extern "C" {
extern void epsf_define(FILE * of);
extern char *ps_string(char *ins, int latin);
+ extern size_t gvdevice_write(GVJ_t *job, const unsigned char *s, unsigned int n);
typedef enum { FORMAT_PS, FORMAT_PS2, FORMAT_EPS } format_type;
doc.osHeader() << "%%For: " << job->common->user << endl;
+// ostream wrapper for gvdevice_write
+// Based on idea in: http://www.oneunified.net/blog/OpenSource/Programming/streamoverload.article
+class Gvout : public streambuf {
+ GVJ_t *thisjob;
+ // write a string s of length n to the current gvdevice
+ int xsputn (char_type* s, streamsize n) {
+ return gvdevice_write(thisjob, (const unsigned char*)s, n);
+ }
+ Gvout (GVJ_t *job) {
+ thisjob=job;
+ }
static void lasi_end_job(GVJ_t * job)
+ ostream gvout(new Gvout(job));
// gvdevice_fputs(job, "%%Trailer\n");
if (job->render.id != FORMAT_EPS)
// gvdevice_printf(job, "%%%%Pages: %d\n", job->common->viewNum);
doc.osFooter() << "restore" << endl;
// gvdevice_fputs(job, "%%EOF\n");
- doc.write(cout);
+// doc.write(cout);
+ doc.write(gvout);
static void lasi_begin_graph(GVJ_t * job)