* Implementation of Rule that uses a constraint.
* Provides 'and' and 'or' to combine constraints. Immutable.
private static class ConstrainedRule implements Rule, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
private final String keyword;
return keyword + ": " + constraint;
* Implementation of RuleList that is itself a node in a linked list.
return ROW_DATA + state * (fHeader.fCatCount + 4);
static class TrieFoldingFunc implements Trie.DataManipulate {
public int getFoldingOffset(int data) {
if ((data & 0x8000) != 0) {
static TrieFoldingFunc fTrieFoldingFunc = new TrieFoldingFunc();
// getFoldedValue() function needed for Trie table creation.
class RBBIDataManipulate implements IntTrieBuilder.DataManipulate {
public int getFoldedValue(int start, int offset) {
int value;
return 0;
RBBIDataManipulate dm = new RBBIDataManipulate();