.hpp"
+#include "base/objectlock.hpp"
+#include "base/json.hpp"
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
int BlackAndWhitelistCommand::Run(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, const std::vector<std::string>& ap) const
- Log(LogWarning, "cli", "TODO: Not implemented yet.");
+ String list_path = AgentUtility::GetRepositoryPath() + "/" + m_Type + ".list";
+ Dictionary::Ptr lists = make_shared<Dictionary>();
+ if (Utility::PathExists(list_path)) {
+ lists = Utility::LoadJsonFile(list_path);
+ }
+ if (m_Command == BlackAndWhitelistCommandAdd) {
+ if (!vm.count("agent")) {
+ Log(LogCritical, "cli", "At least the agent name filter is required!");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (!vm.count("host")) {
+ Log(LogCritical, "cli", "At least the host name filter is required!");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ Dictionary::Ptr host_service = make_shared<Dictionary>();
+ String agent_filter = vm["agent"].as<std::string>();
+ String host_filter = vm["host"].as<std::string>();
+ String service_filter;
+ host_service->Set("host_filter", host_filter);
+ if (vm.count("service")) {
+ service_filter = vm["service"].as<std::string>();
+ host_service->Set("service_filter", service_filter);
+ }
+ if (lists->Contains(agent_filter)) {
+ Dictionary::Ptr stored_host_service = lists->Get(agent_filter);
+ if (stored_host_service->Get("host_filter") == host_filter && !vm.count("service")) {
+ Log(LogWarning, "cli")
+ << "Found agent filter '" << agent_filter << "' with host filter '" << host_filter << "'. Bailing out.";
+ return 1;
+ } else if (stored_host_service->Get("host_filter") == host_filter && stored_host_service->Get("service_filter") == service_filter) {
+ Log(LogWarning, "cli")
+ << "Found agent filter '" << agent_filter << "' with host filter '" << host_filter << "' and service filter '"
+ << service_filter << "'. Bailing out.";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ lists->Set(agent_filter, host_service);
+ Utility::SaveJsonFile(list_path, lists);
+ } else if (m_Command == BlackAndWhitelistCommandList) {
+ std::cout << "Listing all " << m_Type << " entries:\n";
+ ObjectLock olock(lists);
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, lists) {
+ String agent_filter = kv.first;
+ Dictionary::Ptr host_service = kv.second;
+ std::cout << "Agent " << m_Type << ": '" << agent_filter << "' Host: '"
+ << host_service->Get("host_filter") << "' Service: '" << host_service->Get("service_filter") << "'.\n";
+ }
+ } else if (m_Command == BlackAndWhitelistCommandRemove) {
+ if (!vm.count("agent")) {
+ Log(LogCritical, "cli", "At least the agent name filter is required!");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (!vm.count("host")) {
+ Log(LogCritical, "cli", "At least the host name filter is required!");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ String agent_filter = vm["agent"].as<std::string>();
+ String host_filter = vm["host"].as<std::string>();
+ String service_filter;
+ if (vm.count("service")) {
+ service_filter = vm["service"].as<std::string>();
+ }
+ if (lists->Contains(agent_filter)) {
+ Dictionary::Ptr host_service = lists->Get(agent_filter);
+ if (host_service->Get("host_filter") == host_filter && !vm.count("service")) {
+ Log(LogInformation, "cli")
+ << "Found agent filter '" << agent_filter << "' with host filter '" << host_filter << "'. Removing from " << m_Type << ".";
+ lists->Remove(agent_filter);
+ } else if (host_service->Get("host_filter") == host_filter && host_service->Get("service_filter") == service_filter) {
+ Log(LogInformation, "cli")
+ << "Found agent filter '" << agent_filter << "' with host filter '" << host_filter << "' and service filter '"
+ << service_filter << "'. Removing from " << m_Type << ".";
+ lists->Remove(agent_filter);
+ } else {
+ Log(LogCritical, "cli", "Cannot remove filter!");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Log(LogCritical, "cli", "Cannot remove filter!");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ Utility::SaveJsonFile(list_path, lists);
+ }
return 0;