#include "dns.hh"
#include "arguments.hh"
#include "packetcache.hh"
+#include "base64.hh"
#include "namespaces.hh"
void CommunicatorClass::sendNotification(int sock, const DNSName& domain, const ComboAddress& remote, uint16_t id)
+ UeberBackend B;
+ vector<string> meta;
+ string tsigkeyname;
+ string tsigalgorithm;
+ string tsigsecret64;
+ string tsigsecret;
+ if (B.getDomainMetadata(domain, "TSIG-ALLOW-AXFR", meta) && meta.size() > 0) {
+ tsigkeyname = meta[0];
+ }
vector<uint8_t> packet;
DNSPacketWriter pw(packet, domain, QType::SOA, 1, Opcode::Notify);
pw.getHeader()->id = id;
pw.getHeader()->aa = true;
+ if (tsigkeyname.empty() == false) {
+ B.getTSIGKey(tsigkeyname, &tsigalgorithm, &tsigsecret64);
+ TSIGRecordContent trc;
+ if (tsigalgorithm == "hmac-md5")
+ trc.d_algoName = tsigalgorithm + ".sig-alg.reg.int.";
+ else
+ trc.d_algoName = tsigalgorithm;
+ trc.d_time = time(0);
+ trc.d_fudge = 300;
+ trc.d_origID=ntohs(id);
+ trc.d_eRcode=0;
+ B64Decode(tsigsecret64, tsigsecret);
+ addTSIG(pw, &trc, tsigkeyname, tsigsecret, "", false);
+ }
if(sendto(sock, &packet[0], packet.size(), 0, (struct sockaddr*)(&remote), remote.getSocklen()) < 0) {
throw ResolverException("Unable to send notify to "+remote.toStringWithPort()+": "+stringerror());