a correct Gussian filter (as used by resize)
* Added a switch so that "-interpolate filter" will force the use of
a cylindrical filter for ALL pixels in distorted images. That is you can
- use that swicth to use a cylindrical filter even for images that are
- being enlarged by the distortion. IT is alightly slower though.
+ use that switch to use a cylindrical filter even for images that are
+ being enlarged by the distortion. It is slightly slower though.
However EWA is still currently using a fixed 2.0 sampling radius.
- This switch complements the use of "-filter point" which turns of EWA
- filters in favor of interpolation for all pixels in a distiorted image.
+ This switch complements the use of "-filter point" which turns off EWA
+ filters in favor of interpolation for all pixels in a distorted image.
BOTH switched should not be used together.
* A bug in the support radius of the EWA resampling function was found,
now that correctly defined resize filters are being used. Suddenly Normal
blurring. The filter 'blur' expert option can be used to adjust this
- The above represents a major impovment forward in the quality of the image
- distortion operator.
+ The above represents a major improvement forward in the quality of the
+ image distortion operator.
2010-09-13 6.6.4-2 Cristy <quetzlzacatenango@image...>
* Don't negate the geometry offset for the -extent option.