call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_01', {})
silent !echo 'one more line' >>Xtext
- " Sceen will not change, move cursor to get a different dump
+ " Screen will not change, move cursor to get a different dump
call term_sendkeys(buf, "k")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_02', {})
set termwinsize=
-func Test_terminal_termwinsize_mininmum()
+func Test_terminal_termwinsize_minimum()
set termwinsize=10*50
let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
let term = term_start([GetVimProg(), '--clean', '-c', 'set noswapfile'])
- call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('[No Name] - VIM', term_gettitle(term)) })
+ if has('autoservername')
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('[No Name] - VIM1', term_gettitle(term)) })
+ else
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('[No Name] - VIM', term_gettitle(term)) })
+ endif
call term_sendkeys(term, ":e Xfoo\r")
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('Xfoo (.*[/\\]testdir) - VIM', term_gettitle(term)) })
let ypos = str2nr(substitute(line, '\[\d\+, \(\d\+\)\]', '\1', ''))
" Position must be bigger than the getwinpos() result of Vim itself.
- " The calcuation in the console assumes a 10 x 7 character cell.
+ " The calculation in the console assumes a 10 x 7 character cell.
" In the GUI it can be more, let's assume a 20 x 14 cell.
" And then add 100 / 200 tolerance.
let [xroot, yroot] = getwinpos()