SELECT tablename, rulename, definition FROM pg_rules
ORDER BY tablename, rulename;
- tablename | rulename | definition
+ tablename | rulename | definition
rtest_emp | rtest_emp_del | CREATE RULE rtest_emp_del AS ON DELETE TO rtest_emp DO INSERT INTO rtest_emplog (ename, who, "action", newsal, oldsal) VALUES (old.ename, "current_user"(), 'fired '::bpchar, '$0.00'::money, old.salary);
rtest_emp | rtest_emp_ins | CREATE RULE rtest_emp_ins AS ON INSERT TO rtest_emp DO INSERT INTO rtest_emplog (ename, who, "action", newsal, oldsal) VALUES (new.ename, "current_user"(), 'hired '::bpchar, new.salary, '$0.00'::money);
rtest_emp | rtest_emp_upd | CREATE RULE rtest_emp_upd AS ON UPDATE TO rtest_emp WHERE (new.salary <> old.salary) DO INSERT INTO rtest_emplog (ename, who, "action", newsal, oldsal) VALUES (new.ename, "current_user"(), 'honored '::bpchar, new.salary, old.salary);
shoelace | shoelace_del | CREATE RULE shoelace_del AS ON DELETE TO shoelace DO INSTEAD DELETE FROM shoelace_data WHERE (shoelace_data.sl_name = old.sl_name);
shoelace | shoelace_ins | CREATE RULE shoelace_ins AS ON INSERT TO shoelace DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO shoelace_data (sl_name, sl_avail, sl_color, sl_len, sl_unit) VALUES (new.sl_name, new.sl_avail, new.sl_color, new.sl_len, new.sl_unit);
shoelace | shoelace_upd | CREATE RULE shoelace_upd AS ON UPDATE TO shoelace DO INSTEAD UPDATE shoelace_data SET sl_name = new.sl_name, sl_avail = new.sl_avail, sl_color = new.sl_color, sl_len = new.sl_len, sl_unit = new.sl_unit WHERE (shoelace_data.sl_name = old.sl_name);
- shoelace_data | log_shoelace | CREATE RULE log_shoelace AS ON UPDATE TO shoelace_data WHERE (new.sl_avail <> old.sl_avail) DO INSERT INTO shoelace_log (sl_name, sl_avail, log_who, log_when) VALUES (new.sl_name, new.sl_avail, 'Al Bundy'::name, 'Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970'::"timestamp");
+ shoelace_data | log_shoelace | CREATE RULE log_shoelace AS ON UPDATE TO shoelace_data WHERE (new.sl_avail <> old.sl_avail) DO INSERT INTO shoelace_log (sl_name, sl_avail, log_who, log_when) VALUES (new.sl_name, new.sl_avail, 'Al Bundy'::name, "timestamp"('epoch'::text));
shoelace_ok | shoelace_ok_ins | CREATE RULE shoelace_ok_ins AS ON INSERT TO shoelace_ok DO INSTEAD UPDATE shoelace SET sl_avail = (shoelace.sl_avail + new.ok_quant) WHERE (shoelace.sl_name = new.ok_name);
(27 rows)