use small pool of static buffers for mon_nam() and Monnam()
Acknowledge Schroedinger's cat at end of game
grammar fixes for applying stethoscope to corpses and statues
+player polymorphed as a ceiling hider cannot reach the floor, but
+ automatically unhide on #sit
+trappers do not hide on the ceiling
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
!(u.usteed && P_SKILL(P_RIDING) < P_BASIC) &&
(!Levitation ||
- Is_airlevel(& || Is_waterlevel(&;
+ Is_airlevel(& || Is_waterlevel(& &&
+ (!u.uundetected || !is_hider( ||
+ u.umonnum == PM_TRAPPER));
const char *
if (u.uundetected && !range2 && foundyou && !u.uswallow) {
u.uundetected = 0;
- if (is_hider( {
+ if (is_hider( && u.umonnum != PM_TRAPPER) {
coord cc; /* maybe we need a unexto() function? */
struct obj *obj;
} else {
- pline("%s is killed by a falling %s (you)!",
- Monnam(mtmp),>mname);
- killed(mtmp);
+ const char *verb =
+ nonliving(mtmp->data) ? "destroyed" : "killed";
+ pline("%s is %s by a falling %s (you)!",
+ Monnam(mtmp), verb,>mname);
+ xkilled(mtmp, 0);
if (mtmp->mhp > 0) return 0;
else return 1;
if (>mlet != S_PIERCER)
- return(0); /* trappers don't attack */
+ return(0); /* lurkers don't attack */
obj = which_armor(mtmp, WORN_HELMET);
if (obj && is_metallic(obj)) {
struct obj *obj = level.objects[u.ux][];
- if (obj ||
+ if (obj || u.umonnum == PM_TRAPPER ||
(>mlet == S_EEL && is_pool(u.ux, {
int save_spe = 0; /* suppress warning */
if (obj) {
save_spe = obj->spe;
if (obj->otyp == EGG) obj->spe = 0;
- if (>mlet == S_EEL)
+ if (>mlet == S_EEL ||
+ u.umonnum == PM_TRAPPER)
pline("Wait, %s! There's a hidden %s named %s there!",
m_monnam(mtmp),>mname, plname);