-export([update_node_database/2, update_state_database/2]).
-export([update_item_database/2, update_lastitem_database/2]).
-update_item_database_binary() ->
- F = fun () ->
- case catch mnesia:read({pubsub_last_item, mnesia:first(pubsub_last_item)}) of
- [First] when is_list(First#pubsub_last_item.itemid) ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Binarization of pubsub items table...", []),
- lists:foreach(fun (Id) ->
- [Node] = mnesia:read({pubsub_last_item, Id}),
- ItemId = iolist_to_binary(Node#pubsub_last_item.itemid),
- ok = mnesia:delete({pubsub_last_item, Id}),
- ok = mnesia:write(Node#pubsub_last_item{itemid=ItemId})
- end,
- mnesia:all_keys(pubsub_last_item));
- _-> no_need
- end
- end,
- case mnesia:transaction(F) of
- {aborted, Reason} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to binarize pubsub items table: ~p", [Reason]);
- {atomic, no_need} ->
- ok;
- {atomic, Result} ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Pubsub items table has been binarized: ~p", [Result])
- end.
update_item_database(_Host, _ServerHost) ->
- F = fun() ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Migration of old pubsub items...", []),
- lists:foreach(fun (Key) ->
- [Item] = mnesia:read({pubsub_item, Key}),
- Payload = [xmlelement_to_xmlel(El) || El <- Item#pubsub_item.payload],
- mnesia:write(Item#pubsub_item{payload=Payload})
- end,
- mnesia:all_keys(pubsub_item))
- end,
- case mnesia:transaction(F) of
- {aborted, Reason} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to migrate old pubsub items to xmlel: ~p", [Reason]);
- {atomic, Result} ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Pubsub items has been migrated: ~p", [Result])
- end.
-xmlelement_to_xmlel({xmlelement, A, B, C}) when is_list(C) ->
- {xmlel, A, B, [xmlelement_to_xmlel(El) || El <- C]};
-xmlelement_to_xmlel(El) ->
- El.
-update_node_database_binary() ->
- F = fun () ->
- case catch mnesia:read({pubsub_node, mnesia:first(pubsub_node)}) of
- [First] when is_list(First#pubsub_node.type) ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Binarization of pubsub nodes table...", []),
- lists:foreach(fun ({H, N}) ->
- [Node] = mnesia:read({pubsub_node, {H, N}}),
- Type = iolist_to_binary(Node#pubsub_node.type),
- BN = case N of
- Binary when is_binary(Binary) ->
- N;
- _ ->
- {result, BN1} = mod_pubsub:node_call(H, Type, path_to_node, [N]),
- BN1
- end,
- BP = case [case P of
- Binary2 when is_binary(Binary2) -> P;
- _ -> element(2, mod_pubsub:node_call(H, Type, path_to_node, [P]))
- end
- || P <- Node#pubsub_node.parents] of
- [<<>>] -> [];
- Parents -> Parents
- end,
- BH = case H of
- {U, S, R} -> {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S), iolist_to_binary(R)};
- String -> iolist_to_binary(String)
- end,
- Owners = [{iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S), iolist_to_binary(R)} ||
- {U, S, R} <- Node#pubsub_node.owners],
- ok = mnesia:delete({pubsub_node, {H, N}}),
- ok = mnesia:write(Node#pubsub_node{nodeid = {BH, BN},
- parents = BP,
- type = Type,
- owners = Owners});
- (_) -> ok
- end,
- mnesia:all_keys(pubsub_node));
- _-> no_need
- end
- end,
- case mnesia:transaction(F) of
- {aborted, Reason} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to binarize pubsub node table: ~p", [Reason]);
- {atomic, no_need} ->
- ok;
- {atomic, Result} ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Pubsub nodes table has been binarized: ~p", [Result])
- end.
+ convert_list_items().
update_node_database(Host, ServerHost) ->
mnesia:del_table_index(pubsub_node, type),
_ -> ok
- update_node_database_binary().
+ convert_list_nodes().
rename_default_nodeplugin() ->
lists:foreach(fun (Node) ->
[stateid, nodeidx, items, affiliation, subscriptions] ->
?INFO_MSG("Upgrading pubsub states table...", []),
F = fun ({pubsub_state, {{U,S,R}, NodeID}, _NodeIdx, Items, Aff, Sub}, Acc) ->
- JID = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S), iolist_to_binary(R)},
+ JID = {U,S,R},
Subs = case Sub of
none ->
_ ->
- end.
+ end,
+ convert_list_subscriptions(),
+ convert_list_states().
update_lastitem_database(_Host, _ServerHost) ->
- update_item_database_binary().
+ convert_list_lasts().
+%% binarization from old 2.1.x
+convert_list_items() ->
+ convert_list_records(
+ pubsub_item,
+ record_info(fields, pubsub_item),
+ fun(#pubsub_item{itemid = {I, _}}) -> I end,
+ fun(#pubsub_item{itemid = {I, Nidx},
+ creation = {C, CKey},
+ modification = {M, MKey},
+ payload = Els} = R) ->
+ R#pubsub_item{itemid = {bin(I), Nidx},
+ creation = {C, binusr(CKey)},
+ modification = {M, binusr(MKey)},
+ payload = [fxml:to_xmlel(El) || El<-Els]}
+ end).
+convert_list_states() ->
+ convert_list_records(
+ pubsub_state,
+ record_info(fields, pubsub_state),
+ fun(#pubsub_state{stateid = {{U,_,_}, _}}) -> U end,
+ fun(#pubsub_state{stateid = {U, Nidx},
+ items = Is,
+ affiliation = A,
+ subscriptions = Ss} = R) ->
+ R#pubsub_state{stateid = {binusr(U), Nidx},
+ items = [bin(I) || I<-Is],
+ affiliation = A,
+ subscriptions = [{S,bin(Sid)} || {S,Sid}<-Ss]}
+ end).
+convert_list_nodes() ->
+ convert_list_records(
+ pubsub_node,
+ record_info(fields, pubsub_node),
+ fun(#pubsub_node{nodeid = {{U,_,_}, _}}) -> U;
+ (#pubsub_node{nodeid = {H, _}}) -> H end,
+ fun(#pubsub_node{nodeid = {H, N},
+ id = I,
+ parents = Ps,
+ type = T,
+ owners = Os,
+ options = Opts} = R) ->
+ R#pubsub_node{nodeid = {binhost(H), bin(N)},
+ id = I,
+ parents = [bin(P) || P<-Ps],
+ type = bin(T),
+ owners = [binusr(O) || O<-Os],
+ options = Opts}
+ end).
+convert_list_subscriptions() ->
+ convert_list_records(
+ pubsub_subscription,
+ record_info(fields, pubsub_subscription),
+ fun(#pubsub_subscription{subid = I}) -> I end,
+ fun(#pubsub_subscription{subid = I,
+ options = Opts} = R) ->
+ R#pubsub_subscription{subid = bin(I),
+ options = Opts}
+ end).
+convert_list_lasts() ->
+ convert_list_records(
+ pubsub_last_item,
+ record_info(fields, pubsub_last_item),
+ fun(#pubsub_last_item{itemid = I}) -> I end,
+ fun(#pubsub_last_item{itemid = I,
+ nodeid = Nidx,
+ creation = {C, CKey},
+ payload = Payload} = R) ->
+ R#pubsub_last_item{itemid = bin(I),
+ nodeid = Nidx,
+ creation = {C, binusr(CKey)},
+ payload = fxml:to_xmlel(Payload)}
+ end).
+%% internal tools
+convert_list_records(Tab, Fields, DetectFun, ConvertFun) ->
+ case mnesia:table_info(Tab, attributes) of
+ Fields ->
+ ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary(
+ Tab, Fields, set, DetectFun, ConvertFun);
+ _ ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Recreating ~p table", [Tab]),
+ mnesia:transform_table(Tab, ignore, Fields),
+ convert_list_records(Tab, Fields, DetectFun, ConvertFun)
+ end.
+binhost({U,S,R}) -> binusr({U,S,R});
+binhost(L) -> bin(L).
+binusr({U,S,R}) -> {bin(U), bin(S), bin(R)}.
+bin(L) -> iolist_to_binary(L).