use Text::DelimMatch;
use Getopt::Std;
+use File::Basename;
+use English;
# call \share\dsssl\bin\dsl2man -i lib -d ..\docsrc\libref dblib.dsl
-$usage = "Usage: $0 -i idprefix -d dir [ file ... ]\n";
-die $usage if ! getopts('i:d:');
+$usage = "Usage: $0 -i idprefix -d dir [-D] [ file ... ]\n";
+die $usage if ! getopts('i:d:D');
$pubid = "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN";
%FFUNC = ();
%FFILE = ();
-$idprefix = $opt_i || die $usage;
+$idprefix = $opt_i || die $usage; # idprefix doesn't seem to be implemented
$outputdir = $opt_d || die $usage;
+sub debugmsg {
+ if ( $opt_D ) {
+ warn('D: ' . shift() . "\n");
+ }
if (!@FILES) {
opendir (DIR, ".");
-open (SGM, ">$outputdir/refentry.sgm");
+open(SGM, ">$outputdir/refentry.sgm") or
+ die("cannot write to $outputdir/refentry.sgm: $!\n");
$inref = 0;
while (@FILES) {
$file = shift @FILES;
($reference = $file) =~ s/\.dsl/\.sgm/;
- open (REF, ">$outputdir/$reference");
+ $reference = basename($file);
+ open (REF, ">$outputdir/$reference") or
+ die("cannot write to $outputdir/$reference: $!\n");
- open (F, $file);
+ open (F, "<$file") or
+ die("cannot read $file: $!\n");
read (F, $_, -s $file);
close (F);
+ debugmsg("reading from $file, writing to $outputdir/$reference");
if (/;; DOCINFO(.*?);; \/DOCINFO/s) {
$DOCINFO = $1;
if ($DOCINFO) {
print REF "<!doctype book public \"$pubid\" [\n";
- open (INFO, ">$outputdir/docinfo.sgm");
+ open (INFO, ">$outputdir/docinfo.sgm") or
+ die("error writing to $outputdir/docinfo.sgm: $!\n");
} else {
print REF "<!doctype reference public \"$pubid\" [\n";
while ($_ ne "") {
-# print "_ : ", substr($_, 0, 30), "\n";
+ debugmsg("_ : " . substr($_, 0, 30));
my ($pre, $match, $post) = $psearch->match($_);
$_ = $post;
if ($match =~ /^\(define /) {
my($function) = $match;
my($funcmatch) = new Text::DelimMatch '\(', '\)';
- my($func) = $';
+ my($func) = $'; # '
if ($func =~ /^\(/) {
$func = $funcmatch->match($func);
print SGM "\n</reference>\n" if $inref;
close (SGM);
-open (ENT, ">$outputdir/refentry.ent");
+open (ENT, ">$outputdir/refentry.ent") or
+ die("cannot write to $outputdir/refentry.ent: $!\n");
foreach $func (keys %FFUNC) {
my($refname, $synopsis) = ("", "");
print ENT "<!ENTITY $html_filename SYSTEM \"$html_filename.sgm\">\n";
- open (F, ">$outputdir/$html_filename.sgm");
+ open (F, ">$outputdir/$html_filename.sgm") or
+ die("error writing to $outputdir/$html_filename.sgm: $!\n");
print F <<RFEOF;
<RefEntry id="$id">
<!-- This file is generated automatically from the DSSSL source. -->